Like Father Like Son

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I folded another one of Shepard's monster truck shirts, neatly placing it in the suitcase. Locke handed me another pile of clothes, while Shepard silently gathered his toys on the ground.

This was exhausting.

"Dad?" Locke whispered.


"Mom told me everything. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I figured you guys would be hurt... Sorry."

"It's okay," he mumbled, turning to grab another pile of clothes.

I sighed, folding another shirt.

"Where are we gon' stay?"

I paused. It dawned on me how awful it was that all these things were being thrown on a thirteen year old and a six year old. They're both too young.

"Link's place, for a while. Until we can find a new house."


Silence filled the air once more. I could hear Shep humming quietly, but it wasn't enough to drown out the thick sadness that hung in the room.

"Would you really put us in an orphanage?"

"No, Locke, I wouldn't ever consider doing that-"

"Would mom?"

I swallowed the gathering saliva in my mouth. I didn't know the answer.

I quietly sat down on Locke's twin bed, not saying anything.

"Did you spilt because of us?"

I picked at the skin surrounding my thumbs. My gold band glistened when the nightstand's lamp shone on it.

I carefully slipped the ring off, grabbing one of Locke's old dog tag necklaces he insisted on having. I took the tag off, replacing it with the ring.

I carefully slipped the chain over Locke's curly head.

"We didn't split because of you guys, we split because of us. We'll always be here with you, okay?" I assured him. I watched him slip the chain under his shirt, hiding the ring.


He ran into my arms, hugging me tightly. I already knew what it felt like to comfort someone when they're having family problems, I had to do it with Link. I just never thought I'd have to comfort my own kids for the same reason.

I gently kissed the top of his head, before returning to packing. We continued as if the conversation had never happened.

"Will we ever see mommy?" I heard Shepard croak out.

"Yeah bud, the lawyer said you're only allowed to come back over here every other weekend," I mumbled. I was emotionally drained at this point, but I had to stay strong for my kids.

A sudden hollow echo of knuckles rapping on the door rang through the room.

"Come in," I muttered, continuing the packing.

"How 'ya doing?" Jessie asked, entering the room.

"Fine," Locke mumbled, practically taking the words right out of my mouth.

I could tell Locke was getting upset, with both of us. I knew exactly how he felt. He felt worthless, disregarded, unwanted.

"Dinner is ready, so you-"

"Not hungry," Locke spat. Jessie looked towards me, wide eyed. I would usually tell him to watch his tone, but I don't blame him.

He deserves to be upset. He deserves to be pissed off right now, and I'm not going to stop him.

"Okay, come on Shep," Jessie said, holding the door open for him. Shepard got up from his spot, and scurried toward the kitchen.

Jessie shut the door behind her, leaving Locke and I alone to finish our packing.

"Wanna talk about it?" I whispered, sitting on the bed. I cleared a spot next to me, so he could sit.

He slouched down, hiding his face from me.

"It's not fair, this whole thing is just... It's just- I-it's bullshit!" he finally announced. He looked up at me, sighing, "Sorry."

He's regularly scolded for using that kind of language.

"No, you're right, it is bullshit..."

Locke stared at me in amazement.

"It's bullshit, and you're trapped in the middle of it. It's not fair to you, you don't deserve it, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you in this position, I'm sorry you're caught in the middle, and I'm sorry you're stuck," I rambled.

"It's okay," Locke mumbled, swinging his feet over the side of the bed.

I chuckled, standing back up to continue packing. "Don't repeat any of that, okay?"

Locke laughed along with me, "Okay."

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