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I shook my head, "I'm not pregnant."

Romelo sighed, "Baby..I'm not saying that you are, I'm just saying that you might.."

"Still! You think I'm pregnant!" I left the bathroom, Romelo right on my heels.

"Baby stop.."

"No! I don't want to talk about it!" I waved him off. I went up the stairs, hoping that Romelo could take a hint and lay off, but he didn't.

"Come on, baby!"

I stopped in my tracks, turning around abruptly to him. "Romelo, st-"

"The condom broke last time!" Romelo yelled over me.

"What?" My lips quivered.

"The condom..broke."

I slapped him.

"Don't you dare say that!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks. "I'm not pregnant, Romelo! I'm not! I'm not!"

Romelo pulled me into a hug, sighing. "Baby.." He breathed, kissing the top of my head. "I'm not pregnant.." I mumbled into his chest.

I was terrified.

I couldn't raise a baby in conditions like this..

I looked up at Romelo, and he wiped my eyes. "I can't be pregnant..can I?"

He cracked a small smile, rubbing my back.

"We won't know for sure until you take the test."

I couldn't sleep.

Aaliyah slept peacefully beside me, one of her hands resting on her stomach.

The simple thought of her being pregnant made me smile, but at the same time..it made me worried.

We couldn't raise a little one around this type of environment. Our child would need a stable environment, one where he or she could go to school with other kids their age, and experience coming home to their parents. It wouldn't be right to rip them out of their school life because some insane man has an obsession with their mother.

Looking over at her again, I traced my fingers over her soft skin. She murmured, brushing her hand over mine. I smiled, and my fingers fell down to her bare stomach.

I felt like I could feel a small baby bump, and I sighed gently.

I kissed her stomach softly, sighing once more.

"If there's a little one of me in there, I want you to listen up. I'm gonna be the best daddy you'll ever have. Aaliyah's gonna be the best mommy too, and even if she doesn't think you're in there, I do. But I think Aaliyah wants you to be in there, she just doesn't want it admit it," I chuckled.

Now that I thought about it, a little girl wouldn't be so bad.

"Baby, you alright in there?"

I could hear the anticipation in Romelo's voice.

He was standing outside the bathroom, waiting for me to tell the results to him.

"I-I'm fine..I-I think.." I mumbled.

I heard Romelo sigh, and I added another test to the stack in the sink. I had at least 6 tests, and I was scared to even look at one of them.

I was worried about how I would be able to take care of a baby- if there is one growing inside of me.

I had other things to be worried about, like if I would get home, or if I was absolutely safe with Romelo.

Would I even be a good mother?

I sighed, "R-Romelo.."

He opened the door, walking in.

"You want me to read the results, huh?"

I nodded slowly.

He stepped in front of me, and I stood behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. I could feel his breathing, and it was irregular, probably from being nervous, just like me.

The silence was killing me.


Romelo looked at me over his shoulder, and I bit my lip.

"..They're all positive."

"R-Really?" I breathed.

He nodded.

"Y-You're going to have m-my baby.."

Romelo seemed surprised himself.

He turned around to me, and kissed me, passionately. He caressed my cheeks, and I was in total bliss.

When Romelo kissed me, I felt like I was high.

He pulled away, and I softly smiled.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I-I love you t-too," I smiled.

I hugged him, and I felt him rest his head on top of mine.

"We're going to be parents.."

(AN: Quick question. Should I update during the day, or do you guys like the way I currently update..at night?)

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