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It was interesting how peaceful she looked sleeping.

Her eyes darted around in her slumber, her expression calm, straight. I even saw a small smile. She was truly gorgeous, and now she was mine..for now.

Brushing the hair back from her face, she murmured, turning away.

I softly smiled, and heard a soft knock on the door. Charles walked in, with a tray full of Aaliyah's favorite breakfast foods. I turned the tv volume down, watching Charles set down the tray on the nightstand.

"Good morning, Master August." He smiled.


Charles was an elderly white man with gray, almost white hair. He was a kind old man, and never said much. He's gotten me out of a bind several times, but he's appearance could fool anybody.

He once led the cops on a high speed chase and swerved so much that all of them crashed into each other.

Charles left the room without a word, and my eyes fell upon Aaliyah, still fast asleep.

I shook her gently, and she groaned. "You gotta wake up," I chuckled, "it's breakfast.."

"Noo.." She grumbled in response.

I tried to pull the covers off of her, but she kept pulling them back. "Nooooo..."

"Yes!" I growled, yanking the cover away from her.

She sat up, frowning at me. "Good morning," I smiled. Aaliyah rubbed her eyes, yawning.


I had something planned for the both of us today. Since we were in a new place, I decided that we should go look around, shop a little, just have a little outing. It might give us a chance to not constantly be at each other's throats.

"We're gonna do a bit of exploring today."

Her eyes lit up instantly.


I nodded, "Yeah, going out on the town should be fun."

Lately, it's been a bit hectic, and I wanted to ease the tension between us. If I was going to be protecting her, I should at least know a bit more about her personal life rather than what I have on file.

I needed her to trust me, with her life.

Aaliyah smiled, and rubbed her eyes.

"Okay, I'll go get ready then!"

I watched her push the covers back, but she stopped, looking at the breakfast tray. "Is this for me?" She asked, looking back at me. I nodded in response.

Aaliyah picked up the tray, and exited out of my room, leaving me all alone to get ready.

Aaliyah completely took longer than expected.

Tapping my foot impatiently, I looked at my gold, Rolex watch. I don't know how I thought that she wouldn't take so long, but it was going on 45 minutes.

"Aaliyah, come on!" I groaned.

I didn't like waiting.

"I'm ready, here I come!"

Turning around to the stairs, Aaliyah started to come down, dressed in a spaghetti strap, floral print dress. She paired it with light pink, ankle strap wedges and a cream colored cardigan.

I could feel my temperature rising as she continued down the stairs, and I bit my lip, trying to calm myself.

She smiled at me, "How do I look?"

"Uh..I..uhm..." I stuttered.

"Master August means to say that he's astounded by your beauty, Miss Aaliyah."

I sighed, feeling Charles pat my shoulder as he walked past me, going upstairs.

"Thank you, Romelo."

Sitting in the restaurant, Aaliyah was enjoying her chocolate cupcake, while I looked through the travel guide for attractions.

"Ooh, I heard there was this big Ferris Wheel somewhere! Do you think we can go to that?"

Switching my attention to her, I smiled.

"Sure, why not?"

She nodded, and pushed her plate aside. I placed a few dollars on the table, and Aaliyah tugged on my hand.

"Come on! There's a taxi outside, and I want to go shopping!"

"Shopping?" I questioned, Aaliyah pulling me out the door, and onto the sidewalk.

"Yes, shopping! We're in Italy, Romelo!"

I sighed, looking at my hair in the window of a boutique. "What the hell did I let you do this for?" I grumbled.

"It looks fine, Romelo!"

I rolled my eyes at Aaliyah.

Aaliyah convinced- no forced- me to get the top of my hair blond. I'll admit, I was going along with it first, but seeing the aftermath made me upset.

"It looks cute.." She bit her bottom lip, rubbing my hand.

"It does not."

I'm a grown ass man, plus, what 25 year old does this?

"Yes it does," she kissed my cheek, running a hand through my short curls, "I swear."

I rolled my eyes again, and Aaliyah pulled me away from the window. Swinging our hands, we stood at the sidewalk, waiting to cross. "It's clear.." Aaliyah commented, starting to walk across.

I looked at my watch for a second, and I heard her scream. Looking up, Aaliyah was in the middle of the street, a car stopped mere inches from her.

Rushing out into the street, I wrapped my arm around her waist. "You alright?" I asked, making her look at me. She nodded, and I turned my attention to the driver of the car.

"I'm so sorry!" He breathed.

"Fuck is wrong with you?! You could've killed her!" I hissed, "I have half a mind to rip you-"

"Melo, that's enough," Aaliyah whispered, "he said he was sorry."

"I don't give two flying fucks what this bitch said!" I growled, "I'll rip him to shreds!"

I don't know why I got to upset, but I could feel my anger rising inside of me.

"You better not put your hands on that man," Aaliyah whispered into my ear, squeezing my side.

My anger just...faded away.

I looked down, then at Aaliyah. Her eyes showed that she was completely serious, and I nodded.

"I'm sorry man.." I apologized.

"Can you put this on me?" Aaliyah asked, handing me the necklace.

I slipped the necklace around her neck, fastening it. She let her hair go, turning around to me. "How does it look?" Aaliyah questioned.

I smiled, looking at the gold charm necklace. It had a heart in the center, and two crowns on either side of it.

"It looks cute on you," I answered.

We just finished a little shopping trip, and I let Aaliyah get whatever she wanted.

Picking up her shopping bags, we headed on down the streets. "Italy is so beautiful! Don't you agree, Romelo?" Aaliyah looked at me, her eyes filled with awe. I nodded, watching her.

She twirled around, and I chuckled at how cute she was.

"What's next on our list, Melo?"

It was getting cooler, and a chilly breeze passed by. Aaliyah shivered, and I pulled her into me, wrapping my arm around her slender waist. She rested her head on my shoulder, and we turned the corner.

"Last thing is their Ferris Wheel, The Hand of Time."

Ending a tiring day of shopping, eating, and exploring with a nice, simple Ferris Wheel ride.

I helped her in the cart, and rested back, yawning. Aaliyah looked gorgeous in the moonlight, the soft light bathing her features.

Aaliyah was in awe, her eyes sparkling as she looked out. I took her hand, and she looked at me, giving me a soft smile.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

I nodded, and Aaliyah looked down.

I lifted her head up, licking my lips.

"We should really start acting like a married couple." I grinned.

Leaning in, I pressed my lips against hers, caressing her face. Our lips were in sync, and I could feel the spark. I moved my other hand down her side, and Aaliyah gripped my shirt, starting to pull me closer.

I pulled away, staring into her eyes.

And I then I knew, I had gotten to know what was really inside of her.

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