f i v e

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I decided that from now on I will write in third person point of view because I like it more. You're going to notice the change but it's better than changing the POV everytime I want to show another character thoughts. After I finish the book (if I do, 😂 I'm really lazy 😫) I will rewrite the first four chapters. Enjoy 💓


Ethan open his eyes and the first thing he sees is his brother face. After last night fight he fell asleep beside him without noticing. He sits on the corner of his bed turning the alarm off and staring at the window. Is going to be a raining day. He thought going to the bathroom. He likes rainy days but when he's home, not at school where he has to walk and get wet all day.

After he showers and puts his uniform on he goes out the door to pick Kimberly at her house. It was her first day back to school and he promised to be with her yesterday. He felt sorry for her to be honest, first days of school always suck.

"Hey!" Kimberly shouts when she gets in car. She looked pale but he didn't mention that.

"Hey." He says giving her a kiss in the cheek. She blushes, again just like last night but he didn't mention that part either. "Are you nervous?" He asks keeping his eyes on the road.

"A little." The girl replied looking through her bag.

"What are you looking for?" He asks staring at her from the corner of his eyes but maintaining the view on the road.

"Just making sure I have everything." She mumbles to herself.

"You're going to be fine." Ethan says smiling. "Beside, I'm here for you if you need me."

"I know." She says resting her head on the window. "But I do hate this uniform!" She continues pulling her tie loose.

"I still don't know how to do mine." He says staring at his tie lying in the back sit.

"Where's Grayson?" She asks playing with the edge of her skirt.

"Home." Ethan replies gripping the steering wheel.


"He's sick." Ethan lies to her.

He didn't want to but that was easier than telling her the truth. She on the other hand noticed the sudden change on Ethan's behavior after she said Grayson's name. She stares at him frowning, he seems sad now. Did she do something to bother him? Is he and Grayson fighting? But she didn't say a word, if he was mad about something she wasn't going to ask questions and make things worse.

After another five minutes they were already at school. Kim was scared to death, she wasn't prepared for this. This is a small town maybe people will remember her from before. Ethan glared at her from the corner of his eyes, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"You're nervous." He says chuckling.

" I am not!" She says throwing at him a paper.

"Come on." Ethan says opening the car door. "You're going to be fine."

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