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Romelo showed me around the house, but I could sense some tension between us. He seemed to be giving me some type of cold shoulder.

I could see the veins protruding out of his arms, as he was clenching his fists. I simply walked behind him silently, and I was afraid to say anything. Romelo always did fly off at the handle at random times, and I don't think that this is a time to try-

"And this is your room."

Looking at Romelo, I stepped past him to enter the room. My mouth dropped, looking around.

It was like a mini suite!

A bed sat in the middle of the room, on either side sat cherrywood nightstands. There was a full body mirror in the corner, and opening a door let me into the bathroom, complete with granite countertops, adorned with various care products. There was a bathtub, and a glass shower, and it was all like a dream.

Walking into another part into the room, I found the huge walk in closet, filled to the brim with clothes and shoes. I also found a room with two cream couches, a coffee table, and a flat screen tv.

"Thank you, Romelo.." I breathlessly said.

"It's nothing."

He started to leave, but I stopped him.

"Can I sleep with you, tonight?" I asked, clasping my hands together.

As much as I loved the room, and was thankful for it, I was still having nightmares of my ordeal. I wouldn't feel comfortable sleeping alone for a while, I assumed..

Romelo seemed to be looking past me, and I touched his arm. I felt him tense up, and I slowly pulled my hand away.

"N-Not this t-time.." He mumbled.

Even though I was slightly upset, I nodded. "That's okay, Romelo."

Romelo nodded, and proceeded to leave my room. "Goodnight, Romelo.." I whispered, closing the door.

I sighed, and turned around to my room.

I was tired.

Deciding that taking a shower was best, I ran the water, and as I waited for the water to warm up, I stripped down out of my clothes. I stepped into the shower, letting the water soothe my tired body.

When I was fresh and clean, I tried to find something simple to sleep in. All I found were silk, short nightgowns, and when I tried one on, it was tighter than I expected.

Looking in the mirror, I pulled the sides of the nightgown down. It stopped mid-thigh, and was tight around my hips.

"Well, at least it covers my butt," I shrugged.

Yawning, I climbed into bed, pulling the cream sheets over myself. I reached over to the lamp, and turned it off, soon finding my comfortable spot.

Soon, I was fast asleep.

I was surprised that I made it through the night. I thought I would've woken up screaming and crying, but I was..okay.

Climbing out the bed, the scent of breakfast found it's way into my room. Pushing the covers back, I looked around for something to cover up with. I didn't find anything, so I just proceeded to head downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Yeah, how did the deal go?"

Hearing Romelo's voice, I followed the sound into the living room.


Romelo suddenly turned, and his eyes widened.


I blushed.

Romelo was sitting there with another man, whose hazel eyes locked onto me. It seemed like they were doing some type of deal, but I didn't know what they were exchanging for.

"H-Hi," I waved.

"Hi, bonita."

Romelo's friend spoke with a low, Spanish accent, and I couldn't help but feel attracted to him. He had a sharp jawline, and his lips were ever so plump. He flashed me a smile, and I tore my eyes away from him.

Romelo took my arm, and pulled me out of the room. "Aaliyah, don't you know how to fucking cover up?"

I frowned, "I couldn't find anything..I didn't know you had company.."

"Romelo, she's fine."

Romelo tightened his grip on my arm, and his friend smiled at me once more. He took my hand, and kissed it gently, staring into my eyes. "I'm RC," he nodded.

"I-It's nice to meet y-you.."

"And it's a pleasure to meet you. So you're Romelo's special girl, huh? You're way more cuter in person than on the news."

I faintly smiled at him.

RC grinned, and then looked at Romelo.

"You let her run around in outfits like this?" He chuckled, "I might just snatch her up before Lorenzo can even get a chance."

RC let go of my hand, and Romelo pulled me close. "There's breakfast on the table," he hissed in my ear, "go cover up before you eat."

I had to find ways to keep myself entertained while Romelo did his business.

Then I realized, my birthday was in a few days. I had been so worried about Lorenzo finding me, along with a bunch of other things that I almost forgot about my birthday.

The second that RC left, I was downstairs and in Romelo's face.

"Romelo, please!"

He ignored me, but I kept bothering him.

"It's just one or two friends!"

Romelo sighed, continuing to make himself a sandwich.

"Romelo! Please! I promise, only one or two!"

"You're annoying, you know that?"

I rolled my eyes, and snatched the peanut butter from his hands.

"Aaliyah, give me that."

I shook my head, "No!"

If Romelo wanted to be stubborn and ignore me, two could play at that game.

"Aaliyah, give me the fucking peanut butter."

"No." I refused.

Romelo started to chase me, and I screamed, running from him. "Aaliyah, get your ass back here!" He yelled.

He chased me through several rooms, and up and down the stairs. I kept running, even though I was breathing hard. We ended up back in the kitchen. "Aaliyah, I'm not fucking playing!"

"But you still haven't caught me, huh?!"

Romelo and I were on opposite sides of the counter, and every time he tried to catch me, I would switch sides.

Romelo literally climbed over the counter, trying to get me. I laughed, and ran back out the kitchen, going up the stairs. He pulled my leg, and I fell down, the peanut butter dropping out of my hand. I turned over, trying to crawl back, but Romelo kept pulling my leg back to him.

He eventually found his way on top of me, and pinned my arms above my head.

"Just for that, you're gonna get it."

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he returned the favor.

"What are you gonna do?" I teased.


I felt his hands creep up my shirt, and he started to tickle me. I screamed, giggling, as he kept his smirk on his face.

"Ro-Romelo!" I laughed, "St-Stop!"

"Uh uh, girl."

I tried to push at his hands, but Romelo kept tickling me. I had tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard. He stopped, and stared into my eyes, close to my face. My breathing was heavy, as was Romelo's.

I felt his lips brush against mine, and I closed my eyes, savoring the moment of his soft lips against mine. One of his hands moved out of my shirt and down to my thigh, wrapping it around his torso.

I caressed his face, our lips moving so in sync that I felt like I was on cloud nine.

Romelo pulled away, and cracked a smile.

"I'll let you have your little party," he pecked my lips.

"Really?" I smiled, "That's grea-"

"Only on one condition.." He interrupted.

I raised my eyebrows, and he rubbed my waist.

"That I get to give you the best birthday present ever."

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