Chapter 10: Slight Changes.

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Morning spreads all over True Cross Academy as the Okumura Twins begin to wake up.

Yukio was the first as usual. He decides to let his twin have a few minutes of sleep before he wake up.

He walked to the bathroom to wash up. After a 10 minute shower, he puts on a new set of clean clothes when he felt something...Behind him....

It felt warm, furry, and long. Yukio went towards the mirror to confirm his discovery....

He grown a tail....

And not just that. His green eyes look like have slits in them. His teeth and ears were pointy, like those of a demon.

Yukio couldn't believe his eyes. It...Actually happend...

He was a demon now...Or half-demon. Nevertheless it doesn't matter now...

What matters now is how Rin and the others going to react. Or in worse matters, the Vatican.

Rin got up a few minutes after Yukio was done in the bathroom. He was quite surprised he got up himself without letting Yukio do it or just either let him be late.

Rin got washed and dressed for school then went downstairs to notice Yukio and his...New look.

Rin: The hell?! You look different!

Yukio:...Well so do you...

Rin: Eh?...

Rin looked into a mirror...He still look the same but he notice was taller now...Possibly now taller than Yukio.

Rin: Whoa...How did we change overnight?

Yukio: Well I don't know for you...But for me...I guess it's because I finally accepted my demon side...


Yukio: I spent weeks trying to not think about it but everytime I do. The transformation begin to hurt. I always be trying to make myself more human...I guess I wasn't doing my best...

Rin: What are you talking about? You did your best to prove yourself strong. After all we're both stubborn when it comes to stuff like this.

Yukio made a small smile...

Yukio: I guess your right...But how will the others react...I really don't want to deal with Shura right now.

Rin huffs at his twin.

Rin: Well man up! Your gonna have to face the music somehow. Come on, let's go because we're already late!

Yukio looks at his watch and it says 8:27 am. Class starts now. He chuckles and feels a little bitter for being late. But he follows his older twin out the door.


Once they arrived. They were the center of attention.

Mostly Yukio. Shiemi asked him a question about why did he look different.

Yukio: Well...Umm...It's because I got a new haircut...

Shura whispered 'liar' but Yukio ignored her.

Shiemi: Oh okay!

Shiemi walked to her seat and sat mext to Rin on his right. Yukio felt a little jealous but remember Shiemi is his friend. So he sat next to Rin on his left.

Mephisto then appears.

Mephisto: Hello Everyone~!


Mephisto: Geez, don't look so gloomy~! Be happy that now some of you are getting along.

Everyone then noticed there was a green hamster on his hat eating a small chip. No one except for Rin knew who it was.

Rin: (Stupid Amaimon....He's the reason why I am in this mess...)

Amaimon:-Continues eating chips-


Mephisto: So who wants to read the next one?

Shima: Me!

Everyone groaned...They saw this coming.

Shima happily walked to the book and grabbed the entry.

Shima: Oh. It's Konekomaru.


Shima: Dear Diary. I kinda felt bad for being a bad friend to me. Sure he's the son of Satan but he means well. Heck, he even saved me when I was possessed by that bird demon. If only I wasn't so scared and weak, I would be strong like Bon, Shima, and Rin.

Bon: Koneko....

Shima: Neko-kun...


Rin: Dude. You are not weak. You are very smart and cool. Never say that you are weak!

Konekomaru made a small smile.

Konekomaru: Thank you Rin....And sorry for everything...

Rin: It's alright. I said I'm over it. How many times am I going to keep telling you guys?!

Izumo: Because it'll take a while for us to be convinced idiot.


Shima: Alright moving on! It's Kamaki now.
Dear Diary. I'm nothing but a tool for my mother. She used to be nice until she changed...Then one day...She become a fox demon and tried to kill me and my sister. She killed most of the people in our village. After that she vanished...I'm still wondering...Should I even think of her as a mother after what she did.

Shiemi: Ms. Kamaki...

Izumo: Just move on...I don't care no more...

Shima: ....If you say so...

Rin goes over to Izumo and whisper something to her.

Everyone look in wonder before they saw a small smile on Izumo's face and she nodded at Rin. He then return to his seat next to Shiemi and Yukio.

Yukio: What did you say to her.

Rin: Oh just some advice...

Yukio:...(Nii-san...You really are amazing...)

Shima: Okay next is.....

Konekomaru: What's wrong Shima....

Shima: Next entry...Is puppet boy...


Everyone look in shock. Now what kinda secrets does Nemu Takara...And his puppet have?


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