XXIX - HIM. PT. 2.

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    PT. 2.

It was like I was in a nightmare, and I had to find some way to escape back into reality.

But this wasn't a dream.

It was all too real.

Where was my baby?

I looked around, the room I was in painted a soft red, almost pink color. There was a dresser in the corner of the room, and adjacent to me was an all white bathroom. A mirror hung on the wall above the sink in the bathroom, and my reflection stared back at me, reflecting the same horrified and confused expression on my face.

"Ramiro?" I called out, hoping that he was simply being silly and was hiding somewhere in the room.

I didn't receive an answer, and my heart literally sink to the bottom of my stomach.

I didn't want to assume the worst.

Maybe I had gotten kidnapped by RC, and he was going to make me his wife. But that seemed very unrealistic..RC didn't seem like the type to want a woman with a child by another man.

I really didn't want to assume the worst.

It made me sick to my stomach.

But what RC said, made me think that it could possibly be true.

A soft knock on the door scared me, and I jumped. I didn't answer, as I was too afraid to move. Whoever it was on the other side entered, and my eyes watched as a butler walk in.

The middle aged man stared me down his blue eyes staring into my soul. He spoke to me as if I was a teenager, getting a punishment from a parent.

"Master wants to see you. Freshen up."


Who is this..Master?

Before I could ask the butler who I was going to see, the man left, closing the door behind him.

I was left alone once again, and I decided that I might as well get to moving.

After taking a shower, I looked through the closet for something to wear. I noticed that these clothes were in my size as well, and that terrified me even more.

Who ever this Master was...he knew enough about me to know my exact size..and which brands fit me exactly.

It seemed like he even knew my favorite color.

Shifting through my packed closet, I picked out a long, light purple dress, I slipped it on, looking at myself in the full body mirror in the closet.

Hopefully, I wasn't going to die in this dress.

I took a deep breath, and approached the door, turning the knob. I was greeted by the same butler, who smiled this time.

"Master is in his office."

He showed me to "Master's" office, and I choked. He left my side, leaving me alone to stare at the wooden doors. I took a deep breath, biting my lip. I pushed open the doors, entering the office. I felt like I was stepping into my last moment of life.

This Master had his the back of his chocolate leather chair facing me, but I could see an arm full of tattoos, his hand holding a lit cigar.

Silence filled the room, and I looked down at the floor, then at the chair.


His voice broke the silence, eliminating the tension in the air. His voice reminded me of Romelo's; deep in tone, and threatening, but gentle at the same time.

"Well..well..Aaliyah..finally you're here.."

He too spoke to me in a degrading tone, but I didn't have to guts to call him out on it.

I didn't say anything; I couldn't say anything. Silence filled the air once more, and my heart seemed like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"You don't have anything to say?"

I screamed.

He had turned around to face me, and it felt like my life was draining from me.


"Y-You loo..you look l-like.." I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say.

"I look like Romelo, don't I?"

All I could do was nod.

This man looked exactly like Romelo, face and everything. They were..exactly the same. From the tight, curly hair, to the plump lips.

My heart seemed to stop for a second.

He cracked a smile, and I could feel my energy draining from my body.

"Romelo didn't tell you that much about me, huh?"

He placed his feet up on the desk, and took a puff from his cigar, then put it out in the ashtray on his desk.

"I'm Romelo's twin brother, Lorenzo. Lorenzo August."

And I simply stood there, bewildered.

How could Romelo..?

I couldn't help but stare at Lorenzo, but what caught my attention the most was his green eyes.

His bright green eyes.

He took his feet off the desk, leaning towards me. "Humph...you're more gorgeous in person."

"T-Thank yo-you.." I stuttered.

Lorenzo flashed me another smile, and I watched him pull out another cigar, lighting it. Holding it between his thick fingers, I couldn't look at him anymore. Maybe it was his eyes, but everything unnerved me about him.

I wasn't comfortable with him starting at me like that.

His eyes seemed to undress me, and I turned away slightly.

Suddenly he spoke, his voice straight to the point.

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, Everything Romelo's told you, has been a complete lie."

I was...speechless.

What does he mean that Romelo's been lying to me?

Romelo wouldn't do that..would he?

"Everything from the start has been a lie. My purpose isn't to kill you, my purpose is to save you..from him."

"Y-You're lying!" I yelled, tears in my eyes.

I wanted to leave.

I wanted to go back to Romelo!

"I wish I was."

Lorenzo stared at me, and crossing his arms over his chest. I felt overwhelmed. It was like my world came crashing down. Romelo couldn't be lying to me..he wouldn't hurt me like that..

