Chapter 17: Mom...

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Yukio: Rin?

Rin: Yeah...

Yukio: Do you really think, we're doing the right thing...Learning about Mom and Dad's secrets...

Rin:....To be honest...Yes...But it's that Clown that making us read them. So if anyone to blame. It's him.

Yukio couldn't help but agreed with his twin. Why couldn't Mephisto just mind his own business.

Rin: But also....Don't you want to get to know more about Mom?


Rin: I mean...We never met her before because she died during our childbirth.
So we should at least try to know something about her.

Yukio:...You're right. Father Fujimoto never told us anything about her besides her death. We never even got to know her name til now...

Rin: Hmm...Oh well. At least we now know something....Come on..Break times over.

Yukio nods and follows the Older Okumura back into the room where everyone is waiting.

Shura: Took you both long enough!

Bon: What were you too doing.

Yukio: We...Were just talking...

Shura: Hn...Alright...

Mephisto: Alright~! Let's hear some more entries~!

Rin: Whatever.

Rin grabs the diary.

Rin: It's Mom. Dear Diary, I told Satan about our children. He was thrilled to hear that we were having kids. But he said he already had children. About 8 sons at least.

Rin: Wait a minute! How many brothers do we have again?!

Mephisto: Well counting me and Amaimon, there's Lucifer, Iblis, Egyn, Arazel, Beelzebub, and Astaroth.

Rin: Astaroth....

Yukio: Rin, what's wrong?

Rin: The King of Rot, he's the guy that possessed Shiratori before the old man came to save me...


Rin: I wonder if Shiratori is alright....

Despite that Shiratori was an sadistic asshole to Rin in the pass, he still wonder if the guy was alright. Is he still possessed or did he manage to break free from Astaroth grip?

Rin: Alright then. Moving on. Dear Diary. Shiro found out I was pregnant. He tried to kill the baby.

Rin and Yukio stared in shock. They couldn't help but feel hurt that their father tried to kill them when they were just babies...

Shura: Hmph. That's because he was order to by the vatican.

Rin and Yukio: Huh?

Shura: The vatican found out and they tried to have your mother burned at the stake. In the temple.

Bon and the Kyoto Trio eyes went wide.

Shima: Wait...

Konekomaru: You mean?

Shura: Yes. The Kyoto Temple. And guess what...That caused the Blue Night.

The Kyoto Trio couldn't believe what they are hearing. So the reason why Satan killed all those exorcists including their family members was because...He was trying to save his lover who was Rin and Yukio's mother. They thought they were killed for no reason. But now...They couldn't help but be disappointed in all those exorcists for trying to kill an innocent woman because she carried Satan's child within her.

Mephisto: And guess who order her execution?




Mephisto: Your grandfather.

Rin and Yukio: WHAT?!



Rin: Wh-Why the hell would he do that?!

Yukio: Sh-She supposed to be his daughter!!

Mephisto: Family never meant anything to your grandfather. He cast his daughter aside after he found out she was pregnant with you two. He then tried to have her executed but Satan took care of that. So he burned him and all the exorcist there. He saved your mother and helped her escaped. But like some of the exorcists, your grandfather survived.

Rin: -Growls-How dare he do that to Mom! He should've stayed dead.

Yukio: Agree. His death would be satifying.

Everyone shuddered when they both said that. It must be their demon side showing.

Mephisto: After that. He ordered Shiro to have you two both killed. But when we got there something changed within Shiro.

Rin pondered on what he meant by that.

Yukio took the diary from Rin before reading.

Yukio: It's Dad. Dear Diary, when me and Mephisto finally tracked Yuri down in the snowy fields. We saw her had already given birth to both boys. The sons of Satan. One clad in blue flames was named Rin and the one in yellow is named Yukio. Yuri then died due to the injuries on her legs. I thought it was just from childbirth.

So I decided to carry out the mission and kill both sons of Satan. But...However...
Something stopped me...The one named Rin...Smiled at me...I-I couldn't kill a child. Demon or not...I'm not cold-hearted...Sure I was a cold-hearted exorcist. But how can I commit a crime into killing a helpless defenseless child. So I decided to do one thing. I decided to take them in.

Rin: Dad....

Yukio smiled a little. It turns out Rin was able to save their lives and changed their father's heart. Because if he didn't, they both would've been dead a long time ago.

Shura: Wow....

Shiemi: That's really...Something.

Izumo: I agree. Who knew you two had such complicated parents.

Bon: I can say the same for you.

Izumo: Look whose talking.

Both glared at each other much to everyone's dismay.

Yukio: Alright. That's enough you two.

Shima: Yeah. You two sound just like an old married couple.

Bon and Izumo punches him straight in the face before they started shouting 'We are not a couple!!!'

Yukio: Moving on..It's Mom again...Strange it looks brand new.

Rin: Well read it.

Yukio: Dear Diary. Even though I'm dead. I been watching over my sons. And to say, I'm not pleased. My older son Rin is suffering while my youngest son Yukio is going through some rough times. I can't believe Satan tried to even kidnap Rin. I'm so disappointed in my lover. He even pressured Yukio into hurting those around him. I wanted him to be a father to Rin and Yukio, not use them as vessels. This isn't the dream I hoped for. When will Satan ever learn...I wished I was there because I could've been a better Mom and try my best to look after my sons.

Rin and Yukio: Mom...

Even if she's dead. She still watching over them.

But they both couldn't help but chuckle that Satan just got scolded. Ha! Serves him right!

They wonder how many secrets do their parents still have.


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