f o u r

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After hours of playing with Kimberly and her mom I decide it is time to leave.

"I think I should go." I whisper to Kim and she nods. "I will see you later Mrs. Jonhson!" I say waving at her.

"Don't be silly! Call me Abbie." She says looking at the tv.

I follow Kim to the door while staring at my phone. It's almost midnight and tomorrow I have a test. How did the time pass so fast?

"It was nice hanging with your mom." I say smiling at her. "We should do this more often, you shouldn't be alone in a moment like this." I say holding her hand.

"That would be nice." She says staring at our hands. "And we should hang out alone too." She says kissing me on the cheek and going back inside, blushing.

I stay there for a while. Does she like me? I wonder walking home. I mean our relationship was pretty close when we used to be friends before. We were mostly inseparable. Well Kim, Gray and I, when mom was still alive.

I get home and all the lights were off. Dad must be working and Grayson must be partying somewhere with his friends. I enter the kitchen and after grabbing a bottle of water I went upstairs. The house was pretty dark and when I turned the lights from my room Grayson was lying on my bed.

"What the fuck." I whisper to myself putting the bottle in my nightstand.

I look at him, he looks so peaceful sleeping. He looks almost happy. Like he doesn't have anything to worry about. I sigh seating beside him, resting my hand on his head. After a while I just move to my desk and continue studying not wanting to disturb him.

"Where were you?" I hear his raspy voice from behind after studying for almost an hour or two.

"Out." I say still looking at my notes.

"I was waiting for you!" He says louder. He's still drunk or waisted, either way he sounded angry like always.

"Stop." I mutter passing my fingers through my hair.

"Ethan!" He shouts.


"Don't ignore me." He says and I hear his steps coming towards me.

I turn around to look at him but when I look back he was already beside me. He grabs my arm and pulls me up harshly.

"What are you doing?" I say pushing him.

"Don't ignore me." He says slapping me.

"Grayson!" I say pushing him against the wall, harder than I expected to.

He stares at me angry and pushes me back. I stumble on my feet and for my luck I landed on my bed. He starts walking my way furious. It's the first time I ever hit him back. Well push him back because I'm not capable of hurting him.

"I hate you!" He says getting on top of me.

"Get off me!" I say trying to grab his arm but he was quicker than me.

"Why did it took you so long to come back?" He says but now he was, crying? Or at least it looked like tears on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I ask frowning.

"I waited for you." He whispers. "Here on your room."

"I was with Kimberly." I say and somehow that made him sadder.

"Do you like her?" He ask frowning.


"Do you like Kimberly?"

"I don't know." I say trying to move but he was still pushing me against the bed. "She's just my-

But he stopped me before I could finish, kissing me once again. I wanted to stop him but I kissed him back just like the last time. He let's go of my hand and lays on top fo me with his ass on top of my dick.

"Don't." I say putting a finger on top of his lower lip.

"Why?" He asks lying beside me. "You liked it last time."

"You're my brother." I say staring at the ceiling. "And besides you're drunk." I whisper turning to look at him but he was already sleeping.

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