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Waking up from my name, I rubbed my eyes.

I've been a little down in the dumps lately..

Two months have passed, and I was now five months pregnant, but I was missing my family and friends. They're probably still worried about me.

My parents should know that I'm pregnant, it would make them happy to know that they were going to have a grandson..

I rubbed stomach, sighing.

My stomach was now much more noticeable, and I had that "glow" Charles was talking about.

"Miss Aaliyah, are you up?"

Managing to get off the bed, I came to the door, opening it up to see Charles' bright smile.

"You seem to glow more everyday, Aaliyah."

I smiled, rolling my eyes. "I do not."

Charles only shrugged, and placed his hand on my stomach.

"He hasn't started kicking yet?"

I shook my head.

I wasn't that worried about it, I assumed that the baby simply needed something to provoke him to start kicking around.

He's already showing signs of being just like his daddy, though.

When I lay on my side, he persists on sticking to one side of my stomach, and I have to coax him a little to get him to adjust.

"Well, Romelo needs to see you in the living room."

I nodded, and Charles walked away from the door. I headed down the stairs, taking my time. My belly kind of prevented me from coming down the stairs like normal people. Once I reached the ground floor, I turned, heading into the living room.


Suddenly, someone flicked the lights on, and several people came from behind the furniture.


Taking in the sight before me, I started to smile.

There was a baby blue banner hanging up on the wall, the name Ramiro Xavier August in gold, cursive lettering. My parents were sitting on the couch, and my closest friends stared at me, smiling. Romelo stood there, holding a small box.

I couldn't help but start to cry.

"Aww baby.." Romelo hugged me, kissing my forehead.

I was so happy.

"Look at you! My baby girl.." My father cooed, hugging me as well.

"Do you like it?" Maria asked, biting her lip.

I nodded, "I love it!"

I had so much fun. The baby shower was fantastic! My friends had great gifts for the baby, onesies and baby toys, and Maria brought a few books for him. And to my surprise, Romelo got along with my father just fine.

I think he really won my parents over, as they were wary of him at first.

Romelo and I were cleaning up the remnants of the baby shower.

Romelo was washing the dishes, while I dumped food in the trash and placed the dishes in the sink.

"So I see you decided a name, for our baby, huh?" I asked, stacking the dried dishes in the cabinet. Romelo chuckled, "You like it?"

I nodded, "It's cute! But the baby has to-"

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my stomach. I dropped the glass plate, it smashing to pieces on the floor.

"Aaliyah, are you okay?" Romelo asked, his face full of worry as he shut off the faucet.

I didn't answer, only placing my hands on my stomach. I felt the pain again, but this time, it tickled a bit.

I started to smile, and looked up at Romelo. "I-I think he kicked.."

Romelo couldn't believe it.


I nodded, "I think he likes his name..do you like the name Ramiro, baby?"

He kicked again, and I giggled.

"He likes it!"

Romelo dried off his hands, and placed them against my stomach. "Come on little one, kick for Daddy!"

It made me happy to see Romelo smiling so much over our son. I could already tell, Romelo was going to be a great dad, and he was going to enjoy it too.

Ramiro kicked once more, and Romelo's face lit up.

"He's moving, he's really moving!"

I giggled, and Romelo beamed.

He kneeled down, and kissed my stomach.

"Romelo..what are you-"

"Shh..shh.." He looked at me, and then looked down.

"Can you take off my eyepatch?"


I was astonished..why now, out of all times?

"Can you take it off..please?"

I nodded, slowly at first.

Easing my hand through his curls, he closed his eye as I found the strap. Pulling it towards me, the eyepatch coming off with no effort. I bit my lip, staring at him.

"Please, don't be scared when I show you, okay?"


I felt him take my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Just..just promise me."

I bit my lip, and kissed his forehead. "I promise."

He opened his eyes, and I let out a small gasp.

It..it..was like he was blind..

The whole cornea of his eye was some type of gray-white color mixture, and I could see some specs of dark brown as well.

