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It's been two months since Romelo and I's first sexual escapade. I thought the first time was crazy, now we do it almost everywhere! Each time, Romelo gets rougher and rougher, it feels like he's trying to give me a baby..

I think the sex officially confirms that we're a couple, and I like the way that sounds. I like it a lot..

The warm water felt fantastic against my skin, soothing my sore and tired muscles. After last night, my body hurt all over. I sighed, completely relaxed. The scent of lavender filled the bathroom, and I stepped out of the shower, turning it off.

Grabbing a white towel off the rack, I wrapped it around myself. My body felt refreshed, and my morning grogginess had disappeared. I walked back into Romelo's room, and he looked up at me. He was lifting weights, the veins in his arms popping out as he did so.

"Look at you," he licked his lips, doing a few more reps, "you wanna bring that to Daddy?"

I giggled, and came towards him. He dropped the weight, hugging me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I leaned down, pecking his lips.

"You smell delicious, baby."

"It's lavender," I told him.

He smiled, and I felt his hands at the knot in my towel. I shook my head, and took his hands. "No, no, Romelo.."

Romelo sucked his teeth, gripping my waist, "Fine, be selfish."

I smiled, and he let me go.

I went over to the closet, pulling on a shirt and shorts.

"You know, we should do something today," I suggested.

"Shopping ain't no suggestion."

"Don't be like-"

I groaned, holding my stomach. The pain was back again, the intense cramps making me have to sit down. "You okay, baby?" Romelo asked, coming over to me. He placed his hand on my stomach, and I groaned once more, the sharp pains circulating around my stomach.

"Maybe I should be gentler next time? You've been having these pains for over a week now.."

I sighed, the pain finally subsiding.

"I'm okay now..maybe I just need something to eat.."

Rather than go out, we decided to stay at home and just lounge around. I was flipping through channels, trying to find something interesting to watch. Every other channel seemed to be in French, and I was getting frustrated.

Looking at the English directory on the guide, I found a show to watch. Romelo walked in, and sat down next to me, pulling my legs into his lap.

"What's this?" He asked.

I shrugged.

I felt his hand creep up my thigh, and I slapped it away. "Romelo."

He huffed, "I just want some love, god damn.."

I kept watching the show, finding absolutely nothing funny with it. Once again, Romelo's hand crept up my thigh, and I slapped it again. He groaned, and acting like a five year old, he laid his big head on my stomach. He pushed my shirt up a bit, rubbing my stomach.

Romelo kissed my stomach, and I giggled. "Go away!" I cried.

"No..I love bothering you.." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, pushing at his head. ARomelo kissed my palm, and I huffed.

"Romelo!" I whined, "I want to watch tv!"

"You can watch this tv!" He smiled.

Sometimes, he's so silly..

He let up with his assault of kisses, and I turned my attention to the television. Seeing the credits roll of the show, I hit him, pouting.

"You made me miss my favorite show!"

He started to laugh, and I rolled my eyes once more.

"What you mean, favorite show? You ain't even know what it was!" He cackled, holding his chest.

Suddenly, I felt the need to rush to the bathroom. I sat up, and Romelo fell off of me, and onto the floor. Rushing to the bathroom, I threw up the contents of my stomach in the toilet.

"Lord.." I sighed.

Wiping my mouth, I sat back, looking at Romelo, who had a worried look on his face.

"W-What?" I asked him, flushing the toilet.

"Aaliyah, don't get mad when I say this.."

"What is it?"

Romelo hesitated, and pulled me up. He looked into my eyes, and bit his lip.

"Baby..I think you might be pregnant."

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