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It had been a few days, and I was starting to feel better.

I've been eating, and talking to Romelo, who's really being gentle with me. We still haven't gone out though, and I had a feeling that we wouldn't be going out for a while.

"Okay, that should be the last of it.."

Turning around, I watched Romelo put down two suitcases, and slip a bag off his shoulder, placing it on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at me, and smiled.

"I'm packing for our flight tonight."

"Flight?" I asked.

Romelo didn't tell me anything about a flight. He didn't even tell me where we were going!

"I already packed some of your things."

"Romelo.." I sighed.

He beamed, "I love it when you say my name, baby."

I rolled my eyes, a soft smile poking at my lips. As much as I couldn't stand him sometimes, I honestly thought I was starting to have feelings for him.

And they weren't just "puppy love".

I mean, he's the only male I've been around for 3 1/2 months. He gets me anything I want, and sometimes, he knows what I'm going to say before I even say it.

Romelo came over to me, and kissed my lips. He spun me around, and lifted me up on the counter. "I think you'll like the new place," he grinned, "it's beautiful."

"Where is it?" I asked, biting my lip.

He smirked this time, "Uh uh, I'm not telling."

I squealed.

I couldn't contain myself.

I was in Paris!

Paris, France!

I couldn't believe it!

I hugged Romelo, and I heard him chuckle. I kissed his cheek, over and over. "You're the best!" I exclaimed.

Romelo was right, I did love it.

We were outside of the airport, standing by a sign that said, Welcome to Paris, France!

He rubbed my sides, and took my hand. "Mm, baby, where's your ring?"

I shrugged, "I think I left it back at the old house.."

He raised his eyebrows briefly, "That's alright, I'll get you a replacement."

Romelo and I departed to a limo, which drove us to the house. Along the way, I ogled over all the sights, pointing out shops that he was going to have to take me to later.

He simply watched me with a pleasant smile on his face, occasionally laughing at me.

The limo pulled up to the house, and I was in complete awe. I placed my hands against the window, looking over the beyond gorgeous house. A long, paved pathway gave way to sandstone brick, several windows, and upstairs with a balcony hanging over the front door.

I looked back at Romelo, and he watched me.

"Do you lik-"

I pulled him towards me, kissing him. He held my waist, as he tried to get himself steady. I felt sparks, and I pulled away.

"Don't do that, damn.." He mumbled.

I bit down on my lip, and Romelo looked me over.

"You're sweet, you know?"

(AN: Aww. :3 I just have to ask, what do you think of Aaliyah & Romelo right now? What about them as a couple?)

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