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"What took you so long?" Ethan asks Grayson as he made his way through the door.

"I got caught up talking with someone after school." He answers closing the door behind him.

Grayson takes a seat next to his brother on the couch. He was watching some series on the tv. Grayson was watching trying his best to concentrate on the show, but not even the presence of his brother next to him was able to erase Katherine of his mind.

"Ethan?" He says turning to his brother.

"Mhm?" Ethan responds not taking the eyes off the tv.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks trying to sound neutral.

"What?" Ethan blurts out turning to look at his brother.

"Can I?" Grayson asks exasperated staring at his brother.

"Okay." Ethan asks frowning.

He forgot the last time they did this. He doesn't even remember how it felt, the touch of his lips. And now he was craving it.

On the other side, Grayson does remember how it feels. How can he forget the way the person he loves the most on this world kiss like? But today, he only wanted to kiss him because that would make him forget about Katherine.

"Should we go upstairs?" Grayson asks. "In case someone gets home."

"Sure." Ethan replies getting on his feet.

They went upstairs, quietly. None of them knew what to say. They haven't talk about whatever it is they have in terms of a relationship.

They went to Ethan's room, Grayson closing the door behind him when he got in. He stares at his brother for a few second before kissing him. His lips met his, harshly, and both of them forgot they even had problems in the first place. In a matter of seconds both of them were laying on Ethan's bed, Grayson on top. They were out of breath, but that didn't stop them to stop kissing each other.

At first it was nice, both of them caressing each other and making the pleasure overcome the problems and pain both of them were having. But then reality came and Ethan stopped.

"Grayson." He gasps out of air.

"Mhm?" He asks kissing his brother neck.

"Are we going to...?" He asks making his brother stop.

"Do you want to?" He asks frowning.

Truth be told none of them stopped to wonder what happens after a kiss. Having sex with another guy, especially a brother, wasn't something they gave to much thought before.

Both of them were sitting there silently when Ethan starts smiling.

"What about oral?" He asks making Grayson's cheeks turn a light pink.

"What?" He asks embarrassed.

"It can't be that hard?" He says raising his eyebrows. "Right?" He continues by frowning. "Well, is not that hard I mean we just have to-

"I know!" Grayson says cutting Ethan off. "It's not like someone hasn't done that to me before."

"Oh I'm sorry," Ethan says sarcastically. "I forgot how experienced you are when it comes to this." He says pointing at his member.

"Shut up." Grayson whispers avoiding eye contact with his brother.

"So..." Ethan says putting his hand on top of Grayson's thigh. "Are we doing this or not?"

Grayson shrugs and Ethan took that as 'yes', so he got on his knees in front of him. It wasn't the first time someone did this to him. Katherine and him had a really active sex life, but never a guy, especially his brother. So saying that he was nervous was an understatement.

But their moment didn't last long enough for Ethan actually doing something because surprisingly his father was home. They heard the car from outside and Ethan quickly got on his feet.

"Fuck." Grayson murmurs adjusting his pants and throwing the rest of his body on the bed.

"What's he doing here so early?" He asks taking his shirt off and putting a t-shirt on.

Grayson didn't mind at all because he got a close up view of his brother perfect body.

Both of them went downstairs kind of relive that whatever it was they were doing got interrupted because they didn't had any idea of what to do.

For their surprise Sean wasn't alone, like almost always lately, he was with Meredith. Ethan smiled at her politely but Grayson stared at her with some kind of disgust. Ethan noticing, slightly kicks him in the arm with his elbow.

"Good, both of you are here." Their father said with a smile. "We brought dinner." He says showing them the bags of Chinese food.

"I'm not hungry." Grayson says turning around.

"We all are having dinner together." Replies his father through gritted teeth.

All of them sat down on the dinner table. Silence was drowning all of them but none said a word. Until finally Meredith opened her mouth.

"So, how was school today?" She ask smiling.

"It was nice." Says Ethan smiling at her.

"Like you care." Says Grayson at the same time playing around with his food.

"Grayson!" Shouts his father staring at him.

"It's okay." Meredith says looking at her plate.

"Enough of this none sense." Says Sean putting his fork on top of the table. "There's a reason why we are having this dinner together." He said smiling while looking at her.

"Oh god." Says Grayson sighing. "Please don't tell me you are marrying her."

Ethan stares at his brother with wide eyes. What are the chances his father is crazy enough to do such thing? He thought knowing the answer to the question. High, pretty high.

"Not yet." He says looking at his son with disgust. "She's moving in." He says grabbing her hand.

"Why?" Both of them said in unison.

"Because I love her and she loves me and that's what normal people do when they love each other Grayson." He says frowning. "So start acting more like your brother and be polite to her." He says really serious.

Grayson scoffs getting on his feet. "Whatever I'm going to shower." He says going up the stairs.

He wasn't pleased at all with the news. He was trying his best to control his temper but making him live with that woman under the same roof was too much for him to bear. He wanted to talk to someone. Her. But he knew he couldn't. She said that if he left, to never come back and he chose his brother over her, because he's family after all. But now he was starting to miss her. There are somethings he can't talk to his brother about. Things that Katherine knew and always gave great advice. But now he no longer had Katherine. Just his brother like he always wanted. So why was he still feeling the same hole in his chest when he only had Katherine and not Ethan?

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