t w e l v e

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When Ethan opens his eyes, it took him a while to realize where he was. He move his head to the side and notices Kimberly sleeping beside him. That's when memories from last night come crashing to his mind and made him feel just as miserable as the night before.

Slowly, making sure he didn't wake her up, he got out of the bed, putting his shirt and shoes on. He made his way out of the house making his best not to wake anyone up, he only stumbled with a woman, who he assumed was Abbie's nurse.

He wasn't too thrilled about going back home, because there's a huge chance that Grayson may be there, and he clearly didn't wanted to see him. For his luck Grayson's car wasn't there, but that only made Ethan wonder where he could be this early in the morning.

He went inside, not too happy with the idea of seeing Grayson there later in the day, but it was his house after all and he had no other choice.

After showering and putting his uniform on, Ethan went to his car. He and Kimberly made their way to school, not saying a word. After Ethan showed up in her house she didn't ask any questions. She was just his shoulder to cry on and Ethan was really graceful for that, because he wasn't clearly going to explain to her that he was in love with his brother and that the reason why they are always fighting it's because of her.

"Ethan." She says while they sit in the parking lot in the school. "You should stay at home if you don't feel like being here."

"I'm fine." He says smiling.

"You're not." She says sighing. "And I don't know why and you don't have to tell me, but at least don't lie. You can admit that you're not okay."

"Well is not like is any of your business what's happening to me." Ethan murmurs getting out of the car.

"I get that you're mad, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it." Kimberly replies picking her bag and getting away from him.


Grayson sighs, taking a sit in the back of the room next to his friends. He wasn't in the mood for school but he had no other option because he has missed a lot of classes and is behind in everything. He doesn't have the best grades but he knows he couldn't make them worse.

"So she was all over me at the party." He heard his friend Mike saying to the other guys.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asks adjusting himself in the chair.

"Last night party." Said another of his friend named Alec. "You missed it, again. Where have you been this past week dude?" He asks giving him a small punch in the arm.

"You know how girlfriends are, always needy for attention." He says with a small laugh, making the others laugh too.

"There's going to be another one this Friday night. You should come and bring her too if you're not in the mood for cheating." He says with a wink and all of the guys laughed again, including Grayson.

"I'll think about it." He says right before the teacher began the lesson.

After class Grayson went with Katherine to eat lunch. He was trying his best to control his temper and be a better boyfriend. After all is not like he has Ethan anymore, and besides they weren't even that close anyways.

"Hey." Grayson murmurs putting his food in the table in front of him.

"Hey." She replies giving him a small peck on the lips.

"I wanted to thank you." Grayson says while observing his girlfriend eat a salad.

"For what." She says taking a sip of her water.

"For letting me stay in your house for a while." He says playing with his food.

"You can stay as long as you want." She says putting her hand on top of his thigh.

"I know." He says putting his hand on top of hers. "It's only for a few weeks, until everything at home gets better."

"Is it that bad with E and you?" She asks now looking at him with a frown. "You used to be inseparable."

"I know." He whispers, feeling some type of way.

Grayson stares at his girlfriend for a while, wondering why he had feelings for his brother when he had an amazing girl beside him. So he lean in and kissed her, trying to remember how it felt at the beginning of their relationship. He kissed her trying to feel what he felt every time he kisses his brother. And no matter how he kissed her, she will never replace Ethan or touch Grayson the way he used to.

Katherine pulls away smiling, "What was that for?"

"I can't kiss my girlfriend when I feel like kissing her?" He asks pulling her close to him.

"You can." She says resting her head on top of Grayson's shoulder. "It just took me by surprise."

Grayson places his chin on top of her head, caressing her arm gently with his fingers.

Ethan enter the cafeteria with a few of his friends, quickly noticing Kimberly eating in a table with her new friend. He hasn't talked to her since he accidentally treated her badly and even thought he feels guilty, he is in no rush to say sorry.

After paying for his food and taking a sit with the guys, he finally sees it. His brother holding someone else in his arms like he never felt something for him. Like he is the most honorable boyfriend when in reality he was far from being nice.

Grayson notices his brother's eyes on him but pretend he wasn't there. Ethan tried his best to control his feelings because after all he was his brother. And Grayson smiled while talking to Katherine, pretending he actually cared. Because deep down he knew how much he just wanted to leave her, just to be with his brother.

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