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I outright refused to talk to Romelo.

He wouldn't stop persisting for me to speak to him, though. It was like he just suddenly disgusted me, I couldn't stand his looks or his touch. I was hurt, and he knew it.

"You still aren't going to talk to me?" He whimpered, his voice high with desperation.

I could hear Charles screaming at Romelo last night, and Charles was fuming. He must've been yelling at Romelo over him hitting me..

Staring at my bruised cheek in the mirror, I applied a little pressure, and immediately stopped.

I sighed.

My cheek was purplish-bluish, and it was noticeable against my skin.

In the mirror, I could see Romelo pouting, his arms crossed over his chest. He sighed, and looked away from me.

"I said I was sorry.." He mumbled, "what do you want me to do?"

I honestly didn't know what I wanted him to do..I knew he'd try to make it up to me, but I was still upset over the fact that he hit me..

"Baby please..don't do this to me..I don't like to not be able to hear your voice.."

I still didn't respond to him, and he stepped closer to me. "Please, Aaliyah? Tell me you hate me, anything, I just want to hear you speak.."

I looked down, trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm sorry."

Bringing my head up, my eyes locked onto Romelo's.

Maybe it was just the hormones, but I burst into tears, confused about my emotions. Romelo chuckled, hugging me. "You gonna talk to me, hm?"

I wiped my eyes, and looked at him. He attempted to kiss my cheek, but I moved away, earning a frown from him.

"I want ice cream," I stated.

Romelo grinned, and I allowed him to kiss my cheek. "I'll get my Princess some ice cream."

I got situated on the couch, and Romelo brought me I've cream, just like I wanted.

"Morning, Ramiro.." He smiled, rubbing my stomach as he sat down. Ramiro replied with a small kick, and I sighed.. Once Ramiro had gotten started, he'd be kicking and squirming around for the rest of the day. Sometimes he moved so much, I couldn't sleep.

"He's gonna be moving for the rest of the day.." Romelo chuckled.

"I know that..you trying to keep me up at night?"

Romelo lifted up my shirt, just in time to see Ramiro's little foot.

"He must be happy to get that ice cream." I smiled.

Romelo nodded, "Only 2 more months to go.."

I nodded, taking another scoop of vanilla ice cream into my mouth.

I could only hope that we'd make it these last two months..

And we did last these two months. Romelo and I went to our last doctor's appointment, and he said that I was due any day now. Romelo was happy about that, during the night I would sometimes hear him pacing in the hallway, talking to himself about how he was going to take care of Ramiro.

I even caught him in the baby room moving the furniture around, his shirt soaked with sweat, his brows furrowed in intense concentration.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in the bed, noticing Romelo wasn't next to me.

I sighed.

Getting out of the bed, I tucked one arm under my belly, my hand resting on my stomach. Ramiro kicked at my touch, and I smiled.

He was ready to come out.

Exiting the bedroom, I looked into the dark hallway. I could see Romelo's shadow against the wall, as he moved around in Ramiro's room.

He was at it again.

I headed towards the nursery, hearing Romelo mumble to himself. It was really worrying me, these incidents seemed to happen more frequently as the days leading up to Ramiro's due date added up.

I entered the room, just as Romelo pushed Ramiro's crib up against the wall.

Usually, I wouldn't stop him, and he would tire himself out, but he seemed to be a bit more out of it than usual.

"Romelo, honey.."

"Huh..?" He looked at me, that blank stare in his eyes.

His bare chest glistened with sweat, and I sighed at him.

"Come back to bed."

"I c-can't..it needs to be per-perfect.."

I stepped towards him, caressing his cheek. "Baby, you need your rest.."

He shook his head, and I sighed once more. "You're just nervous that you won't be a good father, hm?"

Romelo nodded slowly, and I patted his chest.

"I-I need everything to b-be perfect..he has to l-like it.."

I cracked a smile at him.

He's simply adorable when he's nervous. I don't get to see him crack under pressure often, and when I do, I get to see that vulnerable side of him.

"It's fine, Romelo. You need to get a good night's rest."

I took his hand, and guided him out of the nursery and into the hallway, like he was a small child. Sometimes he would stop and try to go back to the room, and I would have to coax him to keep moving.

We entered the bedroom, and I closed the door behind him. I got him into bed, and rubbed his forehead, smiling at him.

"I love you," he gave me a tired grin. I smiled at him, and kissed his lips. I got into bed, and before I knew it, he was snoring, a signal that he was fast asleep. I pulled the covers over myself, and drifted off to sleep.

I wasn't asleep for long though, as Romelo nearly pushed me out of the bed trying to get me to wake up. I sat up, and Romelo had some twisted up expression.

"What?" I asked.

"You peed the bed."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Fool, I didn't pee the be- oh my god!"

I groaned, falling back on the bed in pain.

"R-Romelo..I think he's co-coming!"

Romelo instantly went into boss mode.

"Charles!" He screamed, waking up the whole house.

Charles rushed in, immediately following his orders. "Tell Martin to bring the car around, and no funny business, Aaliyah's about to have this baby!"

Before I knew it, I was moved from the bed out to the car, and we were speeding off to the hospital. It was almost like a blur; Romelo holding my hand as I tried my best to not squeeze the life out of Romelo's hand.

"Shit, I forgot my eyepatch.." Romelo cursed.

Charles handed him one, and he slipped it on adjusting it.

"Can I push this baby out?!" I cried.

"No, no, Miss Aaliyah, you don't want to hurt him.."

My contractions were intense, almost to intense to handle. "I'm right here, baby..just breathe.." Romelo cooed.

I tried to do as he said, but I couldn't focus. It felt like Ramiro was going to tear me in half. I whined, and we turned into the hospital, where the rushed me inside.

"Oh my god, Romelo I'll kill you!" I screamed.

Romelo winced as I squeezed his hand ten times harder.

"Just breathe, Aaliyah!" The nurse instructed.

Taking deep breaths, Romelo let go of my hand to take a look at the work going on down there. "Oh holy.."

He literally dropped, Charles catching him as he fell.

I gripped the sheets, groaning.

It was such an intense pain, I wished that I was having an outer body experience so I wouldn't feel the pain.

"Okay, he's crowning!"

I suddenly felt relieved, and I managed a smile when I heard Ramiro's cry. My little boy was crying his lungs out, and I was pretty sure they could hear him screaming all the way down the hallway.

"It's a little baby boy!"

Romelo got himself together, and he grinned. "Look at him.."

He cut the umbilical cord, and they handed Ramiro to me, wrapped up in a blue blanket.

I swear, he was the cutest.

He could barely keep his little eyes open.

"Look at you, baby boy..you look just like Daddy."

Romelo stood by the side of the hospital bed, smiling at Ramiro.

Rubbing Ramiro's cheek softly with my finger, his small hand reached out and grabbed my finger.

It was..amazing.

The little bundle of joy I was carrying inside of me for 9 months was finally here, and interacting with me. It was breathtaking how adorable he was, my little newborn baby boy.

I looked up at Romelo, who had taken off his eyepatch. It was tightly balled up in his hand, and he looked like he was..crying?


He looked at me, and my assumptions were confirmed. Romelo was crying, and he gave me a smile.

"He has your eyes.."

I looked back down at Ramiro, who blinked, and yawned a little.

"Can I hold him?"

I gave him to Romelo, and I watched them interact. Romelo held him in his arms, and looked at him as if Ramiro was made of glass.

Romelo started to chuckle, "Hey look! He's holding my finger!"

I couldn't help but smile.

(AN: Awe..Ramiro's finally here! :3 )

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