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Katherine was sitting on her desk when Grayson came inside to grab his stuff. She didn't know yet he was leaving because they haven't talk all day; mostly because Katherine was avoiding him. He kept quiet the whole time he was picking his clothes and Katherine did her best to ignore him, but she gave in after a while.

"You're leaving." She says not looking at him.

"I am." He replies throwing more clothes inside his bag. "I told you it was temporary."

"So you made up with Ethan." She says still not facing him.

"We kind of did, but is not like you care." He says with a scoff.

"I don't." She says with a sarcastic laugh finally turning around.

"Yeah, you don't." He says staring at her. "Because if you did, you would have told me he called."

"You know what Grayson," she says standing up. "You act like a bad boy all the time, being rude and aggressive most of the time, but I stood next to you all of those time you were weak crying about life. How you lost your mother, how you and your brother are always fighting, how your dad is drinking again, and him finding a new replacement for your mother but have you ever ask me how I feel? You hit me and I stand up again and forgive you. I haven't make any mistakes when it comes to you." It was hard for her to speak now. Tears clouding her vision. "I didn't complain when you made me feel useless or worthless. And I make a tiny mistake, which was not because your brother ask me to and this is how you act?" She laughs sarcastically. "Then go ahead and leave! But if you do walk out of this door today, makes both of us a favor and never come back."

"Katherine." He says taking a step towards her.

"Don't!" She shouts taking one step back. "Okay I know how this works. You say something nice I get calm and you hug me. I give in and we kiss like nothing happened. And maybe that's our problem you know? Because we don't talk when it comes to us." She finally says out loud for the first time.


"Just go." She says taking a sit again on the chair.

"Fine!" Grayson replies knowing he was going to regret it later.

He got home in half an hour and surprisingly the house was empty. Where is Ethan? He thought throwing his bags on top of his bed.

Ethan sighs sitting on the hospital waiting room. He didn't even know why he was here. Is not like Kimberly's mother knows who he is. He stands up and goes to the room to see Kimberly sitting next her mother.

"Kim do you mind if I leave?" He asks resting his arms on the door frame. "I have to study for a test." He lies looking at her.

"Of course." She says smiling. "There's no need for you to be here."

"Text me when you get home." He says and she nods.

Ethan leaves the building like his life depended on it. Every second that he spends inside that place makes him remember things that are better off forgotten.

He stops at the pharmacy to buy some snacks before going home when he accidentally stumbles into someone.

"Sorry." He quickly says helping the girl grab her stuff from the floor. He suddenly realized who she was and stares at her in disbelief.

She looks up and her face quickly turns a light shade of red. His one night stand.

"Hey." She says looking at the floor with a frown.

"Hi." Ethan says smiling. Somehow he finds her shyness and embarrassment quite charming.

"I'm sorry I stumbled into you." She says scratching her head. "Next time I will be more careful."

"Aurora, right?" He says observing the petite girl in front of him.

"Yeah." She says, finally looking at his eyes.

He was surprised to see how gorgeous her eyes were, almost grey. He didn't notice how pretty she was under the influence of alcohol.

"It was nice seeing you again." He says half smiling.

"Sure." She says frowning, but he could see the small sparkle in her eyes. "You do know that we go to the same school." She says smiling. "Right?"

Ethan frowns feeling embarrassed now. "Yeah of course." He says even though he has never seen her in school.

"It's okay." She says laughing. "You don't have to lie. I'm a freshman, I'm basically invisible in that school." She says shrugging. "If I told anyone we slept together they wouldn't believe me anyways." She says smiling to herself.

"Why's that?" He says frowning.

"Are you really that naive?" The girl ask going out of the store like she planned to do before she stumbled into him. "You're one of the most popular guy at school. After your brother."

"I'm not." He denies going after her. "I spent most of my time studying and doing homework."

"I know." She says opening her car door. "Handsome and clever." She says turning back to face him. "A great combination. It was nice seeing you Ethan." She says getting inside the car and leaving.

Ethan stares at the back of her car until it disappeared. He went to his car and left forgetting why he went there in the first place.

When he got home he was surprised to see his brother's car in front of his house. Grayson's home? He thought grabbing his bag and getting out of the car. Since when?

He went upstairs and saw his brother laying on his bed at sleep with his clothes on, including his shoes. Ethan smiles and enters his brothers room. He always does this and Ethan always does the same thing. Takes his shoes off and covers him with a blanket. Or at least he used to do that when they were younger. When he was about to leave he felt a strong hand grab his wrist.

"Where were you?" Ask Grayson half asleep.

"Out." Ethan replies staring at his brother. Was it really everything back to normal? He wonders admiring his brother's beautiful face.

"Stay here." Grayson whispers patting the empty space next to him.

Ethan frowns and debates weather or not he should do such thing. Before they had whatever it is that they have, this would have been totally normal, but now nothing was normal. So before he could over think it too much Ethan closed the door and got into Grayson's bed. It wasn't too long before he felt his brother's arms on top of his stomach. He smiled by this action and even thought he knew that they were going to end up fighting sooner or later he fell asleep in his brother's arms.

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