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-6 months later-

At the vatican, everyone there was waiting for Rin to take his exorcist exam.

After finding out so many secrets.

They were scared.

Scared that Rin would die and they would never see their friend again.

Shiemi: Yuki...

Yukio: Yes, Shiemi?

Shiemi: Do you think Rin's going to make it?

Bon: Yes...Is Okumura going to complete the exam.

Izumo: What if those assholes try to do something!

Everyone looked at Yukio with pleading eyes hoping that he will give them an answer.

But like the exwires, Yukio was scared and beyond worried for his twin.

After finding out so many secrets about Rin and everyone else, they all became very close. At first, the trust between them was falling apart.

But thanks to Rin, they were able to stay close.

Yukio: I'm not sure...But we just need to believe in Rin.

Everyone nods and continues waiting.

Then everyone heard the doors open, revealing Shura.

Shura: Come on in. He's done.

Everyone nods as they went inside the vatican headquarters seeing Rin in the center of it all.

Yukio: Nii-san....

Everyone waited for the results then it sprang like a wildfire when all of the candidates look outraged at the results before saying.

Vatican: We hearby state...That Rin Okumura, Son of Satan...

Everyone had their hearts leaping out of their throats.

What will be the answer...

The tension was killing everyone.

Vatican:...Not be executed.

Everyone look in relief.

Angel: WHAT?!!

Shura: Ha! Take that Baldy! Told ya he'll complete the exam! Now you all have no choice but to make him an exorcist!

Angel: T-This is an outrage!

Shura: Oh shut up!

Angel growls and glares at Rin and Yukio.

Angel: I'll get you someday, sons of Satan.


Yukio was now hugging Rin with all his might.

Yukio: Nii-san! You did it! You completed your exam!

Rin: Ack! Yukio, your choking me!

Shiemi: Rin! I'm so happy your alive!

Izumo: We thought we were gonna lose you!

Bon: Yeah Okumura, you freakin scared us!

Shima: We thought you was gonna die!

Konekomaru: But...At least your alright.

Rin: Everyone...Thank you for supporting me...I thought I was not going to get far...

Yukio: Yeah...For now on, I will never doubt you again.

Shiemi: Same.

Everyone else nodded and hugged Rin.

Rin had tears fallen from his eyes as everyone hugged him.

Rin: Thanks a lot everyone! I love you all! For now, let's go home before Kuro and Ukobach worry. It's Sukiyaki Night!

Exwires: YAY!

Yukio: -Chuckles-

Shura: You better invite me!

The exwires, Yukio, and Shura had follow Rin home for the celebration for Rin's survival.

Mephisto and Amaimon watched them go.

Amaimon: It seems that little brother was able to survive huh?

Mephisto: Yep. It seems so. But I can tell you this, those Okumura Brothers. They sure are amazing.

Amaimon: Wait. Did they say, they were having sukiyaki?! I want some~!

Mephisto eyes went wide.

Mephisto: Dear Satan, your right!!! Hey everyone~! Wait for us!!!

-Don't just mindlessly judge people as you please-

-Your past shouldn't stop you from achieving your goals and dreams-

-So no matter what secrets we have, let's all be friends-

Quotes By. Rin Okumura.


A/N: Thanks for reading. I'm ending it here. See ya later.

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