Ch 13: Date

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Lucy POV

I slept comfortably against something warm. I dreamed that Natsu and I were at a cafe and Natsu was acting like an adorable idiot. I fluttered my eyes open and realized I was snuggled up against Natsu's chest. His arms were tightly wrapped around me. I felt, safe. A throbbing headache found its way to my head all of a sudden. I groaned in pain. I turned scarlet as the memories of last night came rushing to me. But how did we get to my room? Last thing I remember we were at Mira's hou- Oh god I hope they didn't hear me. Natsu stirred in his sleep a little and his thumb began tracing patterns on my back.

"Luce?" I heard Natsu ask softly. I bit my lip. This is so embarrassing.

"Yah?" I asked nervously.

"Do you love me?" He asked in a faint voice. My heart started pounding at the sudden question. I didn't answer. I mean, what was I supposed to say? I didn't want to lose...but I didn't want to win either. "I love you" Natsu whispered into my ear. I felt my heart flutter but I still kept quiet. "Fine" he sighed. "You wanna go somewhere?"

"Like where?"

"I heard this carnival opened up not long ago, we can go there"

"You mean like a date?"


"I-I guess so" I was terrified of roller coasters but decided to just go with it for his sake, but I am not getting on those death traps.

"Great!" He grinned. His grin is so cute.

After about 5 more minutes of cuddling I got up and grabbed my clothes. I kicked Natsu out and changed. It took awhile to get him out. I changed into a pink crop top and white short shorts. I paired that along with some pink converse. My hair was in a high ponytail. I checked myself in the mirror, nice. I walked out of my room to see that Natsu was already changed. And he looked pretty hot. He was wearing black jeans with a red tank top that showed off his muscular arms. He must've gotten it from my big brother's clothes. He was leaning against a wall smiling at me.

"Ready to go? I've been waiting ages!" He joked.

"Shut up" I laughed and punched him in the arm. We talked on our way to the carnival joking about random things. I didn't even notice that we were holding hands until he we got there and he got out of the car letting go of my hand as he did. I got out, honestly I was exited right now. Really exited. But at the same time I was terrified, of the roller coasters. Who on earth would enjoy something so scary?

"Oh how about we get on that one first!" Natsu pointed at the biggest roller coaster there.

"How about we just play one of the games?" I whimpered nervously.

"Huh why? Wait, wait, don't tell me you're scared?"

"What!? Me!? Scared!? Hell no!"

"Ok then it shouldn't be a problem" he held my hand and dragged me over to the intimidating ride. I heard shrill screams coming from a zooming cart. I hugged Natsu tightly for comfort.

"Ok Ok I'm scared please don't make me get on that thing!" He hugged me back making me feel more secure.

"Tsk tsk, Lucy how could you be scared of riding this?" He asked referring to the roller coaster. "I mean, you don't look scared when you ride me" he whispered the last part in seductively my ear. I blushed madly.

"Idiot" I muttered.

"C'mon you don't need to be scared, I'll be there holding your hand the whole time. I won't let anything happen to you." His voice soothed me and calmed me down.

"Ok" I breathed. We waited a solid five minutes in line until we finally got to the front of the line. The worker made sure we were buckled up and I clutched Natsu's hand tightly. He gave me a reassuring smile and suddenly I felt calmed down. The ride began and choruses of screams were heard throughout all the loops and turns. I was scared but I knew I was gonna be fine with him there with me. As we rode the ride slowly grew more thrilling and fun. I'm glad he got me to ride it.

"Now wasn't that fun?" He questioned as we got off the ride.

"Yah I guess" he held my waist we walked along the pathway full of games and food stands.

"Now can we get some food I'm frickin hungry" I laughed at him.

"Ok" we stopped at a pretzel stand. I got a cinnamon pretzel and he got one with jalapeños and cheese. "Isn't that spicy?"

"Yah" he answered with a mouthful of pretzel. "I like my food spicy, want some?"

"No thanks" a while of munching and chewing asked until a certain question came up.

"Hey Luce so, about the game, day three right?"


"So you're not gonna say it?"

"I don't know"

Will Lucy ever confess?
Will they live happily ever after?
But more importantly, will there be more lemons coming up?
Find out on the nest chapter of Just a Game!
Hey minna! What's up! Sorry I took so long school's almost out so I've been busy trying to get my grades up...anyways I'll update soon! Bye Kawai Potatoes! Luv you guys!

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