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"Romelo, he can't eat that!"

Romelo put down the slice of pizza, looking at me.

"Mhm, caught you."

Romelo pointed to Ramiro, "He wanted it."

Ramiro looked so happy to see me, by the way he moved around in his high chair. It was almost as if he was going jump out and latch onto me.

I picked him up, and he wiggled around in my arms. "Ooh baby, you're getting big!" I giggled. Ramiro seemed to give a little smirk, and I tickled him.

Ramiro was big for a four month old. I swear, everyday, he grows out of something whether it be a onesie, or a pair or shorts, he still grows out of it.

Romelo wiped the drool from Ramiro's mouth, sighing.

"He's gonna get a drool rash if he keeps drooling so much.."

"Well he's teething, so you can expect that he'll be drooling.."

"Open up, Ro."

Ramiro opened his mouth, and Romelo looked inside. "I can see his molars growing in."

He yawned in Romelo's face, smiling.


Ramiro was handling his teething very well! He's been irritable a few times, but other than that, he's been handling it like a big boy.

Romelo took Ramiro, and placed him back in his high chair.

"Sir, you don't want me to feed him?" Charles offered. Romelo shook his head in response, reaching up in the cabinet for Ramiro's baby food.

"He's my son, I'll handle his feeding."

Charles smiled. He knew Romelo wasn't going to let him feed him, as he barely lets Charles do anything for Ramiro. From changing diapers, to feeding him, Romelo does it all- or tries to do it all.

I turned to Charles, getting his attention. "Could you order Ramiro some more onesies? You know how he grows out of them so quickly.."

Charles nodded, "Anything for you, Miss Aaliyah."

"Anything for you, Miss Aaliyah," Romelo mocked him, "I can order them damn onesies."

Ramiro giggled.

I shook my head, running my hand through his hair. "Don't you giggle at that, Ramiro."

Romelo fed him a spoonful of mixed berry, and Ramiro raised his hands, happy at the taste.

"Do you ever wonder what it tastes like?" Romelo asked, looking at me.

I shook my head.

I've never had the sudden urge to just eat baby food, nor do I think I ever will. No matter how good some of them smell.

As I shifted my vision from Ramiro, back to Romelo, I got him just in time as he tasted some of the baby food.

"Romelo!" I yelled, causing him to choke as he swallowed.

"God damn, Aaliyah! Making a nigga choke and shit!"

I slapped the back of his head, "Don't you use that language around him!"

Ramiro giggled, fidgeting in his chair.

"Well he sure thinks it's funny!" Romelo smirked, and I pushed him. "Anyway, I can see why he likes this stuff..this flavor is good!"

"That's disgusting.." I mumbled.

Romelo returned to feeding Ramiro, and soon, my baby boy had enough.

Ramiro was enjoying his mobile, his eyes wide as he watching it go around and around.

Two months later, and now today was his birthday! And he was now 6 months old. He had several gifts, from Charles and my family and friends. He was beginning to look like Romelo more and more each day, and even act like him sometimes.

Ramiro gurgled, grabbing his sock covered foot. He squirmed around, and I smiled at him.

"What are you trying to do, huh?"

Ramiro turned his attention to me, and he murmured, his lips turning up into a smile. I lifted up his shirt, blowing on his stomach.

He giggled, screeching as I continued to blow air on his tummy.


I sat up.

Did he just say what I thought...?


"Romelo!" I screamed.

He rushed in, taking me into his arms. "What, who do I need to murder?"

I shook my head, looking at him, and then Ramiro. "He said his first word..."

I was in complete shock.

Romelo let me go, picking Ramiro up. "Playa, playa! Soon enough you'll be spitting game!"

Ramiro reached for me, and when I held him, he stared me down. "Mama!"

I smiled, "Look at you! So smart, baby boy!"

I knew Ramiro was smart, but I didn't know that he'd be saying his first word at six months! Usually it was six months for girls, and eight months for boys..but I guess Ramiro was ahead of the game! I kissed his soft cheek, and Ramiro cooed at me.

"Time for bed, sweetie pie!"

As a part of Ramiro's bedtime preparations, I bathed him, and fed him before he went to sleep.

I helped Ramiro put his arms in his onesie, while he tried to keep his eyes open.

"Someone's sleepy," I cooed.

Buttoning it up, I picked Ramiro up off of the changing table. He was already asleep, and I chuckled. He must've been tired out from his birthday festivities..

Placing him in his crib, I pulled the light blue blanket over his frame.

His little hands moved in his sleep, as well as his legs. I kissed his forehead, running my hand through his short, somewhat curly hair.

"Good night, sweetheart.."

(AN: Awww, they're one big happy family! But for how long do you think that will be?)

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