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I finish getting everything from my locker and quickly went straight to my car. I don't even bother waiting for Grayson after everything that's been happening.

I get home to see my father's car on the drive way, why is he home? I wonder parking my car on the side. I enter the house and by far no one is downstairs.

"Father?" I ask throwing my keys on the table beside the door. He doesn't answer and I sight entering the kitchen. "Who are you?!" I ask/scream to the girl in the kitchen.

"You must be Ethan." She says with a big smile. "Right?" She asks again doubting herself.

"Yeah... Who are you?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"I'm Meredith!" Shes says with a big smile shaking my hand.

"Okay? So why are you here? In my house, in my kitchen?" I ask frowning.

"You met Meredith!" I hear someone saying form behind and I turn around to face my father.


"She's my girlfriend." He says putting his arm around her.

I feel myself getting a bit tense by his words. He is with someone? It hasn't even been a year since mother's death and he has another woman, girl, in our house?

"How old is she?" I ask crossing my arms.

"She's nineteen." He says kissing her on the lips. I look away not wanting to see this.

"She could be your daughter." I muttered and he looks at me angry.

"Do you have a problem with that?" He asks clenching his jaw.

I hear the door opening and Grayson comes barging in. Waisted, great. I think to myself and I see him coming towards us. He stands next to me and looks at 'Meredith' confuse.

"Who is she?" He ask with a grin and I let out a scoff. Really Grayson?

"Dad's new girlfriend." I whisper knowing this wasn't going to end well.

"What?!" He asks looking at her now with disgust.

"Let's go upstairs." I tell him grabbing him by the shoulder.

"How dare you!" He screams but I just pull him closer to me.

"Gray." I whisper in his ear and I notice his muscles relaxing but he was still angry. "Let's go."

I grab him by the hand and guide him to his room. Sometimes I wish he didn't drink so much. If mom was still here he wouldn't be this way. We enter his room and I guide him to the bathroom.

"I don't need your help." He whispers pushing me away. "I can do it myself!" He says now raising his voice and I sight knowing where this was going.

I've become immune to the way his moods change all the time. He looks at me furios even though it wasn't my fault, I knew he was going to pin this on me.

"Grayson relax." I say but that doesn't change a thing.

"It's been five months, two weeks and four days since she left." He says drying his eyes. "Almost half a year but that doesn't changes the feeling of her being gone." He mutters and I find myself wanting to cry.

"Gray..." I say, my voice cracking in the way.

"No just fucking don't!" He says punching me in my left cheek. Great a new bruise. What excuse I'm supposed to use now? I wonder putting my body against the wall.

"He doesn't have the right to be with someone new." He says in front of me.

I was scare he was going to hit me again but he didn't. He just stood there looking at me. His hand slowly reaches my face and he starts rubbing my cheek. It hurts because he just hit me but I didn't stop him. A tear rolls down his face but I remove it with the back of my hand. I hear a small sigh escape his lips and I knew he's just tired of everything.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and for the first time, after weeks being abused by him, he says he's sorry.

"I know." I whisper back rubbing his hair.

He leans in and I tense a bit but don't move away. Is he going to kiss me? I wonder as the space between our faces disappears. What is this feeling I'm feeling inside myself? I ask myself as his lips brush against mine. He finally kisses me and I don't pull away. Is this wrong? Me kissing my own brother? I hope not because this feeling is something I've been missing since she died.

I felt complete.

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