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I yawned, slowly sitting up.

"Good morning, beauty queen."

I looked over at Romelo, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He smiled, revealing his abnormally sharp canines. I rubbed my arm, mumbling a good morning to him. I looked around, noticing that I wasn't in my room.

Romelo turned on the plasma television, the news flashing across the screen.

"A missing person's report has been filed for 24 year old Aaliyah Turner, who was last seen at her apartment complex, Glencove Crossing. Her case is one of seven kidnapping cases the police are solving, and they believe that her disappearance is connected to the other disappearances. If you have any information on the disappearance of Aaliyah Turner, please call the..."

I looked down, tracing the pattern in the bed spread. "Aaliyah.." Romelo called. I looked up at him, tears stinging my eyes. Stray tears fell down my cheeks, and he wiped them away, his face saddened.

"I know you want to go home.."

I looked away from him, and sighed. "Can't you just tell me why you need to protect me?"

His hand moved to my thigh, and he kissed my forehead. "I'll tell you soon enough, beauty."

I nodded softly, and Romelo smiled.

Over the next few days, I had time to think about my new life here.

And I've come to a conclusion that I've hated it.

And I've also come to the conclusion that I hated Romelo.

Laying on my side, I heard the door open. "Hey Aaliyah..I got breakfast for you."

Just hearing his voice irked me.

This man had ripped me out of my life, and now I have police looking for me! My family is probably worried sick, and I'm pretty sure they think I've been seriously hurt, or even dead.

How do I know that Romelo isn't working with that strange man who tried to kill me?

"Don't tell me you aren't going to eat?" He asked, his voice tired.

He must've just woken up.

I didn't answer, only pulling the covers over my head. "Get your ass up," he growled.

I didn't budge, and suddenly the covers were yanked away from me.

"Get your ass out of that bed."

Still, I was going to be stubborn and not move. I didn't even bother to look at him.

"Oh, you wanna be stubborn?" He snarled, and roughly pulled my legs toward him. I whimpered, and Romelo made me look at him. He climbed in between my legs, pressing against me. My breathing quickened, and Romelo bit his lip at me.

"Act like you don't hear me again, Aaliyah. Don't forget whose house you're in."

He stared at me intently, and I nodded slowly.

"Now fucking eat this breakfast. I ain't make it for nothing."

He let me go, and I watched him as he left, slamming the door behind him.

Ever since the incident this morning, I've been wary of being around Romelo. I mean, he really scared me with that. I haven't been talking to him- not that I talked to him much anyway.

I was a little hungry, and Romelo was the only one who knew his way around here. I decided that I would try and find him. Wandering around the house, I opened a few doors, not containing anything special. Some of the doors were locked, and I wondered why.

"Romelo?" I called out, stopping in front of a door. I knocked, but no one answered. I tried the handle, and surprisingly, it opened.

I screamed.

Photos of me covered the walls, my information plastered on the walls too.

There was even a photo of me in bed, fast asleep.

"What are you doing in here?"

Hearing Romelo's deep voice, I turned around to him. "Why do you have pictures of me?!" I screamed at him, in which he smiled.

Seeing his smile made me want to tear my hair out.

"You have pictures of me in the shower, out with my family, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled, pushing at his chest.

Romelo still smiled, he even chuckled at my rage.

"You're sick!" I huffed.

It was utterly terrifying and disgusting to know that he's possibly been in my home, or that he's followed me around.

"Like I said, princess, I know everything about you."

I screamed, and hit him, coming away with blood on my hand. He held his cheek, and I looked at my hand.

"Damn, you sure do know how to scratch a nigga.."

I looked at his cheek, seeing that I gave him three claw marks, deep at that.

"What do y-you want from m-me?!"

"I don't want anything from you," he answered.

"Well let me go home!"

I pushed past him, looking for a phone. I found one in the living room, and I picked it up, dialing my mom's number.

I heard it start to ring, and I perked up.

I needed to tell her that I was okay, and that she didn't have to worry- hopefully.

There wasn't a dial tone.

I burst into tears, the phone slipping from my hand, and onto the floor.

I should've known that I wasn't going to be able to reach my family.

I should've known.

I don't even know why I got my hopes up.

All I wanted to do was go home, I just wanted to be alone.

"I can't let you go home.."

I looked at Romelo, his face blank.

I felt like he was looking straight through me.

I wiped my tears from my face, waiting for him to continue.

"I can't let you go home because someone's trying to kill you."

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