Chapter 16: Secrets From The Dead

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Rin: Wait....What do you mean by that?!

Mephisto: Oh Okumura-Kun, what I mean is...This. Eins~Zwei~Drei~!

Smoke had appeared from Mephisto hands before disvolving showing a book in his fingers.

He set the book down in front of the exwires before grinning.

Mephisto: I'm afraid the Okumura Twins can only read this one.

Everyone looked confused to why Mephisto only wants Rin and Yukio to read the book and not them. It must be very important.

Yukio then read the title.

Yukio: Shiro Fujimoto and....Yuri Egin?

Rin: Whose that?

Mephisto made a smile before replying.

Mephisto: Your mother.

The silence came back as Rin and Yukio just stared at the book. Everyone else including Shura had mixed feelings about this...

Rin: We finally...Get to know something about Mom?

Mephisto: Why, yes, after all, Shiro never told you who your mother was, did he?...Hmph. Shame on him~!

Rin and Yukio ignored him for once and look at the diary entry before looking at each other.

Rin: S-Should we?

Yukio: I don't think we have a choice Nii-san... But I am feeling anxious about this...

Rin: Same...I guess I'll read first.

Yukio nods as Rin gets ready to read the first entry.

Rin: It's Dad.

Yukio: Okay.

Everyone got ready.

Rin: Dear Diary. I made a bet to raise the sons of Satan. I didn't expect to be two of them...Why Me God? You curse me to befallen for such a fate. Me the Coolest Paladin in the world raising two spoiled brats.

Everyone looked like they were on the verge of laughing again.

An vein popped on Rin 's head. While Yukio couldn't help but sweatdrop. They forget that their adoptive father can sometimes be a bit of a jerk. But he meant well and he cared for the both of them.

Shura: Ha! Even in death, he's still mocking you both. But yeah, you two are spoiled brats. Because you both got parent issues.

Okumura Twins: Hey!!!

Shura: Well it's true.

Okumura Twins: .....

Rin: Moving On. Dad again. Dear Diary. I made a horrible mistake letting Rin get hurt. I kept a secret from him. I know he's the son of satan. Yukio too. Except that he's more human. So I took Yukio in under my wing and made him become the youngest exorcist ever.


Rin: However. That's when I made my mistake. I had Rin and Yukio distance from each other. I made Rin feel like he no one cares for him. I always critize him and made him feel hurt. I was only trying to protect him and my biggest regret is with Yukio. I never told him the truth about their mother and I took away his childhood. A child should not be an exorcist at that age. He should be making friends and helping Rin instead of growing up too soon. I'm sorry Rin for not being a good father and I'm sorry Yukio for taking away your childhood and made you see things that a child shouldn't see. Despite being the sons of Satan. I still love you both as my own sons. I will always be looking out for the both of you.


Shima: Man...That was deep...


Yukio: Rin?

Rin was shaking the book a little trying to hide his tears again.

Yukio hugged him and say it was going to be alright.

Rin: ...It-It's all my fault...If only I hadn't said those horrible words to him that day...He-He would've been still alive...-Sobs- -Hiccup-

Yukio: Shhhh. Rin. It's okay. It's all in the past now. I'm sure Dad forgives you.

After a few minutes, Rin was finally done crying. He lead the book to Yukio to read.

Yukio: It's our mother this time.

Rin: Okay....

Yukio: Dear Diary. Why can't everyone see that not all demons are evil? Exorcists were slaughtering poor defenseless demons who were only trying to live peacefully here in assiah. My Idiot of a dad whose the pope is being an ass. He refuse to let me do what I want and tries to make me follow in his legacy. I hate him. He doesn't even care about me.

Rin: Whoa...Mom sounds so...Badass.

Mephisto: Why yes Okumura, you might say you take after her personality. While Yukio-Sensei here inherited her looks.

Yukio: Wait. You knew our Mom?

Mephisto: Of course I did~! She was an exorcist before she became the lover to Satan.

Yukio nods before continuing.

Yukio: Mom again. Dear Diary. I met Satan in the snowy fields. He was in a wolf form looking very lonely. I couldn't help but pity him. Despite being the ruler of Gehenna, no one really cared about him and he was always feared by so many. But not me. So since he couldn't stay in Assiah without burning or destroying everything he touched. I let him used my body.

Rin: Wait. She did what now?!

Yukio: Yeah...That what I want to know...

Mephisto: She let Satan use her body so she can show him the beauty in Assiah. You might say after that, they became lovers.

Rin: Wow...

Bon: Your mother was pretty brave enough to do something like that Okumura.

Konekomaru: Right. I suprised she wasn't even burned by his flames.

Rin: Maybe because she was immune to the flames. Shiemi was also immune to them when she tried to calm me down in the forest.

Everyone gasped in realization even Shiemi. That was true. Shiemi should have burn when the flames touched her. But they didn't. Was it possible that there are some humans in this world like Shiemi and Yuri were immune to the flames?

Yukio: Next entry is Mom. Dear Diary. I just found out I'm pregnant. I know the baby will be in grave danger if Shiro and the Vatican found out. I must be careful. I want to keep my baby!

Rin: Mom....

Mephisto: Alright break time~!

Everyone scolded before leaving. So many secrets found out. What other secrets did Rin and Yukio's Mother and the decreased ex-paladin have that no one knows yet?

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