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Dan's POV

My hands are clenched together so hard, my knuckles are turning white. I was waiting for Phil's Doctor to let me come and see him, which he said he'd let me. So here i wait.

The clock has never been slower. Waiting for this was like waiting for a shot to the head. Each minute my heart broke more and more. I just had to be strong. No matter what came out of that doctor's mouth.

The doors swung open. The short, lean man, with a scraggly brown, uncombed beard and hair called out:

"Mr. Howell?" I gulped and my eyes met his, and he started towards me. Could he walk any slower? He finally arrived, sitting down on the other chair, facing my own. His clammy hands reached out for mine. I hate shaking hands, but i went along with it. He had a very firm grasp.

"Ah, You must be Dan." he said politely.

"Erm, Y-yeah." i croaked out. My voice was cracked and shaky and scared.

"So, Phil... " he said. The anticipation built. A bead of sweat dripped down my forehead. This is it. This is when i find out if the love of my life, is, well, Dead...

"He is stable. He is awake. He really wants you. So, if you don't mind, would you come back with me?" he asked, as if it was a question. I nodded, viciously.   

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