I Didn't

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I nervously glanced around the crowded resturaunt, finally meeting Mike's deep brown, almond eyes. He waved us over to the table.

Link allowed me to sit closest to the booth wall, as he lowered himself next to me. Alex smiled from ear to ear, handing me a menu.

"I'm honored you chose us to go on a double date with," he said, taking a sip of his lemonade.

I let out a nervous laugh. I still couldn't stop thinking about this morning. I made a mistake. I should've just let him continue, and shut up.

You're a failure.

I know, don't remind me.

"Rhett?" Link asked. I glanced up, all eyes on me.

I looked up, meeting a girl's bright blue eyes, her brown curls surrounding her face.

"'M sorry?" I asked.

Jesus, can't you pay attention for more than five seconds?

"What would you like to drink, sir?" the girl asked, brushing a curl out of her face with the end of her pen.

"Uh, water... Water 's fine," I mumbled. She scribbled something down, before leaving the table with a smile.

I felt Link's lanky fingers wrap around mine.

"Yeah we had fun yesterday, my legs are sore though," I heard Link say, creating conversation. He glanced over at me, smiling softly.

"Wait, you guys didn't-" Mike began to ask, his jaw almost dragging on the table.

"No, no... I realize now that sounds awful, we went to a trampoline place with our kids, it was fun... Nothing-" Link rambled, carefully tracing his thumb over my wedding ring.

"You made it weird, Mike," Alex laughed, nudging the side of his boyfriend's shoulder.

I smiled weakly at the two, glancing back down at my hands intertwined with Link's. Link told me how he hated wearing his ring. I've noticed the comments talk about how Link will fumble with his ring when he's bored. I figure cause he wants it off.

Whenever we're in my office together, he takes it off. In between shots, he takes it off. Christy has been doing the same thing. So has Jessie. She left it on her bedside table this morning.

You don't belong to Jessie anymore. You're Link's.

I brushed Link's fingers away from my ring, pulling it off my finger. I stuffed it deep into my pocket, stretching my fingers.

It felt so weird, taking it off. It always felt like something was missing, cause it was, but it felt so freeing.

Make it up to Link.


You're his, and you denied him this morning. Fix it.

I carefully tapped Link's side.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, will you come with me?" I whispered into his ear. He nodded, excusing ourselves from the table.

Link led the way, pushing into the restroom. I checked to made sure no one was around, and locked the door behind me.

"Rhett, are you alright-"

I pushed Link against the wall, running my fingers through his hair. I pulled him closer to me, deepening our kiss. His lips synced with mine, before he pulled away, breaking the kiss.

He gently placed his hand against my cheek, caressing it carefully.

"Rhett, you don't want this. Do you?" he asked, a hint of sadness tugging at his voice.

"I do-"

"You don't want it, and I get it. It's too fast, I get it," he whispered, resting my chin in his hands.

My throat caught, my breaths shortening. A hot tear rolled down the side of my cheek. Link reached up, brushing it away with the edge of his thumb.

He stepped up on his tip-toes, placing his lips against my forehead.

I had no words to say.

You failed.

Link buried his head into my shoulder, hugging me tightly.

"I love you, so much," he cooed into my neck, his hot breath sending tingles down my spine.

I didn't fail.


Link loves me.

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