Ch 19: I Trusted You

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Natsu POV

"GET OFF OF HER!" He had his hands all over her. Touching her, covering up my marks. He was trying to fuck her. Trying to fuck MY Luce. MINE.

I threw him down on the floor making sure Lucy was completely out of his reach. He was shot me a confused look.

"Natsu! Get out!" I turned and gave her a stone cold stare.

"No. We'll talk later."

I faced Sting with pure rage. He only smirked. How dare he? Who the fuck does he think he is? I gave him a hard kick in the chest throwing him back. I violently grabbed his colar and slammed him into the wall multiple times before being satisfied with a painful groan that came out of his mouth.

"Next time-" I kneed him in the balls and he cringed in the pain."-you touch" I punched him in the stomach making him cough up blood. It sputtered from his mouth in small bright red rivers. "-MY LUCE again" I smashed his head against the wall but I stopped when I heard the wall crack. I don't wanna damage Lucy's place, I'm just being curtious. "I'm gonna cut off your hands, chop them into little pieces, and force you. To. Eat. Them" I took his hands and crushed them in mine until I heard him whimper. "You got it!?" He didn't reply. "I SAID YOU GOT IT!?" I slammed him against the wall again. He could only silently nod. "GET YOUR ASS OUT THEN!" before he could move I threw him out the front door and shut it. "NEVER COME BACK!"

"Sting!" Lucy ran past me, a pang of jealousy hit my heart hearing his name come out her mouth instead of mine. I snatched her wrist and pulled her body up against mine leaving no space in between us. She tried avoiding eye contact with me but I just pulled her chin up to see me. Her eyes still shifted away from mine

"You. Dont. Care. About. Him."

"Let me go!" She screamed.


Her eyes watered as they finally met mine. My face softened when I saw her hurt expression.

"Please, just let me go" Lucy sobbed. It broke my heart. She was just unraveling in front of me. And it was all my fault. I hugged her tight and she cried harder. "I-I trusted you, I really did." She sniffled. "Why?"

"Luce, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. Please don't cry, I can't stand seeing you cry. Lisanna drugged me, I couldn't control myself. I feel terrible. I'm so sorry"

"I don't believe you" she pushed me away and looked me dead in the eyes.

"That's really what happened!" She turned away from me.

"Even if it is true, does that mean that all you need is a few drinks and drugs to turn on me? Is it that easy? Natsu Dragneel, I'm sorry but, I don't want to see you, I don't want to know you, don't want you involved in my life at all. Please get the fuck out and don't come back you jerk"

"Luce, I'm not leaving. I'm sorry ok, I hate myself for it too! I'm an asshole! I know I made a mistake!"

"But please. . . you can't do this to me. . . I-I really do love you, just trust me" Tears slipped from my cheeks. My voice cracked, unlike my heart which was completely shattered. She was my everything. I loved her. Why didn't I try harder.

"My trust is something you earn, not something you ask for"

"Sorry. . ."

"Get out"

"No Luce!"

"If you don't get out, I'll call the police"

"Luce. . ." She pointed to the door and I sighed in disappointment. "I'll be back"

Lucy POV

I heard the door shut and froze for a moment. No matter how much I wanted to keep it in and bottle it up, I couldn't. I was just a mess of confused emotions. Why didn't I just listen to myself? If I did I wouldn't be like this right now. Like I was that last time. Like I was with Sting.

I loved Sting, and he seemed to love me too. The night I gave my virginity to him was one of the best nights of my life. I felt like he was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I was so happy. I trusted him so easily, as I look back at it now I just remember how stupid I was.

When I went to visit him the next day, the door was open. He lived alone because his parents weren't really the friendliest people so they just payed his rent in order for him to get out of the house. I knew he was home since one of the lights were on, so I guessed he must've been asleep. I decided I would give him a surprise. I just wasn't ready for what I saw.

When I peeked through the door, I saw he was on top of another girl. The girl had short white hair, she is an extremely close look alike to Lisanna, it kind of makes me uneasy.

He was kissing her and touching her. I was so upset. I didn't call him out on it, I just left. That was the last time I cried this much. That was the last time I felt this much pain, but this time it somehow just feels worse. Moving to a school actually had some part to do with getting away from him.

He attended my recent private school and I saw him every once in a while. When I moved schools it was perfect because I could use that to get away from him. I just didn't want to tell him about what I saw, a part of me still loved him. I tried to act like everything was fine, but it wasn't. When he came here for me, I guess I kind of forgave him. He was still probably with some other girl though. It sucked knowing that.

Then I go making the same mistake again. Will I ever learn? I'm not really sure. I spent the night crying my eyes out because I knew that I still want Natsu back.

How will things fix themselves?
Will Lucy ever trust Natsu again?
Where is Sting and Lisanna?
Find out next time on Just a Game!
Hey minna! I seriously went over my word limit. Oh well. How've you guys been? I'm getting closer to 100 followers and I'm super psyched about that. Anyways I love you guys! SEE YOU SOON KAWAI POTATOES!

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