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         I - SAVIOR?

I swear, I had never been more terrified than I was in that moment. I ran down the hall, and I could tell it was a man from their heavy footsteps.

That was even worse.

Who knows what this man could do to me?

I turned the corner, and slipped.

"No, no.." I mumbled, picking myself up, picking up speed.

I kept running, the sound of his footsteps almost over powering mine. I found my way back to the front door, and I ran out into the hall, banging on my neighbors doors.

"H-Help me! S-Someone's trying to k-kill me!" I screamed.

I darted down the steps, banging on their doors as well.

No one answered.

The apartment complex was silent, and it was a dead giveaway that I was going to end up like Georgia Sanchez, and the other women who had been kidnapped. I looked around, and saw the man in the black hoodie standing at the top of the stairs. I couldn't see his face, but I saw him pull out a knife, and I screamed even louder than before.

Running down into the parking lot, I ran in between cars, trying to lose the unknown assailant. I ran across lawns, through they're backyards, hoping that I had a slim change of making it out alive.

My feet hurt from the concrete, and I'm pretty sure that my feet were bleeding. I was running out of breath, and I could feel myself slowing down.

If I was in a horror movie, I would've been dead.

I used the last bit of my strength to run behind an apartment and I was pushed down into the ground.

I struggled, crying out.

"W-What do you want with me?!" I cried.

I felt my arms go behind my back, and I was rolled over.

My eyes fell upon a gray hoodie, which his this stranger's face. I doubted that I would be able to see their face in this darkness, anyway. Whoever this was had straddled me, and pinned my arms to the ground. I could tell it was a male from how much strength they had, it being impossible for me to even move.

I had started to cry, and they wiped my tears away.

"P-Please l-let me g-go.." I whimpered.

They didn't say a word.

Looking back, he rose off of me, pulling me up on my feet. I stared at him, but it seemed to not faze him as he brushed me off, ridding my hair of the grass.

He turned around, and I grabbed his arm.

"T-Thank you.." I whimpered.

I sniffed, hoping that he was going to show me his face so I could thank him correctly.

Just when I thought that he was going to say something..

It all went to black.

Slowly opening my eyes, the sunlight greeted me, the warmth hitting my skin. I rubbed my eyes, starting to sit up, but I felt something tug on my leg.

It felt like the same force from last night; powerful, but gentle- if that was even possible.

He was tending to the injury I had on my leg, intently dabbing the small gash with a cotton ball. The sunlight shone on his curls, revealing them to be some type of deep-honey color. I took in his features, my eyes scanning over his sharp jaw, and plump lips.

He side-eyed me, and I could feel myself turning red. Placing a band-aid over my wound, he gathered his materials, pointing to a stack of folded clothes next to me.

He soon left, leaving me all alone.

Who is he?

Was he the man from last night?

Once I felt for sure that he was gone, I observed the room that I held in. It was like any other bedroom, nothing out of the ordinary.

I picked up the stack of clothes, I headed into the bathroom, to get started with my day.

I had no clue what was going on, but at least I had a bathroom to use..

Once I finished and changed into the fresh clothes- a basic white t-shirt and black shorts- I quietly exited my room.

I decided against wandering; as I might encounter something that I shouldn't. I would prefer not to know my end- if this man was going to bring me one..

Heading down the spiral staircase, I looked around.

I spotted him in the kitchen, making a plate. It smelled absolutely delicious, and I followed the scent into the kitchen.

He turned to me, and I had to look up at him. I stared at the eyepatch covering his left eye, and looked away from him. I felt him push the plate slightly into my stomach, and I took the plate filled with food from him, and I took at seat at the table.

As much as it smelled good, I didn't trust it, nor did I trust Mr. Silence.

I wasn't just going to accept food from some random man, in his house- if this even is his house.

"Romelo," his deep voice broke the silence with a chuckle, "Romelo's my name."

I stared at him. Romelo stirred around the contents of the pot, his arm flexing. His wife beater fit him well, and just from his appearance I could feel myself getting hot. I saw a slight peak of a tattoo, and I tore my eyes away from him.

"I'm not trying to poison you, if that's what you think. If I wanted to, I would've already."

I still didn't trust it.

"Aaliyah, I'm not going to hurt you."

I froze at the mention of my name.

"H-How do you know my n-name?" I stuttered.

"Trust me, I know everything about you," he grinned.

It fell silent, and my heart pounded in my chest.

"I'm here to protect you."

(AN: What do you think of Romelo? Can he be trusted?)

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