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Another month had passed, and Lorenzo and I's relationship...was taken up a notch. I think I was actually starting to..feel something for him.

I rubbed my eyes, moving out of the sunlight. The warm light bathed Lorenzo's blue walls, and the bed sheets.

"Lorenzo?" I mumbled, calling out for him.

Usually, he would've woken me up..

I pushed the covers aside, my feet touching the soft carpet.

Lorenzo must have went out somewhere..

It seemed kind of early, so I checked on Ramiro, and made sure he was still asleep before I headed downstairs.

"Lorenzo? You here?"

When I didn't receive a response, I sighed. He's probably at the store, since none of his workers are here. But I felt like something was wrong.

I began making breakfast, and fixed Ramiro a little something as well. I turned around to place the remnants in the trash, and spotted an open door I had never seen before..

I dropped the stuff in the trash and approached the door, stepping into the hall. I followed the hallway along, taking several twists and turns. At the end of the hall, I came to a door.

I knocked gently at first, as if someone was inside.

I turned the steel handle on the door, pushing the heavy door open with all my might. It dragged across the floor, creaking when I fully opened it.

I burst into tears.



He groaned, his eyes fluttering open. He squinted his eyes, his vision focusing on me.



I dropped to my knees, coming over to him. I hugged him, and he groaned loudly.

"W-What ha-happened?!"

"Lorenzo.." He mumbled, "I tried you, but he stabbed me.." His vision fell to the reddened wound on his shoulder. I bit my lip, and he winced, trying to move his arms.

"You look so"

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. All of the feelings I've had for him came back, and seeing him in this state broke my heart..I felt so stupid for not believing that he would attempt to come and save me..


"D-Don't cry, please.."

His voice was tired and hoarse, as if he had a sore throat. I caressed his face, and he gave me a weak smile. I frowned, looking him over. He was bruised, and battered, and he looked like he was on the verge of death..

"Have you been eating?" I asked him, lowly.

He closed his eyes, and ran his tongue over his busted lip. "Not in a few days.."

"I need to feed you." I nodded, letting his face go. He shook his head.

"He'll know.."


Romelo's eyes opened, and stared into mine. "He'll know..I don't want him to hurt you.."

Romelo's arms were still tied behind his back, and he seemed to be squirming with the rope.

"Can I untie you, then?" I asked, looking down at the cracked, bloody floor, then at him.



He sighed, and looked me up and down. "Only if you tie it back the exact same way."

I nodded, and proceeded to untie his arms. Romelo rubbed his wrists, and I simply stared at him.

I didn't like how hurt he was.

Why would Lorenzo do this?

Romelo's his brother..I knew that something was off about Lorenzo, and this took the cake.

He was...insane.

Who would do that to a human being?

Romelo hugged me, his head against my stomach. "I missed you.."

"I missed you too."

He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "I'll get us out of here..we'll be a family again..alright?"

I nodded, wiping his tears away.

"I promise you..I promise."

I spent some time with Romelo, and even though I didn't want to do it, I tied him back up and left him in the basement.

I was making Ramiro a snack, as he didn't want to eat a full meal. I placed the sandwich on the plate, cutting it up into square shaped pieces.

"Hey baby," I felt a soft kiss to my cheek, and arms slip around my waist.


"What's up with you?" Lorenzo asked, kissing my neck.

I slipped out of his hold, pushing him away, "I'm fine, Lorenzo."

"That attitude says another thing."

I rolled my eyes. "I have to give Ramiro his snack."

I was feeling sick to my stomach. Lorenzo's touch made me want to throw up. He told me that Romelo wouldn't be coming back..he only said that to make me vulnerable.

"I'll give him his snack."

"Lorenzo.." I sighed, "I'm not in the mood to talk."

I turned away from him, and headed up the stairs to Ramiro. He was sitting on the floor when I walked in, and smiled at me.

"Snack time, baby," I cooed at him.

He screeched, standing up on his wobbly legs. Ramiro was getting better at walking, day by day. It was cute to watch him stand up, then plop back on his butt, and stand up again. He got that determination from Romelo, for sure.

He came over to me, and I pulled him in my lap, holding the plate. Ramiro started to dig in, and I bounced him on my knee gently, while we watched tv.

I knew that Ramiro was hungry, but I didn't expect for him to eat all four pieces. He wanted to take him a little nap, and I covered him up. He moved his little fingers around in his sleep, and I cleaned up his room before leaving.

I decided that I would go ahead and take myself a nap as well. There was nothing really to do, and since Ramiro didn't want to do much today, I was now left alone, even though Lorenzo was here. I simply didn't want to speak with him, though.

Lorenzo caught me in the hallway, and I sighed.


"Ramiro's asleep!" I hissed, "What?"

"What's wrong with you? You don't want me to hug you, I can't kiss you, what's going on, baby?" Lorenzo asked, holding my waist, his forehead creasing.

"I-I'm just..I'm just not feeling well. I just want to go to sleep.." I mumbled.

He frowned.

"Can I at least get a kiss? I don't want you being mad at me."

I caressed his face as we shared a kiss, and Lorenzo rubbed my waist.

"You get some rest. I got some business to handle."

I nodded, and entered the room. Lorenzo watched me as I got under the sheets. He leaned in the doorway, and gave me a soft smile.


"Yes?" I responded.

"I love you."

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