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Ethan sighs, throwing his pen on top of the desk. It's been five days and Grayson hasn't even been home. He knew that their fight was a little intense but he never thought he would leave. Not when he told Ethan he was the one that needed to go, it didn't make sense.

Rumor has it that he is staying with Katherine and the idea of them spending every day and night together made Ethan sad for some reason. He was still "getting over him" if that even made sense because they were never in a relationship, but it wasn't helping that Kimberly wasn't talking to him.

So maybe he was a little harsh on Monday but for him she's totally overeating. She wants to know what happened that made him so upset but he couldn't tell her. And she feels he's keeping secrets from her but there are things that should stay unsaid. And it's not like Ethan is obligated to tell her everything that happens in his life.

He sights once again, going to his closet to find something to wear tonight. People say that the best way to cure a broken heart is a hook up, or maybe is something else but is not like Ethan has something better to do. He doesn't has anything to lose, so he might as well enjoy being a guy for once in a while.

Everyone has been talking about the party and everyone is basically going. It is a Friday night and even though the idea of staying home and studying some more made Ethan happy, he needed to be a normal teen like everyone else. And there's no better place to get laid than in a party where everyone's drunk and is up for everything.

Ethan arrives at Tyler's house around nine o'clock. It wasn't too crowded yet but in a few hours people would start to appear. The amount of people already in the house was huge and there were plenty of girls for him to choose but no one was Grayson and no one could replace him. Kimberly was the closest thing for him to forget his brother but to be honest he just wasn't into her that much. No matter how hard he tried.

Everything turned to shit when Ethan noticed Grayson dancing with Katherine a few feet away from him. Hands on her waist, caressing her in a way that made his skin crawl. So Ethan quickly turned the opposite direction, going straight to the place where the alcohol remain.

Drink after drink made Ethan's thoughts disappear and girl after girl made him feel normal again. Or the closets he could get to being normal again.

"Want to go upstairs." The girl, he thinks is named Aurora, asks.

"Yes please." He says grabbing her wrist and going up the stairs.

In this house full of rooms, Ethan and the girl made their way to the quite one. It wasn't huge but it was way bigger than Ethan's room. The bed was a pretty comfortable size for to people to lay on, or better yet fuck.

Closing the door behind her, the girl starts kissing Ethan, slowly unbuttoning Ethan's shirt. In a matter of seconds both of them lay on top of the bed half naked, Aurora on top of him.

Maybe it was the alcohol and drugs both of them had consumed a few hours ago, but for a brief moment Ethan forgot his brother and the way he made him feel.


When Ethan opens his eyes the next morning the first thing his eyes witness is an unknown room. He wasn't sure where he was, but it only too him a few seconds to remember what had happened the night before. To his left was a girl, which seems around his age, sleeping. Only covered by the thin sheet on top of her and Ethan. That's when Ethan realizes he's naked too.

He mentally sighs, what seemed like a great idea last night was becoming regret. Who was this girl anyways? Slowly and quietly, he grabbed his boxers from the floor. It was better for them to not talk or see each other. If Ethan was lucky enough she won't remember anything, or better yet she's won't even be from the same school. But Ethan is not the observant type and he had no clue if she is actually from his school.

After a half hour drive, he arrives at his home save and sound. The only thing in his mind at the moment was a shower, the smell of alcohol was drowning him. How could Grayson do this on a daily basis and for fun? He thought going up the stairs.

But a shower was the last thing he got to do when he got to his bedroom. When he enters his room he realized he's not alone. Kimberly was sitting at the edge if his bed. Not a really good look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, taking his watch off and throwing it on top of his drawer.

"Some girl let me in." She murmurs standing up. "Meredith I think is her name." She continues rubbing her arm.

"Oh." Was all Ethan replied resting his back on the wall.

"Where were you last night." She asks frowning. "I called you like a hundred times." She says drying some tears from her face.

Ethan frowns taking his phone from his pocket, he was so caught up on his thoughts that he forgot to even check his phone. "I'm sorry I was out last night." He says crawling through all the missing calls of her. "It's everything alright?" He asks turning to look at her.

"My mom..." She whispers, a few tears running down her face. "She had a stroke last night." She says now sobbing.

Ethan hearts drops, he feels like the worst human being in the world. He quickly grabs her in between his arm into a tight hug.

"I had nowhere else to go." She says into his chest. "Or talk... you're the only person that knows about her and I thought-

"I'm so fucking sorry Kimberly." He says rubbing her head. "That I wasn't there with you! Last night was kind of a mess."

She pulls away slowly, know looking at his face. "I notice." She says cleaning her face. "And it's not your fault and you don't need to give me an explanation Ethan, if you where occupied last night I get it." She lies, the smell of alcohol has been drowning her since he got inside the room.

"No," He says passing his fingers through his hair. "I'm your best friend and I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most, and I'm so sorry about that." Ethan tried his best not to feel guilty but nothing would change the fact that while he was getting laid her friend was going through hell. "But let me shower and I will go to the hospital with you."

"Okay." She says taking a sit on his bed again and watching him go out the door.

Kimberly felt so stupid at the moment. She knew he must've been partying last night, look at him all dressed up and probably drunk. She knows he didn't know that something like this was going to happen but she can't help feeling stupid for coming to him.

She had her new friend and she could have gone to her but instead she picked him. Because even though he is the only one that know about her mother, she would always pick him first no matter what. And last night while she was in the hospital secretly hoping, not even knowing it herself, that her mother wouldn't make it, Ethan was with another girl forgetting about his brother and that girl wasn't her and it probably won't ever be her. But of course she doesn't know that, and maybe she never will.

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