Chapter 2: Rin....

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An awkward silence echoed throughout the room. No one was sure who they should read first.

Mephisto: Why don't we start on Rin's?

Rin: WHAT ME?!

Bon: Why should we start on the demon?

Rin looked down and everyone could've swear Mephisto had glared at them. But they didn't catch much because he went back to showing a creepy smile.

Mephisto: Because I said soooo~! After all he's one of the most secretive here. So who wants to read Okumura-kun's book?

Shiemi: I-I guess it wouldn't hurt...

Everyone besides Mephisto was shock that Shiemi volunterred to read Rin's Journal. Rin was scared...Very scared...Shiemi was going to tell everything about him...

Shiemi: Here goes...

She looked at Rin who looked terrified.

Mephisto: Go on ahead Miss Moriyama.

Shiemi begins to read the first entry.

Shiemi: Dear Diary, everyone believes I'm an idiot because I'm always failing in grades. However, there's something they did not know that I'm actually super smart.
I pretend to be a idiot because everyone believes that Yukio is the smarter twin and because I ditched school at a young age. So I goes along with this. But of course, no one would believe this. The only ones who knows about my intelligence are Mephisto and Shura. They keep it a secret as well because their afraid it could jeopardize my future with the order.

Rin felt everyone stares at him. He wished he wasn't here.

Yukio: R-Rin...Is that true?


Bon: Ha! If It's true! Then what is an Incubus?

Rin looked at Mephisto who nodded. Rin sighed and answered.

Rin: A male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women. It can also sleep with men sometimes depending on whatever sexuality it is. It's female counterpart is the succubus.

Bon stared in shock. He thought Rin did not know that. Sure it was an easy guess but...

Yukio:...Rin...Why didn't you tell anybody?

Yukio was in bewilderment, of all the times, he thought his brother was stupid. He was actually very smart. Possibly smarter than him.

Rin: Just drop it...

Yukio: But-!


Yukio: What made you think we didn-?!

Mephisto: Miss Moriyama. Continue Reading.

Shiemi: O-Okay!

Rin: (Damn you clown!)

Shiemi: Dear Diary, I believes the world hates me for being the Son of Satan. I knows everyone hates me including Yukio. I know they see me as nothing but a demon and a weapon. I wished...Someone...Out there...Would care about me...People forget I maybe a half-demon but I'm also human. I have feelings, emotions, and they had broken me.

But I know everyone wants the human Rin not the demon one. I pretend not to notice the hateful glares, scared looks, and insults. But how long will I keep pretending?

Another awkward silence filled the room as everyone looked at Rin.

Rin was now cussing under his breath. They know. They now know.

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