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I try finishing my assignment but I knew I wouldn't. All I could think of is him. Where is he? I wonder throwing my pencil on the desk. Probably drinking like he always does now a days. I go downstairs and my father is not here either, what a surprise.

Since mother's death both of them have change in such a drastic way is unbelievable. I enter the kitchen to eat something but like alway the pantries are empty.

"Great." I mumble grabbing the car keys and going out the door.

I stop at the grocery store to buy at least something to keep this family alive, even if it's a broken family. I look at the small list I made in my phone not paying attention of what or who is in front me.

"Excuse me." I hear someone say in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry." I mumble grabbing some cereals and throwing them in my cart.

"You're Ethan right?" I hear the girl asking and I turn around to face her.

"Yeah?" I answer. Do I even know her? I wonder staring at her. Then it hit me. "Kimberly?" I ask surprise looking at her amazed. She nods and I smile. "Oh my god you have grown so much since the last time I saw you!" I say hugging her.

"You too." She says hugging me back.

"What are you doing here?" I ask frowning. She left three years ago to live with her father in Canada.

"I'm going to live here again, with my mother." She says with a smile. "She got sick again and I'm taking care of her until she gets better." She says with half a smile and I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry to hear that." I say hugging her again. "Do you still live in the same place?" I ask as we continue our walk through the store. She used to be my neighbor, her house was three houses from mine.

"Yeah, she never moved."

After a while of catching up, we paid our stuff and left our own way. We arrange to meet again in her house to finish our conversation since it was getting late and she didn't like leaving her mother alone for too long.

When I got home either Grayson or father where there. I wasn't that surprised since they found a way to cope with there feelings now. Drinking the pain away is what they do now a days. Grayson's grades are going down hill and father's job is on the line. I know they know he's acting this way because his wife died but that doesn't justify his action.

I've been the only mature one since her departure and if it wasn't for me they would probably be death by starvation. I sight putting all the groceries on the table and starting to put them away. I hear the door opening and whoever it is must be drunk as hell or in a bad mood like always.

"Where are you!" I hear Grayson screaming from the entrance.

"Great." I mumble going to him.
"Lower your voice, is late." I tell him closing the door.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He screams pushing me against the wall.

"Stop." I say putting a hand on his chest.

"How come you are so insensitive?" He asks furious.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." I reply pushing him away.

"She's dead and you're here acting like nothing ever happened!" He says punching me on the face.

"Stop! Grayson you're drunk, again!" I say putting my hand over the injured zone.

"I hate you!" He screams this time hitting me right on the nose. Blood starts dripping down my face but that doesn't stop him.

The next one went to my stomach making me groan in pain. I fall to my knees and he kept hitting me over and over again until he started crying for some odd reason. My whole body was aching when I stood up but he just stood there looking at me with tears in his eyes, not caring that he hurt me. And that's how they started, his beatings mostly everyday now.

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