Chapter 8: Believe

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Rin just ran outta of the classroom and no one stopped him. Except for Yukio who tried to call him back. But he ignored him.

He just ran avoiding the awkward stares from the other kids on campus and just continued on to his dorm.

He trusted them...They hurted him again...

Including Bon...

He thought they could be friends again...

But they lied.

He understands now...

There are no such things as friends.

Rin: Friends...They only exist to break promises...

He was all alone.

He had no friends. Only Kuro, Ukobach, and the rest of the friendly demons here in assiah.

He finally made it inside. Tears fallen from his eyes. He decided to couldn't take the pain no more...

He had enough.

He was sick and tired of being treated as the Son of Satan.

There was nothing good inside of him to be around Assiah anymore. He only caused problems for everyone. He mess things up. He killed Shiro. Yukio hates him.

He was a tool...

He was a monster....

He was a demon...

He was...The Son of Satan...

That's all anyone will see him as and Bon just proved that.

Rin then grabs the kitchen knife avoiding Kuro's gaze.

Kuro: Rin?

Rin: I can't take the pain anymore, Kuro...I'm done...This is where I fall...

Kuro: Rin, No! Please don't kill yourself! I have no one left!

Rin: ....Sorry buddy....I just can't....

Kuro started meowing and crying before leaving to the other room. Rin felt bad but now...There's nothing left for him now. After all. How would miss him? Yukio? Shura? Shiemi?....

Why bother. They only pity him...

He points the knife towards his heart. Getting ready to finally kill himself. For what he learn. Half-demons can actually die if they are stabbed in the heart or shot in the head unlike full-blood demons.

Rin: Here goes...Goodbye...Everyone...

He was about to kill himself when the doors burst open.


The younger twin grabbed the knife from his brother who surprisely did not fight back.

Shura: Rin! You idiot!

Shura hugged him and the exwires came in.

Rin: Why...Why are you all here?

Shiemi: Rin...Please...Don't kill yourself! I never be able to forgive myself if you do!

Shima: Don't do it...

Konekomaru: Please Okumura...

Izumo: We all so very sorry.

Bon: It's all my fault! Just don't Okumura...Suicide is never the answer...

Yukio: Nii-san! We all care about you. We were all being idiots and were being selfish. We all so very sorry! So don't kill yourself! I don't know what I'll do without you!

Rin: But...But...I'm a demon...I'm the son of Satan...

Yukio: Well...So am I...So please Nii-san....

Yukio hugged his brother and the exwires all join in.

Rin started crying as everyone shed tears whispering apologizes and kept holding Rin afraid they might lose him if they let go.

Yukio: Shhh. Rin don't cry. I love you
Nii-san. I never hated you. This time, I'll be here for you. I won't let you get hurt again. That's a promise!

Rin: Y-Yukio....Thank you.

I can't believe~!
That when I breathe~!
There's something good inside of me~!
Just one good thing inside of me~!
So close to me~!
That memory~!
Of that one good thing inside of me~!
Just one good thing inside of me, yeah~!


After a while of crying and breakdowns. Everyone return back to the classroom.

Rin and Yukio sat next to one another holding each other hands.

Izumo was blushing and was mumbling something about yaoi.

Shiemi smiled and sat next to the Okumura Twins while the Kyoto Trio sat in back. Shura sat next to Mephisto who just continue smirking.

Mephisto: Alright~! Welcome back.

Everyone: -Glares-

Mephisto: More storytime. Chap chap.

Shiemi: A-Alright. I'll read.

Everyone nods as she read another entry.

Shiemi: It's from Miss Kirigakure.

Shura: Whatever...

Shiemi: Dear Diary. Like Rin and Yukio, I am also an adoptive child of Shiro Fujimoto. So that technically makes me their adoptive sister. I'm surprised no one notice yet. Not even Rin and Yukio.


Shura: Technically adoptive. I'm very surprised none of you even bother of ask. Espically you chicken.

Yukio: S-Sorry.

Yukio remember all those times when he said Shura was not part of his family when she was always talking about his family problems. But now that he realized she is his older yet adoptive sister. So that makes her family wheter he likes it or not. He has to get use to it now. But that won't be easy. She is worse than Rin.

Shiemi: I'll continue....It's from Rin again.


Shiemi: Dear Diary. Yukio and the old man always complained that I'm always jumping into fights for no apparent reason. But little did they know, the reason why I still fighting is because those assholes keep trying to find someway to harass my brother. Yeah right. Like no way in hell I'll let them do that. No one picks on my little brother.

Yukio: Rin...

Yukio felt bad. Now he knows why he's brother still gets into fights. It's because he was trying to protect him. He still doing it. Yukio felt guilty after all the times he and Father Fujimoto always critized Rin about fighting without giving him a second thought. Maybe when all this is over, Yukio will make it up to Rin.

Shiemi: Umm...Someone else like to read.

Bon: Let's make Kamaki.

Izumo: What?! Why me?!

Bon: Because you never read. So know it's your turn.

Izumo: Fine!

Izumo grabs the book from Shiemi.

Izumo: Oh. It's from Okumura Sensei.


Izumo: Dear Diary. No one knows yet but there's something wrong with my eyes. I think I have power inside them. But I must know. I can't tell anyone.


Everyone looks at Yukio with a shock look.

Rin: Y-Yukio?

Shura: Wait. What do you mean by you have power in your eyes. What's your secret?


Everyone wonder...What was the secret about Yukio's eyes?


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