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"You're going to have to leave me."

I couldn't believe his words at all. It was like a stab to my heart; a sick joke.

Just when I thought everything was going good, this happens.

I didn't even know what to say..or feel.

Part of me wanted to go back home, to my family, but how would they respond when they see me pregnant? How could Romelo even be so sure that Lorenzo couldn't get to me?

I had a feeling that if I left, Lorenzo would snatch me up. And the thought of that happening sent chills down my spine.

I hadn't spoken to Romelo for the rest of the day, after he proposed that "deal".

I didn't know how to respond.

He said he would need an answer by the end of the day, and at the most, the end of the week.

I didn't know how he could expect me to just..answer that.

Was he crazy?

I slammed my hands into the desk, cursing myself.

What the fuck was wrong with me?!

I'm stuck in the fucking middle!

I know that I'm supposed to protect Aaliyah, but I want what's best for her. And if that means I need her to leave me, then so be it.

I didn't know what I was doing.

I know I love her, and you don't hurt somebody you love, but I'm just so..confused!

Looking around at my office, I fell back into my office chair. I had destroyed my office. Papers were all over the place, things ripped off of the walls..

I had returned to my old ways, smashing things instead of trying to calm myself down.

Counting to 10 wouldn't fucking work this time.

Looking at myself in a piece of broken glass on my desk, I sighed.

I was a fucking monster.

I still am a fucking monster.

I honestly didn't see how Aaliyah could love me..if she knew the things I've done and the things I still do, would she still love me?

This dumb ass eyepatch and all, all because I'm-

There was a soft knock at the door.

Adjusting my eyepatch, I placed the piece of glass down. "It's open."

Charles walked in, and he didn't look to happy.

"What the hell did you do to Miss Aaliyah?" He growled at me.

I was in trouble, now.

"I want her to be safe-"

He came up to my desk, staring at me.

"You know damn well you love that girl, you have her running in circles, and on top of that, she's pregnant with your child, and you're asking her to leave you?!"

I stood up, throwing my hands up in the air.

"I can't be a father, Charles! I'm not cut out for it! I'm sitting bricks over this child, and it's not even born yet! Aaliyah's so happy, and I'll know she'll find someone who can take care of her-"

Charles grabbed the collar of my shirt, his eyes ablaze with rage.

"You be a fucking man and raise your child. You let her go, Lorenzo will get her."

"You know I can't be no father," I mumbled.

"I taught you better than that. You aren't going to push her away, not as long as she needs you."

I looked down, and he let my shirt go.

"You two, are meant for each other. Don't push away the one woman who cares about you, and trusts you day in, and day out."

Charles left my office, leaving the door open. I left out of my office as well, going to find Aaliyah. When I came to her room, I was going to knock, but decided against it, simply pushing the door open.

Aaliyah was in bed, fast asleep. She had tear stains on her cheeks, and I sighed. I kissed her cheek, and simply sat there, watching her for a few minutes.

She truly was a beauty, there was no mistaking that. 

I often wondered what she would be dreaming about sometimes..or what she thought about. I had learned the hard way that she wouldn't open up when she was angry or hurt. 

The end of the week had approached quicker than I expected. I didn't know what my decision was, but I knew Romelo would need an answer.

We ate breakfast in silence, no one bothering to make eye contact with the other.

Just in case, I was gathering up some clothes to take with me.

Hearing a knock at the door, I stopped packing my bag to go get it. I opened the door, to see Romelo standing there. He stared me down, and I backed up, Romelo stepping forward into the room.

"R-Romelo I-"

He pulled me towards him, and his lips crashed against mine.

I felt sparks, and my lips felt like they were on fire. I pushed at Romelo's chest, breaking our kiss. I had tears in my eyes, and I tried to hit Romelo. He grabbed my wrists, preventing me from swinging. Hugging me, he forced my arms behind my back.

"Shh..shh.." He whispered.

"I don't want to leave!" I cried, "I d-don't! I don't!"

"I understand, baby.." He cooed in my ear.

"Please don't make me leave! I need you! Our baby's going to need you!"

I couldn't stop crying. I was hurt, and confused, and I couldn't calm down. I needed to be with Romelo, he was the only one keeping me alive during this; I needed him to be there.

He let my wrists go, and I hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shirt. I gripped the fabric of his tee, digging my nails into the soft texture.

Romelo let me cry, breathing in and out gently. "It's okay baby..it's okay.."

He kissed the top of my head, sighing.

"I won't leave you," he cooed, "I won't leave you.."

I kept crying, and he started to chuckle.

"I'm not going to let you leave me either.."

(AN: I decided that I would let y'all choose the baby's name! :) so comment names and I'll choose the best one :3 -I just being lazy but ya- )

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