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I twirled my ring around my finger, fumbling with a pen on my desk. I only had two more hours, then I could go home and stay there all weekend.

I realized I stopped enjoying the little things. I usually loved going to work, laughing in front of the camera, but it didn't feel the same. I was lying to the viewers. I was lying to my family, to my friends. I was lying about my life.

"Knock, knock! Can I come in?" Stevie poked her head through the door.

"Sure," I replied, scribbling on a notepad, so it looked like I was doing something.

She shut the door behind her, sitting down on the couch.

She looked at my hands, then my wrists.

"You got your ring back. I came in early this morning, and I saw you and Link's rings... Everything okay?" she asked.

Feeling self-conscious, I hid my hands in my pockets. "Yeah," I mumbled. "Everything is good."

"So, for next week episodes, I have some ideas." She does this every Friday. Comes in, gives the suggestions, Link and I approve them, then we go with it.

"Can I suggest one?" I blurted out. Stevie's eyes quickly fluttered up, meeting mine.

"Yeah, of course."

"Can we.... Explain... Never mind," I muttered, regretting ever bringing it up. I didn't even discuss this with Link. Or Jessie or Christy. We needed to talk about it first before letting our Mythical Beasts know.

"Are you sure, I can surely fit in anything you want," Stevie persisted.

"Yeah, it's fine."

Stevie listed off the usual. Game, list, game, questions, and finally, a taste test.

I kept tapping away, wanting it to be over.

How could something I once loved, be completely ruined for no reason?

Oh, you mean just like your marriage?

No, not like my marriage.

So, just like your kids?

I love my kids.

That's a lie you keep telling yourself, so you don't turn into your father.

It's not a lie.

You're just like your dad.

No, I'm not.

You're a worthless, no good, cold hearted-

Stop it.








I darted my eyes up, staring at Stevie. My ring finger was rubbed raw, due to the constant turning of my wedding ring.

My breathing was quickened, my forehead sweaty.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You look... Awful. Are you alright?" she asked, getting up from her seat. She walked over to my desk, gently brushing her fingers across my forehead.

I flinched at her touch, my heart beating out of my chest.

"You're really hot... And pale..." she mumbled, feeling my cheeks.

"'m pretty tired," I lied.

"You should go home... Your eyes are bloodshot, you just-"

"Stevie, I'm fine."

She jerked her hand away, stuffing it into her jacket pocket.

"Get some sleep," she said, shooting me a weak smile. She grabbed her clipboard, and walked out the door.

My whole life's a mess.

I'm a mess.

Okay, I really hate to write this, but it needs to be said. This is an update regarding the mass shootings in Orlando. First, the loved Christina Grimme was shot at a concert, and the next day the shootings with the LGTBQ community. My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those affected. This is definitely striking up controversy between religions, gun laws, and other's personal beliefs. I just wanted to let you all know that I love and accept each and every one of you, and if you'd like to talk I'm always here. I hope one day love wins the war against hate, and we can all learn to accept each other for who we are. Be strong, be safe, and be yourself. Love you all ❤️

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