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Surprisingly, I slept through the night.

I sat up in bed, the smell of breakfast filling my room. Pushing the covers back, I stood up and yawned, stretching.

I opened my door, looking out into the hallway. I could hear the sound of food sizzling, and my stomach growled at the noise. I started to head down the spiral staircase, wary of waking anyone up- if there was anybody asleep.

Walking into the kitchen, I stopped.

"This smells good.." I mumbled.


Ramiro stood at my feet, reaching his arms up. He wobbled back and forth, and I picked him up. "Good morning, Ro," I smiled, kissing his nose. He smiled, giving me a big hug as usual.

"Good morning."

I flinched.

Lorenzo stood at the fridge, in a pair of sweats and a wife beater. I could see mostly all of his tattoos, and he had several tattoos on his chest.

Ramiro nuzzled into me, and wouldn't stop squirming.


He stopped lurking around in the fridge to look at me, and his eyes widened. He started to turn red, diverting his eyes away from me. I looked down at myself, and mentally slapped myself.

I had forgot the simple fact that I was dressed skimpily, and I bit my lip. "O-Oh! I'm s-sorry!"

Without a word, Lorenzo closed the fridge, walking past me. The cold air from his movement gave me goosebumps, and he soon reappeared, holding a black shirt.


Taking the black shirt, Lorenzo took Ramiro out of my arms, which caused me to panic. "Wait! What are you doing-"

Lorenzo grinned at me, "I'm not going to hurt him, if that's what your thinking."

I was very wary of Lorenzo.

I don't know, I had just gotten the vibe from him that I would want to stay on his good side. He seemed Romelo. It irked me how..calm he was.

"I guess I should feed him-"

"No need, I already did."

I slipped the shirt over my head, looking at Lorenzo. He smiled, and looked at Ramiro. Ramiro played with the hem of his shirt, and I bit my lip.

"Ramiro wanted to wake you up, but after today, I decided that you needed some extra rest."

"O-Oh..thank you.."

Lorenzo made me nervous.

It wasn't that he seemed like a terrible person..he just..scared me. He was too gentle for comfort, too kind. Ramiro seemed to appreciate all the attention he was getting from him, though.

But I didn't.

I can only hope that Ramiro doesn't get his mind polluted from Lorenzo.

I simply couldn't trust him.

He makes me feel like I'm on eggshells, and I've only spent a day and a half with him. I've never had to feel that way with Romelo, and that's what makes me miss him so much.

Ramiro was a constant reminder of his father, and everyday, even every hour, I see more and more of Romelo's qualities in Ramiro.

It didn't help that Ramiro was the spitting image of Romelo.

"Mama! Book time!"

Ramiro stood at my feet again, and I found it impossible not to smile at him. Ramiro had this way of making sure he got what he wanted, and that was by making you unable to move. He had wrapped himself around my leg, looking up at me with his big brown eyes.

"Book!" He screeched at me, which he repeated, over and over.

"Okay, okay baby!" I giggled. I picked him up, and he cooed at me. "I'll read you a book, only if you take a bath first."

Ramiro nodded, to which I kissed his temple. "Alright baby."

I sat at my desk in my office, my left eye twitching. A cigar rested between my fingers, and I blew the smoke into the air, closing my eyes.

I was beyond pissed.

I was seeing a shade of deep red.

My office lay in disarray, everything busted and smashed. The glass from the doors was missing, and smashed in. I looked down at my bloody hand, my knuckles stained with my own blood, small pieces of glass resting in between the spaces of my fingers.

Usually, Aaliyah would patch me up after one of my rampages, and made sure I stayed calm.

But Aaliyah wasn't fucking here, and neither was my god damn son.

That stupid, fucking call had gotten my family kidnapped, and know who exactly they were given to.


I was going to snap his neck when I saw him again.

He better not lay a hand on Ramiro, or even think about touching Aaliyah. She's mine, and only mine, and I will kill any other man who threatens to take what's mine.

I don't give a fuck if that man just so happens to be my brother.

Yes, there were things I didn't tell Aaliyah about Lorenzo, as I didn't plan for him to actually get her. Aaliyah didn't need to know that he was brother, let alone that he was twin. She would've thought I was insane, and yes, even though I might be a little insane, I needed her to trust me.

And she did trust me.

That's what makes me so upset.

I wasn't even worried about Lorenzo.

I was only worried if Aaliyah would still love me when I came to get her. It might take months..a year, but I'll save her..

I put the cigar out in the ashtray, getting out of my seat.

I left out of my office, and on the way, passed by Charles. He's been silent even since Aaliyah and Ramiro got kidnapped, and I can understand why. Charles saw Aaliyah as his daughter, as he's never had any kids.

Now that she's gone, Charles been a bit down in the dumps as well.

Going into the kitchen, I opened the cabinet, pulling a key from under the crack. I looked around, checking for anybody. I walked to the garage, and passed by all my cars, going to a white door with a passcode lock on the side.

This was my gun storage. Any gun you can name, I have some type of original or custom form of it. I had to keep my guns locked up with a passcode, as I wouldn't want just anybody going in and getting my weapons. There's only one other person who knows the code, and that's Charles.

Walking through the hall, I came to a door at the end of the hallway. I unlocked the door with my key, and entered the room.

My eyes fell upon the squirmed, hyperventilating man tied to the chair. He practically screamed at the sight of me, and a wide grin spread across my face.

"Now, you want to tell me where my family is?"

RC didn't answer, his hazel eyes filled with fear. He was battered and bruised, his nose bleeding from the hit I landed on him yesterday. I've been watching RC, and he's done some sneaky ass things, so when Aaliyah and Ramiro got kidnapped, I knew who exactly did it.

RC was going to give me the location of my wife and son, and it doesn't matter if I have to bring him to near death, I'll do it.

"No answer?"

I reached down on the floor, picking up the knife. RC shook his head, "R-Romelo pl-please!"

I held the knife to his throat, making him look at me.

"RC..why be so stubborn? You should tell me..we are friends, after all, hm? I just want my family back, that's all. No harm, no foul."

"L-Lorenzo sa-said that he-he'd kill my li-little girl, ma-man.." RC sniffed, his eyes welling up with tears.

That didn't shake me.

"Tell me where Aaliyah is, and I'll make sure he won't get his hands on your little girl, aight?"

RC nodded, and I stepped back from him.

"I-Italy. T-They're in It-Italy," he stuttered.

I nodded, "You wouldn't be lying to me, RC?"

He shook his head, over and over.

"I swear on my mom's grave that th-they're there."

I nodded.

After getting my specific information out of RC, I headed back into the house, placing the key back in the correct spot. I made sure to call RC's girl, telling her that he would be home soon, and that I wired money to her account to make sure that they're safe. I also made sure that RC wouldn't cross me again, because if he did, I wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck and throw his body in the ocean.

I went to find Charles, and he was cleaning a vase in the hallway. I stopped in front of him, and he put the vase down, staring at me.

"Book me a flight to Italy, for a few weeks from now. I got a plan to get my family back, and I'll need your help."

(AN: Well someone's got a plan..what do yall think? Picture of Ramiro on the side :3 )

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