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When Ethan was five years old his brother had an accident. It wasn't too serious, but he was left with a few broken bones. For Ethan this was traumatizing, because his brother, and favorite person in the world was hurt.

That was the first time Ethan had to go to the ER, and he hadn't thought about that moment for a while. Grayson's scared face when the doctor said he wasn't going to be able to walk for a few months was something special. It showed how scared he was, but at the same time it showed Ethan that Grayson needed someone to protect him; and that's what he did for the past few years. Until their mother died, and sadly, there was nothing Ethan could do about that.

But the last time that Ethan was in a hospital was the day his mother died. It was just another normal day for him at school. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and that morning he didn't have one of those "bad feelings" moments you have when something bad it's about to happen.

He and Grayson went back home after a long day at school, and unlike now, they were happy to be home together. There were no feelings in the way of life or alcohol to erase bad memories. Of course that was until they got inside of the house.

Their father was waiting in the kitchen, sitting on the dinner table. His face spoke to them, both of them knew something was wrong, but it wasn't until Sean spoke that their life changed forever. They knew something was off, but never in a million years they'd thought that the reason of their father face was their mother death.

Technically she wasn't dead yet, but she was close to it.

"We should go to the hospital now." Sean said cleaning his face. "She has no time and she could be gone by now."

After seeing their mother that way something inside of all of them died. The guy responsible went to jail, but deep down all of them knew that it wasn't justice. Nothing in this world could justified his actions, and most importantly, nothing in this world could bring their mother back from the death.

So for Ethan being inside of a hospital was something he wasn't planning to do in a few years, unless it was necessary. He was sitting in the waiting room, but with every second that went by another memory from this place appeared in his head.

"How long till we see her again?" He said rubbing both of his thighs.

"I don't know yet." Kimberly replied looking worried.

"I need some air." Ethan replied standing up. "Call me when they let you in." She nods and Ethan disappears between the people on the room.

When he got out of the hospital he felt like he could breathe again. He didn't knew he was drowning until he saw the sky again. He doesn't want to be here but he doesn't have the heart to say no to Kimberly. Not especially when her mother is in such condition.

And maybe it was the memories that made him do such stupid thing, or that he wasn't thinking clearly because he was still hangover, but he did the stupidest thing ever.

He called Grayson.

It's pretty normal for someone to call their brother in a moment of desperation, but in their case everything was different. The Dolan family was really far from being normal.

"Hello?" A girl voice answered through the phone, and that's when Ethan realized that calling Grayson was an idiotic move.

"Katherine?" He asks sighing.


"It's Grayson there?" Ethan asks resting his back against the hospital wall.

"He's in the shower right now, but I can tell him you called."

"No it's okay." Ethan says frowning. "Please don't tell him that I called. Better yet deleted my call."

"Oh, okay." She answers confused.

"Okay then, bye."

"Ethan wait!" She says seconds before Ethan hangs up.


"I don't know what happened between you and Grayson but," she stays in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. "But you guys should talk and figure things out. I may not be your friend but I notice when things are not okay and Grayson has changed a lot."

"Katherine there's some things that you don't know, believe me when I say we are better off apart."

"No, he has changed completely like he's another person, and now that he's living with me he's slowly coming back to normal but he's just... sad most of them time, and I think he needs you."

"Katherine there's really nothing I can do about it." Ethan whispers.

"Okay." She says sighting. "It was worth the shot." She says with a small laugh. "Take care E." She says before finally hanging up.

Ethan frowns, not knowing exactly what just happened. Is Grayson really unhappy? Ethan actually thought that if he stayed long enough with her he would go back to normal.

"Ethan?" He heard Kimberly say from behind.


"The doctor says we can go inside now." She says looking nervous.

Ethan takes a deep breath before going back to the place that have bring him so much despair and fear. And for a moment he wished that Grayson was by his side when he went in, but reality made him realize that Grayson wasn't going to be by his side now, or ever.

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