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I sat on my desk trying to concentrate on my work, but clearly that wasn't going too well. All I can think of is Grayson and that kiss. Maybe he doesn't remember. I mean he was pretty waisted that day and it could be possible. He hasn't said a word about it and I'm starting to feel a bit relief.

I hear my bedroom door opening and I sigh turning around and noticing that for the first time he doesn't seem wasted.

"Hey." He says sitting in the corner of my bed.

"What's up?" I ask turning my chair completely towards him.

"Not much." He says staring at the floor.

"Are you going out tonight?" I ask but he doesn't reply. "Kim is coming later." I say turning back to my desk since he was being weird.

"You're spending quite a lot of time with her lately." He says in a tone hard to describe.

"So?" I ask frowning. "We used to be best friends before."

He stays quiet once again. Why did he come here in the first place if he wasn't going to talk? I turn around to see him staring at me. He can't be mad, he used to be friends with her too and he liked her very well. Maybe too much though.

"What?" I ask exasperated.

"I remember." He says sighing.

"You remember what?" I ask sitting beside him.

"The kiss." He whispers like he was ashamed to say it too loud for the world to hear.


"I'm sorry." He says avoiding eye contact.

"About what?" I ask moving his face toward me with my fingers. "Kissing me or actually liking it?" I say looking at his lips.

He stares at my lips too, feeling the tension grow bigger by the second. I know he liked it, because I did and I know him better than I know myself.

"I did." He says defeated looking away once again. "That's the problem..." He whispers to himself. "I liked it a lot."

I stare at him. I didn't thought about this at all. I never considered being with my brother. He is my brother after all and that's against the rules but even though he made the move under the influence of alcohol and probably drugs, he wouldn't have done it if he hadn't though of it first. When he was on his clear mind. How long has he been hiding this feelings?

"Why did you kiss me Gray?" I ask walking away from him.

"I don't know?" He says staring at me.

"So you go kissing people whenever you're mad and drunk?" I ask crossing my arms. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I stated remembering Katherine.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"I am your brother, you can't go kissing your family members."

"I didn't mean to." He says standing up.

"But you did."

"I know!" He screams getting agitated. "Can you stop repeating that already!"

"You're the one that came to my room and mentioned the kiss."

"I'm leaving." He says going through the door.

"Fine!" I shout from my room. "But make sure to stay gone." I mutter more to myself than for him.


I go out the door to got visit Kimberly. She told me earlier that she didn't want to leave her mother alone so I offer to help.

On my way to her house I wonder what Grayson was up to. It's better this way, if she comes home there is a big chance of her meeting Grayson on a bad state. And I clearly don't want her in any danger. Grayson is capable of hitting her even though he doesn't mean to.

I knock on the door and after a few seconds she opens it with a huge smile.

"Hi!" She says hugging me.

"Hey there." I answer back going inside.

We walk to the living room and I see her mom lying on a wheelchair. She looks way older than the last time I saw her and that was only three years ago.

"Hi Mrs. Johnson." I say going near her.

"Oh I hi!" She says in a high voice. "I didn't know we were having a guess Kim! How rude of you from not telling me." She says with a smile.

"I told you mom." Kimberly says rubbing her mother's head.

"Now," she says pointing at me. "What's your name young man." She says with an innocent smile.

I stare at her for a moment. "I'm Ethan." I answer extending my hand.

"Is a pleasure to meet you Ethan!" She says kissing my hand.

"Will be right back." Kimberly says looking at me. "We're going to look for your food in the kitchen."

"Okay." She says with a giggle.

We enter the kitchen and I notice the mess on the table and counters. There are pills everywhere.

"She doesn't remember me?" I ask standing beside her.

"She forgets about me sometimes." She says with a smile but I notice the pain in her eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask her moving the hair from her face.

"Alzheimer's." She answers lowering her head.

"You aren't taking care of her alone right?" I ask worrying about her.

"No." She says cleaning the tears from her face. "The nurse is out buying more of her medicines and food." She says sighing.

"Why didn't you tell me before Kimberly?" I ask coming closer to her.

"I don't know." She whispers. "Is not like is the best way to start a conversation." She says laughing but a few tears escaped from her eyes.

"Come here." I say hugging her. "I'm going to help you take care of her."

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