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pt 1

I laid on my side, lone tears trickling over the bridge of my nose. I didn't want to move. I just wanted to lay here and wallow in my sadness.

Would I ever get to go back home?

Romelo's words swirled around in my head, giving me a pounding headache.

"Someone's trying to kill you."

If all people, they would try to kill me. I don't know what I've done to deserve to be kidnapped, and hunted like a wild animal. All of it just confuses me.


"Yes..?" I weakly responded.

I didn't really want to be bothered, but it seemed like I didn't have a choice.

"I want to show you something."

Looking over my shoulder, I slowly sat up. Getting out the bed, I came over to him. He gave me a soft smile, and kissed my forehead. He took my hand, and took me down the same hallway from yesterday.

Stopping in front of a door, he took out a key, unlocking the door. Opening it, he let me inside first.

This room was also covered in photos of me, but something felt different.

"I want you to understand why I have all these pictures of you."

I watched him as he took a photo off the wall, handing it to me.

"What do you see?" He asked.

It was a photo of my mother and I, in the store.

"My mom..and me.." I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. Romelo nodded.

"Now look in the top left corner."

Doing what he said, I looked in the top left corner.

There was a male, in a hoodie.

A black one at that.

I looked at Romelo, and he handed me another one.

"He's been following you around for months. He's obsessed with you. The only reason you're here with me is because I can protect you."

I stared at the photos, biting my lip.

"What could he do to me?" I asked, my voice getting shaky.

This was creepy..


I handed the photos back to him, and Romelo placed them back on the wall.

"And how do you know this?"

Romelo looked over his shoulder at me, and I saw his fists ball up.

"Because.." He started.

"Because what?

"Because I used to work with him."

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