Ch 21: New Me

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Lisanna POV

I sat in Natsu's car deep in my thoughts. Was I really about to apologize? I mean, it is the right thing to do. I glanced at Natsu. I am gonna be losing all that.

His sexy smile made my heart flutter his eyes were looking ahead and glimmered in the lights of the town. His strong arms deliciously perfect, they would hug me tightly, and his tasty luscious lips would graze on mine. Softly or roughly, I don't care, either way it full of passion.

I shook my head, no he was so miserable without Lucy. A pang of jealousy hit me. He was just at the tip of my fingers. But then again I have to understand that he isn't mine.

I remembered Natsu's words. There's someone out there for everyone, but what about me? All I ever wanted was him, how could I be happy with anyone else. I couldn't imagine life with anyone else. What if I was actually letting my true love slip through my fingers? Then I'd never be happy.

"Hey" a hand waved in front of my face taking me out of my daze. "We're here" I realized this and got out of his car, in no hurry at all. I was nervous, I was scared, and I was hesitating. I was handing something precious to me over to someone I barely knew, and hated.

"You okay?" His voice wasn't helping at all. It was making it a thousand times more difficult.

"Yeah" I breathed holding my hand up ready to ring the doorbell. Now that I notice it, she has a really nice house. Wait! What if he only loves her for her money! I can't give him away like that. Ugh, I need these paranoid thoughts to stop.

Finally my finger pushed the doorbell sounding of a muffled ring coming from inside the house. If me and Natsu are meant to be, then they're relationship won't work out, but if they are I guess I'll just have to accept that. Maybe I just haven't met my soul mate yet. I looked back at Natsu, shit why are you making this so complicated by smiling at me?

I heard footsteps coming from the other side and gulped. I really hope this goes well...

The door opened and Lucy peeked her head through.

"Hel- oh its you. What do you two want" I saw her roll her eyes at us but I wouldn't blame her. What I did was awful.

"Lucy" she seemed confused, probably because I called her by her name. "I came to tell you..." I looked at Natsu again and he gave me a thumbs up. "I'm sorry" Lucy raised an eyebrow at me in disbelief.

"Is this a joke?"

"No, really, I'm sorry. I shouldn't messed with your relationship. It was really selfish of me. I really hope you can forgive Natsu, it wasn't his fault. To be honest, you must be really important to him if he's gone this far to keep you." I laughed awkwardly looking at my feet expecting to get yelled at.

"Your right Lisanna, what you did was really selfish, but you know I can't just forgive you for that, it'll take time, but maybe someday I will. As for Natsu, I wanna talk to you." Natsu beamed at her.

"I'll make my way home then"

"But I was your ride" Natsu added

"No its cool I'll walk"

"You sure?"

"Yah" I strode off. I guess I'll have to start over now. New me. I wonder how life will be like now.

"Hey Lisanna!" Natsu yelled. "Thanks!" He flashed his wide grin at me. I did the right thing.

Lucy POV

Its sweet that she apologized and all but I'm just not ready to forgive her. I sighed as I closed the door behind Natsu and I.

"Lu-" Natsu was about to unravel a big apology and explanation but I just hugged him. That's all I wanted right now.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Natsu hugged me back.

"Oh hell no, I'm still pissed out at you, but we'll worry about that later." I heard him gulp, hd I just have one question"


"What is Lisanna to you? Be honest."

"Lisanna? She's a childhood friend. Maybe somewhere in the past I had feelings for her, but not anymore. I do regret a lot of things though... but I promise you're all that matters now"



We both sat down on the couch cuddled for hours. His warmth was so comforting. Eventually we both fell asleep. I didn't tell him about my past with Sting, I didn't want anymore pity. He'll probably find out, someday. I faintly smiled, no more worries, for now. It was me and him, and that's how I want to keep it. I really did love this stupid idiot. To think, this whole relationship started out, with just a game.

I'm getting emotional you guys. I don't know why. I just am :'). That's it, the end. First book I finished. More soon to come so stay tuned! LOVE YOU GUYS! SEE YOU SOON KAWAI POTATOES!

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