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"What happened to you!" Kimberly screams through the door.

"Keep your voice down." Ethan whispers grabbing her by the arm and pulling her inside.

It was currently seven am and everyone in the house was sleeping, including Meredith and Sean. She spent the night after the small fight they had, making Grayson angrier but Ethan spent the night in his room to prevent any more misunderstandings.

"So you're not going to school today." She says with sadness in her voice.

"I'm sorry." He replies pulling her into a hug.

"It's okay." She answers fake smiling. "I have to make friends on my own anyways."

It was Kimberly's second day at school and she wasn't too excited about it now that she knew that Ethan was not going to school. He literally was her only friend; if saying "hi" to a few girls in school meant she had friends, then she had a few.

"Morning Kimberly." Says Grayson coming down the stairs. He wasn't having a great morning, but seeing her hugging Ethan so early in the morning wasn't going to improve it.

"You're going to school?" Ethan asks surprised, staring at his brother wearing the uniform.

"I didn't went yesterday." He replies sharply. "Or the day before." He continues passing by them. "I have to at least pretend I don't hate that place."

Grayson went out the door without saying another word. Ethan was a little hurt because he didn't even bother to say goodbye but he knew how much Grayson loathes Kimberly.

"You had a fight with Gray." Kim says breaking the silence. "Why?"

"What?" Ethan asks looking at her. He completely forgot she was standing there, he was to occupied thinking of his brother.

"You and Grayson."

"What about me and Grayson?" He asks worried, there was no way she knew about them. If there was a "them", but the idea of someone knowing they even kissed made him uneasy.

"The fight." She says frowning. "Are you okay Ethan?" She asks putting her hand on his arm. "You look concerned."

"It's nothing." He says smiling. "It was a misunderstanding."

"It seems pretty rough for a "misunderstanding." She says staring at the awful bruises laying across Ethan's face.

"You know when guys fight about girls it's never easy." He says continuing the lie he created last night.

Kimberly was surprised with those words. They were fighting over a girl? Who? The idea of her being the reason why made her a little excited. Maybe they find her attractive and worth the time. Unlike all those guys she was with in Canada.

"You were fighting over a girl?" She says thinking out loud.

"Yeah," Ethan says scratching the back of his head. "Katherine and Gray have been together for a long time. If you call whatever they have a relationship." He says frowning. That part was actually truth. "He wasn't too happy when he heard about us."

"Oh." She replied taking a step back. Even though it has being only a few weeks with Ethan, hearing those word shatter her heart. "Well I have to go to school." She says trying to hide her pain through a small smile. "See you after school?" She says going to the door.

"Of course." Ethan replies walking behind her.

Just like any other day he kissed her goodbye, but unlike any other day she didn't feel anything about it.


Grayson made his way through the hallway, trying to avoid everyone's eyes on him. Any other day those eyes were because he's extremely handsome, but today everyone was staring because he was all bruised up.

He made it to his locker annoyed by everyone's rudeness. He wasn't having a good day at all and it was about to get worse.

"What happened to you?" Kat asks standing next to him.

She was scare to ask that question. She didn't know if by her asking that she may get punished later in the day.

"Nothing." He replies monotonously.

He closed his locker, making her flinch and she took a step back. He wasn't going to hit her, not because they were in front of everyone, but because he was too tired to even bother. Instead he grabs her hand making her frown.

"I'm not allowed to do this." He asks confuse. "You're my girlfriend."

"I thought I wasn't your girlfriend." She says look at their hands.

Katherine had many opportunities to leave him but she hated the fact that she loves him. The last time they had a fight he made it very clear that she wasn't his girlfriend and that he didn't love her. Grayson is really bipolar so she wasn't too sure about it, even though it broke her heart to hear those words.

"What that's supposed to mean?" He says gripping her hand.

"Nothing." She says smiling.

"That's what I thought." He replies kissing her.

Almost every girl in this school was jealous of Katherine Miller because she was the lucky girl with Grayson. If only they knew what being with him actually meant they wouldn't hate her that much.

Things weren't always like this for them. Before his mothers death Grayson was a lovely boy. He made Katherine feel just like a princess. But he changed completely after that day and a part of her used that as an excuse for his behavior. She's secretly hoping that in a few months he will be back to normal.

But she doesn't know that maybe in a few months he will be back to normal with another guy.

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