Ch: 17 No Hope!?

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Lucy POV

I ran away from them. I ran and ran and ran. I didn't want to see anyone right now. My friends called to check up on me, I didn't answer. I just texted them I was fine. But I'm not fine, I hate myself for trusting that idiot. I knew it was a bad idea from the start yet, I still told him. Tears spilled from my eyes like never ending rivers as I arrived to a parking lot. I sat at a corner and couldn't help but sob out loud. I never cried so hard. The last time I cried like this was when my mother died.

"Hey there angel, you ok?" I just hugged my knees tighter. I already knew who it was, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I just didn't want to see anyone. I felt him sit next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"That asshole is retarded, I mean who would treat a girl like you that way?" I couldn't help it anymore, I cried on his shoulder. He hugged me tight, like Natsu would, but it just wasn't. As much as I hated it, I wanted to see him again. I did love him. I guess this is what I get foe falling in love with a fuckboy.

"Sting I'm sorry, sorry that I didn't wait for you like I was supposed to, sorry that I traded you" I sobbed out.

"Its ok, I already forgave you" I stayed like that for a while, crying my eyes out in Sting's arms. I couldn't lie, it was comforting.

"Want me to drive you to your place?" I silently nodded not wanting to cry out loud again. I suddenly felt my body being carried bridal style by Sting. I wrapped my arms around him and continued my cries.

Sting POV

I never knew it would be so easy, I really need to thank Lisanna. Now my precious Lucy is with me, who she's supposed to be with. Everything is right with the world. Now if I could just get her to feel better, then I'll have to punish her for betraying me. Don't think that you're fully off the hook yet my love.

Natsu POV

I didn't know what was wrong. I felt like was in a dream, but more like a nightmare. I didn't have any control over myself. Like I was in a trance. Once I saw Lucy I wanted to go hug her and be happy with her. Lisanna said I was her boyfriend, what!? Hell no! I couldn't take over myself and next thing you know Luce ran off crying. NO! LUCY COME BACK! Instead of shouting that out I continued to be with Lisanna. What's wrong with me? Please tell me this is all a bad dream. Please, please, please. I want my Luce back, safe and sound in my arms. I miss her.

Lisanna POV

This plan was working out so flawlessly. Just a few more cookies and everything will be permanent. Natsu will be with me forever. The drug dealer said, one cookie every hour for five hours should for the trick. It was about to be hour four. Since school already ended a few hours ago, I decided to go to park. We could dot there and talk for hours. Maybe even get to watch the sun set. This is gonna be so much fun!

"Hey Natsu sweety, you want another cookie?" It was hour four, just one more hour! YAYYY!

We talked and talked about our future. I couldn't imagine my future with anyone else except Natsu! We covered the subject about our child's names and what type of house we wanted. All while I was happily snuggling in his arms. I almoat forgot we were a few minutes away from hour five. Time to take out the cookies.

Natsu POV

I was talking to Lisanna but all I wanted was to be with Lucy right now. I wonder where she is right now, I hope she's ok. My gaze shifted to the cars in the distance passing by. All of the passangers seemed to be having a great day. Lucky them. A certain car grabbed my attention. I saw Lucy. I smiled cause I knew she was ok, but then I realized, none of her friends have that type of car. I saw the driver, Sting. That mother fucker better get away from MY LUCY before I murder someone. O was about to chase after it when Lisanna offered me another cookie. I had to admit, they were pretty good, bit something about them was off. I bit into it. I got a rush of thoughts, I felt my body being taken over. I no longer held control.

Lisanna, Lisanna, Lisanna. I. Love. Lisanna.

Has Natsu finally cracked?
What is Sting planning for Lucy?
Has Natsu actually fallen in love with Lisanna?
Find out on the next chapter of Just a Game!
Hi Minna! How are you guys? Cause I'm going great! I'll update soon! So until then, SEE YAH KAWAI POTATOES! LUV YOU ALL! <3

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