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    PT. 1.

When I closed my eyes, I could see her.

It was almost as if I could feel her, touching my face, telling me that I was going to alright. It terrified me; sent chills down my spine. But at the same time, it was almost healing..I liked seeing this vision of her.

She would come to me in a long, white dress, sometimes it would be purple.

I would hold her waist, my face contacting with her stomach. She would run her hands through my curls, and tell me to open my eyes.

And when I did, she was gone, and I was left facing at the bland, metal door.

Aaliyah hasn't been here to see me in a few days..and neither has Lorenzo.

I've gotten used to the feeling of an empty stomach. At least the grumbling let's me know that I'm still alive. Even though I've gotten used to it, I haven't gotten used to a dry throat.

I was tired all over. My legs had long lost the feeling in them, and I often had to look down to see if Lorenzo hadn't stolen them in my sleep. My arms felt limp, and lifeless. I was too tired to lift them up, but if I did-

My arms weren't tied to the chair.

My arms...weren't tied to the chair..

Aaliyah had left my arms untied.

I made an effort and lifted my arms up, and they hurt like hell. I rotated my hands, and regained the feeling in my wrists. My shoulder still hurt, but Lorenzo was nice to give me antibiotic for the infection he let me get.

"If I waited any longer I would have to slice your arm off," I remember him telling me, with a sinister smile on his face. I knew he was imagining how much pain I would be in, and it made me sick to my stomach.

I admit, I've killed some people in my time, but I'd never slice someone up..that's just evil. I was a bitch to some people, but cutting off their limbs never crossed my mind.

The door suddenly opened, Lorenzo coming into my view. I looked at him, and he punched me, directly in the nose.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

Lorenzo stood back, glaring at me.

"She still loves you, you piece of shit!"

I watched as he went into a rage, turning over his cart with his tools.

"I have half a mind you rip you fucking open and show her your dead corpse!"

I knew that Aaliyah would still love me. I could see it in her eyes. Whenever she saw me, her mood shifted; she was happy. I could tell she was putting up a facade for Lorenzo.

"I want her! She's mine! I want her!" He screamed, leaving the things around me in disarray.

The obsession he has with's sick.

It makes me want to throw up.

I knew I was going to pay for this..but I had to see him. This time, I was going to bring Ramiro with me. Lorenzo had went out, so I had some time to spend with Romelo.

"Where we going?"

I looked down at him, watching him observe his surroundings.

"To see Daddy."

Once Ramiro saw the door, he ran ahead of me, ready for me to open the door. I had to gently pull him aside, and even then, he still ran inside. "Daddy!"


I closed the door, watching Romelo embrace our son. He had tears in his eyes, and he hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead.

"I miss you Daddy," Ramiro cooed, hugging him tightly.

It was amazing how adorable these two were. Just by sharing a simple hug, because they haven't seen each other in so long was the cutest. I knew Ramiro wasn't going to forget his Daddy like that; I wouldn't let him either.

"I missed you too little've gotten so big!"

Romelo tickled him, and Ramiro giggled. He put him down, and Ramiro stood between his legs, his little hands on Romelo's thighs.

"Baby, come here.."

I did as told, and Romelo took my hands. "We have to talk about something.."

Instantly, a queasy feeling came over me.

"I don't want you to think any different of me when I say this, either. My love for's real. This family we's real, okay?"

I nodded.

(AN: CLIFFHANGERS, YO. Anyway..what do you think Romelo's going to tell Aaliyah?)

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