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It only took Grayson a few minutes to drink half a bottle of whisky after Kimberly left the house. Ethan went outside with her and he was left inside to see both of them kiss each other goodbye. The idea of Ethan with someone else drives him crazy but actually seeing them was something else. Maybe it was just the alcohol but he literally felt like his blood was on fire and that wasn't a good sign. If she didn't leave soon, there was a big chance that Grayson was going outside to kick her in the face.

You may think, Grayson wouldn't hit a girl, but it wouldn't be his first time. He started hitting Katherine a few weeks after he began hitting Ethan. First they were silly discussions, then they became fights until one day he slapped her and after that day he didn't really care anymore. Is not like she's the one that he actually loves. Ethan may be his brother but Grayson started feeling some type of way towards him a few years ago.

"You're already drinking." Says Ethan crossing his arms from across the room.

"So?" He replies grabbing the bottle from the table.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Ethan says frowning and goes to him to grab the bottle from his hands.

"Like you care." He mumbles taking a few steps behind.

"What that's supposed to mean?" He asks looking at him confused.

"I'm surprised you didn't go with her to her house, since both of you are so inseparable lately." Grayson tells Ethan with disgust on his face. Those words were like poison to his mouth.

"You're jealous." Ethan replies more to himself than to him.

"I'm not." Grayson says trying to sound casual but in the end it came with a hint of anger.

"Whatever." Says Ethan grabbing the bottle.

"Give it backs!" He screams coming towards Ethan.

"Stop." He murmurs putting the bottle back in his father cabinet.

Without thinking twice Grayson smash his fist against Ethan's jaw, making him stumble into the fridge. Another one to his nose, making the blood stain his uniform. It took Ethan another two more punches to realize what was happening, that's when the pain made itself visible and he moaned in pain. He tastes the blood on his mouth and spits the red liquid on the floor. For the first time he didn't feel sorry for Grayson and decided to fight back, hitting him on the eye.

"What it's going on here!" Someone screams from the distance making both of the jump in surprise.

His father Sean was standing in the entrance, Meredith standing next to him. Both Ethan and Grayson took a step away from each other.

"So, do anyone care to give me an explanation?" He asks frowning. "You guys have never fought before." He says. If only he knew what Grayson tends to do when he's not home.

"Honey, I think we should give them the night to rest and tomorrow morning we can talk about this." Says Meredith with a worry face.

"Who do you think you are?" Asks Grayson turning his hand into a fist again. "This is a family business and is not like you're someone here."

"Enough!" Screams Sean going towards Grayson. "She is now part of the family you like it or not!"

"Stop." Says Ethan stepping in. "Is okay dad, we were just fighting over a girl. Is not a big deal." He rapidly lies putting his hand on top of his father chest to prevent him from hitting Grayson. "Grayson had a couple if drinks," he mumbles staring at Gray. "He doesn't mean what he's saying."

"It's okay honey." Says Meredith coming closer. "They don't even know me, it's okay for them to feel this way towards me." She says putting her hand on Sean shoulder.

"What I said-

"Grayson let's go upstairs." Says Ethan cutting him off before he continue saying nonsense about her. He knows how much Grayson dislikes Meredith for taking their mother's place. "We can talk this through like mature people, what happened between me and Katherine was a misunderstanding." Ethan kept rambling while he dragged his brother up the stairs.

He opens Grayson's doors and pushes him inside. Grayson was furious, all the things he said downstairs were true, and the fact that Ethan cut him off made him want to hit him again. He still doesn't understand why his father is going out with someone else already.

"Get out of my room." He whispers sitting on the edge of his bed, resting his head on both of his hands.


"I'm going to hit you again if you don't leave." He warns Ethan turning his head up.

"I don't care." Ethan says moving toward him. "Hit me all you want if that's going to make you feel better." He whispers sitting next to him.

Both of them stayed there in silence, watching the wall in pain. It was pretty obvious that both of them were going to have some horrible bruises tomorrow.

"I miss you." Grayson says still not looking at him in the face.

"What?" Says Ethan confuse turning his head towards him.

"You replaced me." Grayson continues looking at the wall. "It's you and Kimberly now, I'm out of the picture."

Ethan felt a strange feeling in his voice. It wasn't sadness or pain, it was fear. Grayson was terrified of the idea of Ethan leaving him behind. Ethan grabs his jaw and moves his face his direction to make eye contact.

"No I didn't." He says coming closer to him, both their thighs were touching now. "I'm never going to replace you, no one can ever take that place, and you know it."

"I'm scared." Grayson whispers to his brother holding the urge to cry. "Moms gone, dad has a girlfriend and you have Kim." He says with a small chuckle making Ethan frown. "And I have Katherine." He suddenly said making his eyes turn darker. He takes his face out of Ethan's touch even though it took everything inside him to do that.

"What's so wrong about that?" Ethan says sighing.

"Pretty soon you're going to leave me!" He says closing his eyes. "And I'm left with a girl I don't even love!" He continues turning his view towards his brother again. "I love you."

"I know."

"No!" He says exasperated. "I lov-

But before he could continue Ethan presses his lips against his. Making everything around them disappear. It was the first time Ethan made the move, because he had never thought of his brother this way until their first kiss. But he didn't regret it, not when it felt this good.

"I love you too Grayson." He says panting. "I'm not going to leave you." He murmurs making him smile.

"You better not." He replies kissing him again.

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