33 Years

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I watched Link give Christy one last peck on the lips, as he hugged Lilly and Lincoln. He quickly gave Lando a kiss on the nose and walked with me to the car, his luggage trailing behind him.

"See you guys in a week! I'll call every night, I promise!" Link called.

"Pinky swear?" Lincoln asked, holding up his pinky.

"Pinky swear," Link assured him, throwing his bag into the back.

"Bye dad! Bye Uncle Rhett!" Lilly chimed, with a smile, missing a few baby teeth.

"Bye sweetheart," Link called.

"Bye kiddo," I said, climbing into the drivers side.

Link basically bounced in his seat like a little kid. As I slowly pulled away, Link's happy expression was replaced with a saddened one.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, locking eyes with him in the rearview mirror.

"You don't think they'll miss us too much, right?" Link asked, pulling on his sweatshirt sleeves.

"We're only gone a week, besides Christy and Jessie have eachother, right?" I said, tapping on the steering wheel.

Link just looked into his lap, his new haircut flopping over his eyes.

It reminded me of the old him. Before the haircut, during college, hell, he practically had that same haircut in the first grade.

I reached over and tussled his hair a bit. It flopped in his face, covering his forehead. It was little shorter than it was before, but it was similar.

He looked over at me, shooting me a grimace kind of smile. I could tell he was trying to fake it. I simply smiled back at him, turning the radio knob. He may have been faking it, but at least he was trying to be happy.

You said something wrong. He hates you.

"Link?" I asked.

"Mhmm?" he cooed, looking out the window.

I glanced over at him, regretting even saying anything.

"Nothing, sorry," I said, pulling into the airport parking lot. I shifted the gear shift, and grabbed my luggage.

We hurried through the check-in, and sat on the plane.

Link pulled his vlogging camera out, hitting the record button.

"On our way to North Carolina, you excited Rhett?" Link asked, never averting his eyes from the camera's lense.

"Yep!" I said, pulling out a pair of headphones.

Link's warm hand grasped onto mine. Holding it up into view of the camera.

"33 years!"

Can't Fall in Love With You ✧ RhinkWhere stories live. Discover now