t w e n t y - o ne

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Grayson made his way through the hallway, not knowing where he was going. How am I getting to class? He thought looking at his schedule. It was his first day of school and he was completely lost. No idea how to get to Algebra at this time, in a new school three times bigger than the one he used to attend.

Suddenly without noticing, he stumbled into someone, he was too occupied looking at the paper to realize what was in front of him. The girl stares at him, realizing that she has never seen this boy before. For a small town, she basically knew everybody that lives here.

"Sorry." Quickly says Grayson helping the girl gather her stuff.

"It's okay." She says smiling. "You're new, right?" She asks staring at his beautiful face.

"Yeah." He says shrugging. "Would you mind showing me how to get to this class?" He asks pointing at the paper.

"Mr. Harrison's class." She says with a chuckle. "I'm heading to that class too." She says walking to a completely different direction that Grayson was planning to go.

"Oh," he says frowning. "Cool." He says walking next to him. "I'm Grayson by the way." He says extending his hand towards her.

"Katherine." She says slightly shaking his hand.

Grayson opens his eyes panting, sweat covering his whole body. That's the third time he dreamt about Katherine this week and the thought of her made him uneasy for some reason.

Ethan shuffles turning to look at Grayson. He was still half asleep but he looked at his brother for a while. Since Meredith moved in, Ethan has been secretly sneaking into Grayson's room at night. He knew that this way he wouldn't think about her that much because he was keeping him happy. And a happy Grayson meant no fights or problems.

"Another nightmare?" Ethan asks yawning.

"Yeah." Grayson replies turning his head towards him. Ethan had already closed his eyes and was falling asleep.

"Here." He says giving him a quick peck. "Now go back to sleep and you probably dream about us, and that kiss." He says with a small smile.

But before Grayson was able to say something, Ethan was sleeping peacefully. He turns his back towards his brother, to look through the window. What a pretty night he thought sighing.

Nights like this were perfect for a small trip to the lake late at night. Like he used to do with Katherine before everything turned so dark and twisted.

Without Grayson noticing, he slowly fell asleep again, and this time he dreamt about Ethan. He imagined a world were this, them, was something normal because weather he likes it or not, him and Ethan was something that the world could never know about. No matter how badly they wanted to show the world how love can change someone, especially Grayson.


"Morning." Ethan whispers leaving a small trace of kisses down Grayson's neck.

Grayson tried his best to keep a straight face but after a while he gave in and a smile appeared across his faces. "Leave me alone." He mutters covering his face with his blanket.

"Wake up." He says again playing with his brother's hair. "We need to go to school." He continued. "If it makes you feel better, school is ending pretty soon."

"Oh I know." Grayson replies. "I've been counting the days I until this year is over."

Ethan smiles by his answers and got on his feet. He knew that Grayson needed a few minutes before actually waking up and in the mean time he can shower and get ready for school.

On the way to his room he stumbles into Meredith, who apparently was already on her gym clothes and ready to make them breakfast. Like she has been doing for the past several weeks.

"Morning." She says smiling at Ethan and going past him.

"Morning." Ethan replies yawning.

She knew that Ethan slept on his brother's room every night, but she never said anything. She just thinks they are pretty close because after all, they are brothers. She clearly doesn't think they have a 'relationship' and some times do things together.

Grayson wakes up finally and goes downstairs after getting ready. The idea of having breakfast and dinner everyday with her, because she cooks, was not good for Grayson. He did it anyways because his father would end up fighting with him, but mostly to make Ethan proud of him. He knew that Ethan was starting to care about her and he was trying his best to like her, even though it was becoming harder each day.

"Thanks for the breakfast Meredith." Ethan says standing up. "We are leaving for school now."

She smiles at them picking their plates from the table. Grayson on the other hand, just like every morning, didn't say a word.

Both of them left on Ethan's car and got to school in less than ten minutes. Just like every other day, acting like their love wasn't there, Grayson went with his friends and Ethan went with Kimberly, because Grayson didn't worry about her taking him away from him anymore or maybe he just didn't care.

But there she was, standing beside her friends, a smile plastered across her face. Suddenly she starts laughing and Grayson forgot how to breath.

"Back to earth Gray." Says Alec punching his arm.

"Sorry." Grayson replies taking his eyes off Katherine.

"So," Mike says smirking. "How does it feel to be single again?" Everyone laughs but Grayson just smile. "I've been dying to make that question for the last few weeks."

"Fine I guess." He replies shrugging. For a moment he forgot he was single, because watching her from across the room all day made him feel like she was still near him.

"Oh no." Alec says staring at him. "Do you miss her?" He asks frowning.

"No!" He quickly answers crossing his arm.

"Yeah right. Unless you're screwing someone already you're probably going to miss her for a while." Said Cody sighting.

"We get it Cody," Says Mike half smiling. "You still miss Veronica."

"Shut up." He said serious.

But before Grayson was able to say he was indeed getting personal with someone the bell rang and they went in. And as a matter of fact Alec was more than right. He still misses her and he actually thought that being with Ethan was right decision. But, was it? Because why was he still thinking of her and not his brother.

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