I started to cry, and I heard Lorenzo shift. "Come here, Aaliyah.."

I shook my head, "N-No..leave me a-alone.."

Lorenzo took my hands gently, leading me over to his side of the desk. He sat me down in his lap, and I couldn't help but cry onto his shirt. Lorenzo wrapped his arms around my waist, staying silent as I cried.

I felt his hand on my thigh, rubbing gently.

"I know it's a lot to take in.."

His soft words made me cry even harder, and I couldn't stop crying. I had just met him, and he's already reduced me to sobs. I coughed, and hiccuped, knowing that I looked a hot mess.

I was upset about the possibility of it being true. I thought Romelo had been straight forward with me..how could he be trying to "protect" me if he was going to kill me?

"I'm just trying to protect you, alright?"

I sniffed, and Lorenzo wiped my tears.

"Come on, up. Get up."

I stood up, wiping my last bit of tears.

"Let's go," he coaxed, heading to the doors.

"W-Where are we go-going?" I questioned.

Lorenzo opened the doors, letting me past him. He closed the doors behind him, and flashed me a smile.

He even smiled like Romelo..

"To see your son," he raised his eyebrows.

I couldn't hold back my smile at the mention of Ramiro. Hopefully he was okay, and they didn't hurt a single hair on his cute little head.

"Really?" I asked.

Lorenzo nodded, taking my hand. He led me down the hallway, walking on the deep blue carpet.

There was no doubt that Lorenzo and Romelo were twins, but Lorenzo appeared to be taller, and more built than Romelo. He also had several more tattoos that Romelo. I also observed his home, noticing similarities between Romelo and Lorenzo's tastes. I bit my lip, Lorenzo stopping at a door. He opened it up, and we stepped into a playroom, complete with a crib and dresser and a changing station. There was even a huge flatscreen tv up on the wall.

There was a woman in the room, watching over Ramiro, who was asleep in the crib. She acknowledged that we had walked in the room, and smiled at us.

"Megan, you're free to go," Lorenzo told her.

Megan nodded, walking past us. Lorenzo looked back at me, and before he could say anything, I was at the crib, looking over Ramiro.

"Ca-Can I spend some time with him?" I asked, quietly.

Lorenzo's eyes intimidated me, and I was afraid his was going to say no. The emerald color was a striking contrast from his caramel skin tone.

"Of course, he's your son."

I smiled, "T-Thank you.."

"No problem, just let me know if you need something."

Lorenzo left me with Ramiro, and I returned to my baby in the crib. I stroked Ramiro's cheek, sighing.

"Your daddy might not be who I thought he was..but I do know that he loves you."

Ramiro murmured, and moved into my hand a bit. He kicked his feet, his socks coming off. He hated sleeping with socks..

I eased the socks off, and a soft smile appeared on his face.

"Mommy loves you, baby..and I won't let anybody hurt you, no matter what."

I sighed, and took a seat in the chair next to the crib.

I spent the rest of the day with my little boy. I played with him, read to him, and to finish off the day, I bathed him. He smelt fresh and clean, and looked the part, too.

Drying him off, I carried him over to the changing table, looking for a onesie from him to sleep in. Opening one of the dresser drawers, I pulled out a green onesie, with a little smiling sun on it. I slipped it on Ramiro, who was already falling asleep.

He had a very long day..

I picked him up off the table, and rubbed his back, rocking him gently until I knew that he was asleep. I placed him down in his crib, pushing a teddy bear close to him.

I kissed his forehead, pushing his hair back.

"Sweet dreams, baby..Mommy loves you.."

Looking up from him, I looked towards the door, startled to see Lorenzo standing there.

"Thank you for letting me spend the day with him.." I softly smiled, turning off the lamp. He nodded, looking down. "No problem.."

I walked past him, and he closed the door to Ramiro's room.

"Does he sleep through the night?" He asked.

I nodded, "Most of the time."

Lorenzo showed me back to my room, and I stepped into the dimly lit area.

"Goodnight, Aaliyah.."

I nodded, "Night."

I closed the door, and proceeded to find something to sleep in. I had found a short, black nightgown, and I was too tired to attempt to look for something else. Climbing into the cool sheets, I sighed.

I wonder what Romelo's lied to me about, since he's such a liar..was he really going to kill me? Did he even love me like he said he does?

Is our relationship built on an unstable foundation?

How could he get me pregnant, and carry on a lie for a year and a half?

I didn't believe Romelo would do that to me..but it could be possible..

I didn't want to doubt my marriage and family..but if Romelo's been lying to me..

Why did he do it?

(AN: what's your impression of Lorenzo? Do you believe him about Romelo? Pic of Lorenzo on the side. )

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