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She hasn't came out of her room for four days. I'm really worried about her. Something happened to her that day, and it's effected her in such a way that she won't speak to anybody. I've been trying to get her to come out, and I can hear her crying at night sometimes.

She hasn't eaten either.

I don't want to say what I think it is, but it's true..

I honestly don't know what I'd do.

"Master August, there's a call for you."

I took the phone from Charles, nodding.


"Hey nigga."


A smile spread across my face, and I laughed. "You made it!"

"Yeah. I almost didn't though..I made it out with only one gunshot wound to the arm."

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhm. So how's Aaliyah doing?"

"Terrible," I mumbled, "she hasn't come out of her room for four days.."

I heard Terrell sigh. "Ro..you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I nodded, "I don't want to say it."

I felt like it was all my fault. If I had brought Aaliyah along, this wouldn't have happened to her..

"It's not your fault man.."

I sighed, "Yes it is.."

"You weren't there. You couldn't have possibly prevented what happened to Aaliyah, and I'm sure she knows that."

I looked down at my hand, balling it up into a fist. "Then why do I feel so bad?"

"Because, you feel something for her, that she feels for you too."

I sighed again.

I wasn't sure how I felt about Aaliyah. Yes, I liked her..but could there possibly be more?

"Aaliyah needs you to be there. She needs to know that you're there for her."

I promised her.

"Aaliyah got raped, Romelo."

"I kn-"

"And she wants you, most of all."

I couldn't close my eyes.

I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't eat.

I was utterly terrified.

My body ached, my muscles feeling like they weighed several tons.

Ever time I closed my eyes, even for a second, I was taken back to that moment. Screaming, begging, sobbing..I did it all. No one came to help me.

I didn't even know what I did to deserve that.

I could still feel his hands on me, his lips on my neck..the cold barrel of the gun against my temple..

He said he was going to kill me if I didn't go through with it.

Starting to cry again, I muffled my sobs into my hand.

I felt so used, dirty..

"Aaliyah..please come out.."

I heard Romelo knock on the door, and I pulled the covers over my head. I couldn't come out and face him, he wouldn't look at me the same way..I knew it.

"Aaliyah, I know you're in there..at least eat something.."

Romelo had been trying to get me to come out of my room for three days straight. But I wouldn't budge.

I've just been laying here, my room dark, only a minimal amount of sunlight coming in between the closed blinds. My bed was a mess, and I think that there's one of my sheets on the floor.

"If you don't want to come out, at least let me in..I'm worried about you, Princess.."

I could hear the sadness in Romelo's voice. I know he needed to know himself what had happened to me, but I wouldn't know the first thing on how to tell him..

"I'll wait until you decide to come out..if you come out today.."

I hated how I was making him feel.

He was just trying to help..

I heard him sigh, and his footsteps go on down the hall.

I was exhausted, but I told myself that I couldn't go to sleep. When I went to sleep I had terrible nightmares..and no one would be there to wake me up from them.

I would be screaming, crying out for help.

But in the nightmares..he simply laughed at me, and continued his deed.

I would wake up sweaty, tears all over the place.

I would be trembling, fearful that he would get to me..

But I had a feeling..

A feeling that these nightmares wouldn't stop.

I needed him.

I missed him..

Coming down the stairs slowly, I dragged my feet. It was dark downstairs, most of the lights turned off.

I hoped that he was still awake.

Coming to his room, his door was closed, but there was light coming from under the door. Knocking on it gently, I waited till I heard his response.

"Come in.."

Pushing the door open, I bit my lip.


He put down the remote, looking towards me.

I rubbed my arm, watching Romelo get off the bed, coming to me.

"Hey baby..finally you're out of that room.." He softly smiled, taking my hands.

He guided me over to the bed, helping me on. I cuddled into him resting my hand on his bare chest. He wrapped his arm around my waist, hugging me to his chest.

I felt safe, comfortable..like he could protect me from anything.
Romelo's musky- yet sweet- scent surrounded me, relaxing my body.

"How you doing?" He asked me, kissing my temple.

"Tired.." I mumbled.

"Have you been getting enough sleep?"

I shook my head.

He rubbed my back, "Let me make you something to eat. Then I'll run a warm bath for you, that'll knock you right out."

He picked me up, carrying me all the way to the kitchen. He sat me at the counter, and I watched him gather things to make me something to eat. I rubbed my eyes, and put my head down, closing my eyes.

I heard him start to hum, and he kissed my cheek. "I'll wrap this up if you want to sleep now, baby."

I nodded, and he lifted me out of the seat, picking me up. I listened to his heartbeat as he walked back into his bedroom, and climbed on the bed. Holding me close, he stroked my hair.

"When you wake up, I'll be right here.."

I liked hearing Romelo's voice.

It kind of calmed my nerves, and to feel the vibration of his deep voice coming from his chest made me even more sleepy.

He sighed softly, and I soon fell asleep, Romelo gentle heartbeat as my lullaby.

I screamed.

Hitting the person holding me, I cried out, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Pl-Please!" I yelled, trying to push them out the bed.

I was terrified.

"Aaliyah, stop!"

Suddenly my wrists were pinned down to the pillow, Romelo hovering over me.

My chest heaved, and Romelo turned on the light. I couldn't keep from crying, and Romelo made me sit up in his lap. He kissed my forehead, and hugged me close to his chest.

"You want to talk about it, baby?"

I shook my head, wrapping my arms around him.

I didn't want to talk about it, I felt queasy just thinking about it..

"But if you don't talk about it, you're only gonna beat yourself up..I don't want to see that."

"You'll ha-hate me!" I hiccuped, looking up at him through my tears.

Romelo's face became serious, and he wiped my tears away.

"I wouldn't ever hate you, baby girl..and I can promise you that."

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