How Are Things?

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I tapped my fingers against the side of my phone. Link wanted to do some last minute video thing of the neighborhood we used to live in. Since it was just us and no crew, we had to do all the recording and editing. Just like old times. I watched Link walk down the street, peering into the camera, making sure he was getting a good shot.

A couple walking their dog walked past me, staring at Link.

"We're, uh, recording something... For Youtube," I told them awkwardly.

"Huh, cool..." the man grumbled. He quickly walked away from the bench I was sitting on, his girlfriend and golden retriever trailing behind him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. My long fingers fumbled to grasp it, as I quickly hit answer.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey hun, sorry I missed your call this mornin'," Jessie's sweet southern voice cooed into the phone.

"'S okay. How were things last night?" I asked. I felt guilty about not calling, but it was practically midnight. The kids wouldn't have been up anyway.

"Good, the kids headed off to school already, I'm over at Christy's. I'm helping her co-teach the kids. Homeschooling 's pretty fun. Difficult, but fun," she said.

I smiled, imagining her and Christy trying to homeschool Link's kids, but end up messing around all day.

"Hey Rhett! I think we got the shot!" Link called to me.

"Okay, coming! Sorry Jessie, Link needs me. I call you later, okay? Have fun with the kids," I quickly said into the phone.

"Mkay, bye hun," she said.

"Love you baby, b-bye," I said, stuffing my phone into my back pocket.

I quickly shuffled over to Link.

"Okay, for the last shot, all we need is for you to walk down the street and then I'll work my editing magic," Link said excitedly. We did the same take a couple of times.

He would ask me to walk differently every time. Different pace, faster or slower, more at an angle, or straight on.

I walked down the street, similar to how I had the last fifteen times, but this time was different. Link's face brightened with a smile. I watched him set down the camera, hopping up and down happily.

"That was perfect!" he exclaimed. He ran over to me, attacking me with a hug. "I love you!" he said quickly.

I tried to hide the burning pink color in my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I love you too, Link," I mumbled into his ear.

He wasn't serious.

The words replayed in my mind. Each time the harsh phrase repeated, I took a stab to the heart.

He wasn't serious.

I slowly let go of Link. I patted his back, so he would release his grip on my shirt.

He looked up at me, adjusting his glasses.

I stared into his eyes, biting my lip so hard it almost blistered.

"Well, we should probably go back to the hotel to edit this..." Link said, swiping his hair up.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I was speechles. If he wasn't serious, then why did he linger so long on that hug?

"Sound good?" Link asked. I quickly nodded, following him to the rental car. Only three more days of North Carolina, and I can go back home.

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