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"How was your first day?" He asks Kim as they both made their way towards Ethan's cars.

"Better than expected." She says half smiling.

For Kimberly's luck she has a few classes with Ethan. Not all of them but that was better than nothing for her. She gets in his car and throws her bag on the floor. Even though she doesn't admit it she wants to stay at school. The idea of going back home and take care of her mother wasn't very exiting for her.

"Can we go to your house for a while?" She asks with a big smile.

Ethan debates the idea of having her close to Grayson at his current condition, but he couldn't deny her the offer of coming to his house. So instead of saying 'no' he said yes with a fake smile. Beside there's not certainty that Grayson was going to be home anyways.

When they arrive home Ethan was relieved that Grayson wasn't there. It's only three o'clock but Ethan knew that Grayson was capable of getting drunk at this time of the day.

"What do you want to do?" Ethan asks putting his bag on a chair. "Do you want something to eat? I can order a pizza." He says getting two bottles of water from the fridge.

"Okay." She answers taking a seat on the couch.

Kimberly notice that Grayson wasn't home, which means that he isn't really sick. But why would Ethan lie to her? The truth is that Kimberly was hoping to see Grayson today. She hasn't seen him in years and she hasn't forgotten the huge crush he used to have on her. She never payed attention to him though, because Ethan was the one that she wanted since they were little.

"Here you go." Ethan says giving her the bottle of water.

"What do you want to watch?" She ask scrolling through Netflix.

"I don't know." He mutters sitting beside her with two notebooks. "I have to study anyways." He says opening his Spanish class book.

"Okay." She says putting the first movie that seemed interesting.

After they ate half the pizza together and it was almost night time Grayson came home. Kimberly was happy about it but Ethan was scared to death.

"Grayson's here!" She exclaimed happily. "I haven't seen him in years." She mutters to Ethan.

"Can you wait a second?" Ethan says standing up.

"Sure." She says confuse.

Ethan wanted to make sure that Grayson wasn't drunk. He was going to make a scene and he didn't want that in front of her. He opens the door and sees Grayson coming towards him and for his surprise he was sober.

"You're home." He states crossing his arm.

"I am." Grayson replies pushing him aside.

"Where were you?" He asks grabbing his arm.

"Like you care." He replies sighing. "Now let go of me, I want to go inside."

"Kimberly is here." Ethan says and notices how Grayson's arm tensed under his touch. He quickly let go of his arm.

"Why?" He asks frowning.

Grayson hated the idea of Ethan and Kimberly spending too much time together. For him it seemed like Ethan was replacing him. Which he wasn't but Grayson didn't notice that he was the one pushing Ethan away.

"She's my friend, there's nothing wrong with her being here."

Grayson didn't say anything, he just stares at his twin brother. For some reason he had the sudden urge to hit him. Or kiss him. Either way he was going to, he couldn't.

"She wants to see you." Ethan continues. The idea of Kim being friends with Gray wasn't too appealing for him either but he was in no place to fight over it. Besides, they used to be pretty close.

"Why?" Grayson asks with disgust.

"Because she missed you. Are you going to pretend like you didn't know her? You were obsessed with the girl."

"I wasn't!" He exclaimed raising his voice.

The door flew open and Kimberly came outside with a huge smile.

"Grayson!" She screams coming towards them. "You look so different!" She says amazed.

Grayson had to look at her twice to recognize her. She wasn't a little girl anymore and even though it hurts him to admit it, he knew she was prettier.

"Kimberly." He says hugging her. "You've change." He mutters pulling away.

"Long time no see." She whispers staring at both of them. They didn't look the same at all. At least not like they used to. "Come on! Let's go inside, there's so much to talk about! Starting with why you didn't come to school today." She said smiling and for some reason Ethan had a bad feeling about this.

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