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((A/N Sorry))

Phil's POV

I woke up, dried tear stains on my cheeks. Why i looked up i saw Dan, his head laid backwards, asleep. I was warm, covers overtop me, upper torso in Dan's firm grasp.

As much as i was enjoying this, i wriggled out from under him, seeing as we had school. He also woke up, because of all the movement. He smiled at me and started to stand up. I made my way to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth, whilst Dan behind me, straightening his hobbit hair out.

"Phil?" Dan asked me.

"Yeah?" i replied.

"Erm, not to worry you, but that Emmi girl, do you think anything of her?" he asked, his voice had cracked a little, and he bit his lip.

"... I think she just likes is you..." i told him, telling myself he didn't like her. He likes you Phil, you not her.

Suddenly, as i was doubting my self worth, Dan kissed me, which was an unexpected adorable thing. He smiled and head out the bathroom door

We walked to school in silence which was unusual for us, and slowly approached the tall, freighting building. We walked in, and went to my locker first, where Dan grabbed my books for me, (Still on crutches) and we headed to Dan's locker. Then i saw her.

"Oh Dan? Funny seeing you here!... Oh, hello Phil." she hissed at me, and then smiled to Dan.

"Erm, ello, Emmi. and no, it's not funny seeing you here. You're standing in front of my locker, and you know it!" he stated, slightly angry.

"Oh, erm, sorry. I have nobody else to harass, my mum died when i was young and my father is in jail. And for some reason, no one likes me!" she produced, quite obviously fake tears. I looked over to Dan and i'm not sure if he can tell it's fake. All of it.

"Okay... Dan, Let's go, we have to get to class." i spurted out, to break the silence. I grabbed his arm, and pulled. Dan looked confused. I lead him to the next corridor.

"Phil?! What the hell? She was crying!" Dan shouted at me. Luckily the corridor was almost empty so nobody heard him.

"Dan, She was faking it!" i shouted back, not as loud. He furrowed his brows in anger.

"Phil! She was crying! A girl was crying because her parents died!" he screamed at me. His cheeks were burning red with anger.

"Dan, Those tears were fake! I know, because... " i felt tears start to sting my cheeks.

"You know what Phil? I don't care about that! A girl was crying, because her mom died! I don't have time for your shit!" he said, and dropped my books, and stormed away. I looked down, tears falling onto my shoe. I couldn't get a grip on myself, quiet sobs racking through my body. I made my way to the bathroom, and went to the handicapped stall, because i am handicapped now, i guess. I put the crutches next to the toilet, and sat on the closed lid. I cried, and cried and cried.

He doesn't love you. He will never loved you, and he never will.


Dan's POV

I am so pissed at Phil. He thought Emmi was fake crying. She had told us this, and started crying, and phil said she was lying? She was looking for protection. God, i'm so pissed. I just stormed off, away from Phil, whom i left on the verge of tears.

"Emmi?" i approached her. She turned around, not a hint of sadness in her expression. She was talking to someone, and laughing; like she never had cried. She looked very alarmed, and slowly her smile died.

"Erm, Dan. Hi... " Her voice trailed off. Her jaw moved and she gulped down her nervousness.

"What the hell? You were fake crying!" i walked out off the corridor, back to where i left Phil, to say sorry. But he wasn't there. His books were still there. But he was not.

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