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Kimberly stood on the other side of the hallway, staring at Grayson and Katherine. Even though she didn't want to she was jealous of her. They had a fight over her, something happened between her and Ethan, and that was driving her insane.

She watch them kiss, for a long time. Doesn't she has some moral? She thought crossing her arms.

"Already crushing on him?" Someone said from behind. "Don't tell me you are just another cliché falling for Grayson." She continues annoyed.

The girl took a step next to Kim, observing how the lovely couple shared their love in front of everyone.

"I don't like him." Kim scoffs moving her view to the girl.

"You don't?" The girl replies surprise.

"I don't." She murmurs resting her back on the locker behind her. "And besides Ethan's is hotter."

"I'm surprise you think that way. Not a lot of girl are on his team." She says laughing. "Both are hot." She continues resting her back next to Kim. "But you know there's always one prettier."

"That's bullshit." Kimberly says smiling. "I don't understand how he's with her after what she did." Kimberly murmurs with disgust.

"What are you talking about?" The girl asks curiously. "I know you're new and everything but you should know that there's no point in mouth shaming her."

"I'm not planning to." Kimberly replies turning to the girl.

"You can look all you want but that girl is literally perfect." You could notice in her tone the hate towards her, because after all she was right, Katherine is the definition of perfection. "Perfect parents, the girl has more money than all of us together. Straight A's, her record is impeccable. And most importantly, perfect boyfriend." She finishes by slightly pointing at Grayson.

"I'm not surprised," Kim says kind of disappointed. "She's even perfect looking."

"I know." The girl answers frowning.

Both of them kept their view towards them. Beside the fact that Grayson is extremely messed up their relationship was something most people wished for nowadays. But their view changed when Grayson's eyes went straight to Kimberly, making her uncomfortable in her position.

"Why is Grayson looking at us." The girl asks frowning.

"I don't know." Kim says turning her back towards him. "Who are you anyways?" She says looking at the girl.

"I'm Melissa." She says extending her arm towards Kim.

"Nice to meet you." She replies smiling. Maybe she made a friend after all.


"Grayson wait up!" Kimberly shouts slightly jogging behind him.

"What do you want." Grayson mutters looking for his car keys.

"Can you give me a ride home." She says smiling at him.

If she wanted things to be like they used to, she had to begin by being his friend again. She had the small feeling that Grayson wasn't very fond of her.

"Why?" He asks annoyed. The last thing he wanted was to be alone with the girl.

Kimberly was surprised by his action. She didn't though he was actually going to denied the offer. "Forget it." She whispers turning around.

Grayson sighs while watching the girl recede. He loved Ethan and that meant that he had to be nice with her, or he will be mad at him. Something Grayson was trying to avoid. "Kimberly wait." He says defeated.

She turns around looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"Get in or I will leave with out you." He murmurs getting inside. One thing was being her friend, that doesn't mean being actually nice to her.

Kimberly frowns making her way to Grayson's car. She takes a sit next to him, making sure not to bother him. Now that she was alone with him and not spending the day with Ethan, she realized how different they were. By starters Ethan was nice, and sweet and he treats her like a lady. But Grayson was hostile and pettish. He never tried to talk to her or even try to be nice. Something really strange for her because she knew how much he used to love her before she left.

"So," She says looking at him from the corner of her eyes. Most of the girl were right, he is hotter than Ethan, but unlike him Ethan is a nicer person. And he's the one she has feelings for. "How's it been these past few years I haven't see you?"

Grayson tried his best not to show his annoyance, the last thing he wanted was some small talk with the girl that's stealing his brother from him.

"You know, the usual." He replies staring at the road. "My mother died." He says turning to look at her with a hug smile. "But I'm over it." He says turning his view back to the road.

Kimberly opens her eyes in surprise. "Oh." She says frowning. "I'm sorry about that."

For a moment she considered mentioning her mother, to show some sympathy, but she didn't. That was a secret between Ethan and her. She felt a special bond because of it but she never mention that to him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too." He replies gripping the steering wheel. "Here we are." Grayson says parking his car in front of Kimberly's house.

"Thanks for the ride." She murmurs getting out of the car and watching him drive away.

It only took Grayson less than a minute to get home. He was glad he was finally alone. All he needed now was to see Ethan. He wasn't going to hit him, mostly because he is sober at the moment and because that's not what he wanted from him. He needed his touch.

Grayson made his was up the stairs to his brother room.

"You're back." Ethan says looking at Grayson standing in the frame of his door. "How was school?" He asks standing up.

"Kiss me." Grayson says closing the door behind him.

"What?" Ethan asks confuse.

"I need you to kiss me." Grayson whispers staring at his brother with pain.

Ethan came closer to Grayson, only a few inches from his face. "If that's what you want." He replies crashing his lips against his.

Grayson pulled his brother closer to his body, feeling the warmth of Ethan cover his own. He needed this to keep himself sane. If Ethan didn't make him feel loved he would die of misery.

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