Ch 16: The Mastermind

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Narrarator POV

Natsu and Lucy were cuddled against eachother while lying on the bed. Natsu held her tightly never wanting to wake up. Lucy had just confessed, the game was over, everything was perfect. They couldn't be happier. Little did they know a certain someone was plotting in the shadows.

Lisanna POV

Ugh, I need to get rid of this bitch. She's getting her hands all over my Natsu, she better back off. Natsu is mine, and I don't like sharing. I had to be smart about this, think everything out. If I get everything right, then Natsu and I will have our happily ever after while that bitch rots in hell where she can from.

My plan? Well I'm gonna drug him. One simple kiss in front of that hoe with Natsu and it'll all be over. Then she'll go running to my partner in crime, Sting. Sting will 'comfort her' while I get my Natsu, perfect. I'm such a genius.

Once I picked up the right drug from my personal drug dealer on Sunday afternoon I headed home to set everything up.

At home I baked a batch of cookies. Natsu's favorite cookies, chocolate chip. All the regular ingredients, flour, sugar, drugs that will make Natsu act delirious and follow my every command, the usual. I'm not crazy.

I picked out my clothes, something appealing. I went with a tight blue crop top and a white mini skirt. Inspecting myself in the mirror smiled and packed my bags for tomorrow.

Monday, and today's my day. I confidently waltzed into the school building. Somewhere along the rode I met up with my sister. I 'accidentally' led the way to Natsu's locker. Right on timing too, the whore had just walked away to meet up with her whore friends. Followed by my sister, I walked up to Natsu.

"Hey Natsu" I grinned at him.

"What do you want Lisanna?" he asked rather rudely. She brain
washed him. That's the only explanation. I held out the plastic bag, softly handing it to him.

"I made cookies at home and had some to spare, so I thought you would want them since they're you're favorite." He has to take them, he doesn't want to hurt my feeling in frontof Mira, since he's scared of her.

"Uh, sure" he shrugged and took my hand out. He walked to class while munching on one. It wouldn't be long until the drug starts taking effect, it wouldn't be long until Natsu was mine.

Before I knew it, it was lunch, right now the drug should be fully cooperating and I can take action. Before Natsu could leave class to catch up with Lucy I rushed to him.

"Natsu!" I called. He immediately turned to me with pink cheeks.

"Hey Lisanna" he smiled. I could see his eyes scanning every inch of me. I could see the pation burning up in his eyes. I practically already won.

"Wanna eat with me at lunch?" I casually squeased my breasts together with my shoulders. I smirked when I saw him notice and he gulped.

"Sure" he answered nonchalantly. We walked together to the lunch tables as I clung to his arm.

"Natsu?" I heard that slut's voice and sneered. Time to rip everything apart. No one wins against Lisanna Strauss. I turned to see her with a confused look on her face. Hurt was traced in her shit colored eyes.

"What do want sweety? Can't you see I'm trying to enjoy lunch with my boyfriend"

I enjoyed watching her teary eyes form and her lip quiver. I could tell how hard she was trying to hold back the tears. Man, do I love my schemes.

"N-natsu is this true?" She asked him. He stared at her for a few seconds, as if trying to fight something. At that moment I felt a small strike of panic, what if of didn't work? He then shut his eyes, when he opened them back up he was giving her an ice cold stare.

"Sure is, see ya around, Lucy" he faced me and then suddenly crashed his lips with mine, which I happily obliged, but not before seeing that on tear drip onto the floor and she then ran off. All the doubt i had faded away. Now she was Sting's problem. Not mine. Bye bye bitch.

After that, I had the most fun with Natsu than I've ever had in my life. We flirted and talked and joked around. I adored every second of it. I adored him. I made sure to keep supplying with cookies, I didn't want any 'incidents' to happen. Finally, I can be happy, because Natsu finally belongs to me.

What will Lucy do?
Has Lisanna's plan actually worked?
Will our nalu ever get back together?
Find out next time on just a Game!
HELLO MINNA! I pulled an all-nighter writing this. I got to watch the sunrise! I hope you like it cause I need a nap. I really wanted to have the chapter out for my imouto-chan cause I told her I could. Love you imouto-chan! <3 Love you all! SEE YOU SOON KAWAI POTATOES! <3

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