"W-What ha-happened..?" I managed to say, even though my voice was quiet.


I looked down, and he made me look at him.

"He tried to kill me. I'm going to spare you the details of the fight though."

Now I understood why he wore the eyepatch. His eye was..unattractive. People would most definitely stare at him if he went out in public.

Romelo bit his lip, and rubbed my stomach. "I wanted you to know before we got any further than this..I didn't want you to still wonder why I wouldn't take off the eyepatch. Truth is..I'm ashamed of it."

I nodded.

I completely understood.

"I think I'm some kind of monster.."

He looked away from me, and I caressed his face. "But you aren't," I softly smiled at him, "you're still Romelo, regardless of how your eye looks. You're still going to be Ramiro's father, and there's nothing that could change it."

He sighed, and rubbed my stomach. Romelo placed his forehead against my stomach, smiling slightly.

"Hey little one," he whispered, "it's me, your daddy, Romelo. I know I'm not perfect, and I'll probably screw up trying to feed you, something like that, but I'm gonna try to be the best dad you'll ever have. I promise you that."

When he looked up at me, he had tears in his eyes. I wiped them away, smiling at him.

"You don't have to worry, Romelo..I think Ramiro can't wait to meet you."

For the next 2 1/2 months, it seemed like everything was a blur.

Most of Romelo and I's time consisted of doctor's appointments, buying clothes for Ramiro, and just overall worrying about everything.

Lorenzo became a distant thought in our minds, until we got that note.

I think something snapped inside of Romelo.

"Why can't we just ever be fucking happy for once!" He screamed, throwing a glass vase at the wall.

Romelo was in a rage, and practically nothing could calm him down. I watched in horror as he threw items against the wall, watching them smash into little pieces. He punched holes in the walls, and I stepped back, for I didn't want to end up like the busted laptop on the ground.

His veins protruded from his arms and neck, and Romelo cursed himself.

He punched in the plasma television, some of the shards of glass in his now, bloody fist.

I picked up the balled up note off the floor, unballing it to read it's contents.

Romelo, Romelo, Romelo.

You think you can hide from me?

I know every move you make, even before you make it.

You can't prevent me from getting to Aaliyah.

I'm watching you, but I'm pretty sure you're already aware of that.

Give Aaliyah a kiss for me, and tell her I'll be there to get her soon.


I balled the note right back up, dropping it on the floor.

"R-Romelo st-stop.." I whimpered.

I wanted him to stop.

I was afraid he would hurt himself, or even someone else.

"Ro-Romelo st-s-stop.." I repeated, trying to work up courage to get his attention.

He was still wrecking havoc, and if I didn't stop him, he might never calm down..

"R-Romelo, stop!"

I've never seen so much anger and hate in someone's eyes before.

Romelo started to step towards me, his fists balled up tightly. I stepped back, but eventually, my back hit the wall.

Romelo closed the large space between us, and he clenched his jaw, staring me down.

"Shut the fuck up."

His voice was deeper than normal, and I couldn't help but tremble at his tone.

He turned on his heel, but stopped.

He looked over his shoulder at me, and before I could move out of the way, he slapped me, hard, across the face.

I stumbled, and held my cheek, tears starting to well up in my eyes.

Romelo stopped his rage right there.

"A-Aaliyah.." He quivered.

I pushed him away, the tears falling down my cheeks. "D-Don't touch m-me.." I whimpered.

Romelo touched my arm, "I-I'm so s-sorry baby..I don't know what-"

"I said d-don't touch me!" I cried, yanking my arm away from him.


"I hate you!" I screamed, pushing past him, going upstairs to my room. I knew the words cut deep for him, but he hit me. I was only trying to help.

I locked the door so he couldn't get in, and got on the bed, starting to cry.

I didn't want him to see my tears.

And just like I expected, only seconds later, he was up here banging on the door, pleading with me.

I didn't answer the door, and soon, the banging stopped.

Romelo had given up.

(An: oh no..but thanks for all the baby name suggestions :) most of you said Ramiro, so went with that )

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